Yay for hair washing, boo for work!! |
All stuff that needs doing.
Hope you have a good lesson beckie. And do you science test *prods* Oh no emma, one of you silly long shifts again? |
Still impressed you did it though lol. I have loads that needs doing and I ignore :-p
Yep. Working until 2pm tomorrow |
And I will do my test soon. Just building up to it! Im the same as Emma, loads that needs doing and ignore it all! That sucks Emma! :( |
How do you do such long shifts?! It'd end me.
The middle bit is a ‘sleep in’ from 10pm. So we get woken up if they have any problems but usually manage some sleep. Start ‘waking shift’ at 6.30am tomorrow :-(
Was impossible on quitiepine but ok now on aripiprazole
Do you get woken up often?
I once did an early shift then slept at work and went back for a night shift. That was tough. |
Not too often. Maybe a couple of times. Usually get to bed about 1.30am
That is quite late!
My laptop is open! |
I have some news. The council have finally emptied my bin this morning. Huzzah!
Yay Dawn :-)
Well done Beckie! |
Its so sad when opening a laptop is an achievement XD
Thanks Emma. I was worried that they might miss my bin as it wasn't with the others (and Thursday is my bin collection day) because other people were dumping rubbish by my bin. But because it has an assisted collection sticker on it they collected it. It knackered me out moving it back so I was going to move it tonight as I thought they would empty it tomorrow.
Glad they finally collected it.
Bin drama is the worst! |
I have a cat on me.
I’m on the train on my way to work. Cat sounds better option :-p
Hope work goes ok Emma.
Hope work is ok!!
I want an animal on my lap! Preferably a dog. I'm more of a dog person |
My mum has just bought a Great Dane puppy to go with their labradoodle and cocker spaniel. They have a farm though.
The fam has a tri colour collie pupper She is adorable |
Those dogs all sound wonderful <3
I'm on my way to the gym... will hopefully have more energy than I did yesterday! |
Hi everyone.
I also have a cat on me. I’m only working half days for the rest of the week so I can look after him after his hernia operation. |
Have fun! Everyone seems very productive today!
All dogs are wonderful.
Well done for going to the gym eska! Hey nonperson! Thats good you get to look after him. I've not been productive at all :p It's pouring down! Driving lesson in about an hour. Not driven in rain before! |
I am not very productive as I am just watching tv.
I wasn’t very productive at work but did do the washing up when I got home.
Can’t move now so it’s going to be an unproductive afternoon =P |
So half of us have been productive and half unproductive :p
Thanks Beckie! I hope the lesson goes well. Experience of driving in the rain is definitely a good thing to have.
I hope your cat recovers quickly nonperson. How are you, Emma? |
My cat has jumped off me now.
I had a very unproductive morning too. Hopefully will get more done this afternoon, as well as the gym I need to pick up a couple of gifts for the boyfriend.
Aw no, Dawn, that's a shame. Still hopefully you will get more kitty snuggles soon.
I am watching my cat using the puzzle feeder. It took her 10 mins of staring at it to work it out yesterday. She's intelligent.
I’m watching Winter Olympics. Figure skating, not really my thing but was watching doubles luge earlier. Now that’s a totally weird but fascinating sport!
I can't find anything to watch on tv!
Science test Beckie! :-p
I can't find it online!
I think somethng has gone wrong on moodle because it won't let me access the test. I've asked on the college group chat, nothing I can do until I get a reply! |
Haha ok, I’ll let you off then!
I'm just hoping that something has gone wrong and I can't do the test.
Buys me a bit more time to not do anything :p |
Lol! I’m still on my way into work. Bored!
That sounds like a long journey!
Two hours when I get a lift to the station :-(
Wow! That is seriously long!
Hey all.
I’m just back home after staying over at my sister’s. Drinking Fanta sugar free. Yum. |
Hi Lorraine!
Fanta is nice! |
I haven’t had Fanta in ages. A nice treat. A change from my usual diet irn bru.
What are you up to Beckie? |
Hey Aubergine. What are you up to?
How is everyone? |
I've just been to my mindfulness course. It was good, even if I did cry! Now I am sitting on my bed until my water heats up so I can wash up ready for my friend coming for dinner later. :)
How are you? |
I’m sorry it made you cry, but maybe that was a good thing. A cry can make you feel good. I hope you have fun with your friend.
I’m ok. I’m in the mood to do some charcoal drawings. Might dig out my supplies and see if I need to get new supplies. I’m going to the art shop tomorrow. I love going there. |
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