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not_so_insig 15-02-2018 11:18 PM

Not that I can think of. I am not feeling like harming myself so I suppose that's something.

Sketchy 15-02-2018 11:21 PM

Maybe you can plan something nice to do for tomorrow or the next day. A day of pampering or things you enjoy?

not_so_insig 15-02-2018 11:25 PM

I have my mum all day so it's impossible for me to do that but thanks for the suggestion.

Sketchy 15-02-2018 11:27 PM

Maybe you and your mum can do something nice.

You up to much now? I’m just watching some dvds before I go to bed.

not_so_insig 15-02-2018 11:28 PM

I am watching tv and waiting for the washing machine to finish.

I watched a dvd last night.

Sketchy 15-02-2018 11:33 PM

Hope there is something good on tv.

not_so_insig 15-02-2018 11:39 PM

Nothing much so I was watching a recording.

Ahimsa 16-02-2018 12:23 AM

I need a distraction!

Shy_Bambi 16-02-2018 12:36 PM

Hi all. I hope everyone is okay. It's really sunny today but I'm staying in my room. What's everyone up to?

Cacoethes 16-02-2018 12:58 PM

Not going to be around much this week but hello everyone!
I'm going to go into the city with my dad's gf and have a bit of a girly day before going to see dad again.
Should be nice!

Pomegranate 16-02-2018 01:11 PM

Hello everyone. Hope you’re ok Ahimsa.

That should be nice Beckie. Hope your dad is better today.

Cacoethes 16-02-2018 01:16 PM

Thank Emma :)

Pomegranate 16-02-2018 01:30 PM

I’m so bored! Want to go somewhere! Anywhere lol. Think I’ve been starved of adult conversation the last few days. Saw my friend briefly Tuesday but otherwise I’ve just been at work or by myself since last Friday!

Shy_Bambi 16-02-2018 01:36 PM

Sounds like a good day out, have fun Beckie!

nonperson 16-02-2018 02:17 PM

I think I should start work at 11:45 every day.

Pomegranate 16-02-2018 02:18 PM

11.45 is a very civilised time to start work!

nonperson 16-02-2018 02:21 PM

It is. And then it’s only 1 hour 15 mins until lunch and then the afternoon always goes quick.

I don’t think I have enough holiday to only work half days forever though.

Cacoethes 16-02-2018 03:00 PM

That sounds like a good day of work to me!

Im really early so had a maccy D's.
Sitting on a step watchig the famous Norwich puppet man. Who just waves a sock puppet about all day.
Very obviously mentally ill but it makes him happy!

Ahimsa 16-02-2018 03:34 PM

I'm just at work.

Shy_Bambi 16-02-2018 04:21 PM

I'm at home in my room playing Zelda and eating cookies xD

Pomegranate 16-02-2018 04:22 PM

How’s work?

Bless the puppet man of Norwich!

Buttons. 16-02-2018 04:23 PM

Aw that's sweet Beckie.

Hope work is going okay Ahimsa.

Cookies <3 what kind?

Ahimsa 16-02-2018 05:26 PM

Work - boring, dragging, only an hour and a half left.

How are you all?

Cpt_Stunning 16-02-2018 05:32 PM

OK, just got home from work

Shy_Bambi 16-02-2018 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Buttons. (Post 4158855)

Cookies <3 what kind?

Maryland chocolate chip cookies :3

Eska 16-02-2018 07:27 PM

I just finished work... looking forward to being home.

Buttons. 16-02-2018 07:40 PM

Sounds yummy Rebecca :)

Glad you can go home and relax Eska :) how was your day at work?

I've just finished some supernoodles and am watching a history programme on Julius Ceaser because I am just that cool :P My dog is currently refusing to look at me because I wouldn't share said supernoodles with her :P

Pomegranate 16-02-2018 07:43 PM

That does sound cool Buttons!

I’m just having a cigarette and then leaving for dinner and drinks with my friends :-)

Buttons. 16-02-2018 07:47 PM

Glad I'm not alone Pomegranate!

Hope you enjoy your dinner with your friends, are you going anywhere particular or just deciding as and when?

Ahimsa 16-02-2018 07:55 PM

What are you all up to tonight?

Sketchy 16-02-2018 08:01 PM

Hey all. How is everyone?

zombiehunter 16-02-2018 08:06 PM


Sketchy 16-02-2018 08:10 PM


zombiehunter 16-02-2018 08:10 PM

and how the **** are ya sketchbook??

Sketchy 16-02-2018 08:16 PM

I’m ok thanks. You?

zombiehunter 16-02-2018 08:18 PM

yep all good here, been up to much today??

Sketchy 16-02-2018 08:19 PM

Nothing exciting. Been a bit lazy today. Went to Tesco. Oh the excitement!
You been up to much?

zombiehunter 16-02-2018 08:22 PM

I went to the sorting office to pick up my parcel and sorted my grannys shopping and I put up my new tent in the living room to see how it looks.

it looks cool :-D

Shy_Bambi 16-02-2018 08:33 PM

My mum's gone down the fish and chip shop, hope she brings me back some!!

Sketchy 16-02-2018 08:37 PM

That’s great about your tent. When will you get to use it? You are so kind to your granny.

Hey Rebecca. I hope you get something from the chippy.

zombiehunter 16-02-2018 08:49 PM

mmmmmmmm chips

I don't know when I will get to use it sketchbook maybe in march if I get on the trip that weekend

chinahorse 16-02-2018 08:51 PM

Evening all :)

Aubergine 16-02-2018 09:00 PM

Heya. :)

Sketchy 16-02-2018 09:03 PM

Hey Lillie. Hey Aubergine.

chinahorse 16-02-2018 09:08 PM

How're you guys? Got good weekend plans?

Aubergine 16-02-2018 09:11 PM

Hey Lorraine and Lillie. :)

How's it going?

I'm seeing a friend for coffee tomorrow and then having another friend over for Chinese in the evening. :)

zombiehunter 16-02-2018 09:11 PM

volunteer training dy out on the hills tommoro during the day then home changed freshened up and off out to meet my friends for food then to a metal club night thingy oh and I will take a fish supper round to my wee granny at some point too

Aubergine 16-02-2018 09:17 PM

Sounds fun, Zombie!

Sketchy 16-02-2018 09:31 PM

Sounds good zombie.

I have no idea what I’m doing this weekend. Tonight I’m taking it easy.

Ahimsa 16-02-2018 11:02 PM

I'm just working this weekend,
Saturday 8:30-12:30, 3-10
Sunday 8:30-12:30, 6-12

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