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Cacoethes 30-04-2023 04:11 PM

Clothes shopping is a nightmare atm!
I've been looking for tops and they're all frickin crop tops!

That's what most people are saying!

I don't have any strong feelings about it and probably won't end up watching for ages after it gets on streaming services!

nonperson 30-04-2023 04:14 PM

Someone is hammering outside.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 04:15 PM

How irritating!

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 04:45 PM

I hope you find your perfect pair of shoes, NP. Someone from the previous gym group wanted an automatic car with a certain colour of blue and I thought that might be too specific and she'd have to compromise but nope, she quickly found exactly what she wanted. The perfect pair of shoes are out there for you!

Hope you're ok, Dawn. Will you be able to sleep tonight after your long sleep?

Hammering outside should have a time limit to when it's allowed to happen that everyone agrees on.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 04:46 PM

I keep looking at cars even though i don't even have a provisional yet!

It should.

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 04:47 PM

Beckie, how long do your vans last? Lio converted me to boot-wearing for work dresses but the ones I bought are a bit flimsy so something a bit more long-lived may be on the horizon!

Np, you could show us which ones you're looking at and we will advise! Who better to advise on trainers than a bunch of crazy folk on the web :P

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4348257)
I hope you find your perfect pair of shoes, NP. Someone from the previous gym group wanted an automatic car with a certain colour of blue and I thought that might be too specific and she'd have to compromise but nope, she quickly found exactly what she wanted. The perfect pair of shoes are out there for you!

Hope you're ok, Dawn. Will you be able to sleep tonight after your long sleep?

Hammering outside should have a time limit to when it's allowed to happen that everyone agrees on.

One time me Lio and Finn tried to make a wheelchair ramp for my house and we did a lot of unsociable hammering =S

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 04:50 PM

Do you have a dream car, Beckie? You're allowed to look.

I personally will let you away with that unsociable hammering only because I didn't hear it! (was the attempted wheelchair ramp a success?)

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 04:51 PM

They lasted about a year and a half.
Bearing in mind that I walk A LOT and am running around constantly at work!

I don't have a particular car in mind.
Just vibes

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 04:52 PM

When i come to actually buying a car, i won't go on just vibes though XD

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 04:55 PM

Vibes are also important though!

I want some chocolate.

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4348262)
I personally will let you away with that unsociable hammering only because I didn't hear it! (was the attempted wheelchair ramp a success?)

Oh my days it did not. If you add me on messenger I'll send you the hilarious mpg of me testing it out :P


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4348263)
They lasted about a year and a half.
Bearing in mind that I walk A LOT and am running around constantly at work!

I don't have a particular car in mind.
Just vibes

Hmm, maybe worth a look then. Also I assume I would automatically be cool if I owned them?

Also strongly approve of doing things based on vibes tbh.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 05:01 PM

Oh yeah. Anyone who wears vans is cool!
And you can get so many cool ones!
Mine have little embroidered wild flowers on them.

I do most things in my life based on vibes
It doesn't always serve me well :tongue2:

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 05:01 PM

Also go have some chocolate Lindsay!

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 05:04 PM

Yes i agree!

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 05:04 PM

Will you PM me a link to your messenger, Jenna? Your real attributes are still a mystery to me! Unfortunately I have no chocolate but will get some tomorrow if I make it to Tesco. You're cool enough Jenna you would be radiating cool-ness if you got Vans I think. Although I've never owned a pair of vans, you are all making me want some.

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 05:08 PM

Oh no. Vans are expensive even on Sports Direct!

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 05:11 PM

I am so cold.

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 05:14 PM

I bought my dream car this year, I LOVE it! :) (after 10 years of driving, my first car was definitely not it!)

I'm home from The Outside, I did ALL the outside things today so now I dont have to do ANY tomorrow :)

Zurg 30-04-2023 05:15 PM

Come chill in my livingroom, Lindsay. It feels like i'm in the tropics….

nonperson 30-04-2023 05:15 PM

I've seen those wildflower Vans, Beckie!

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 05:17 PM

First cars are rarely dream cars. I'm glad you have yours now, Ahimsa. :-D That's so good getting all the outside things done today. Yay for an inside day tomorrow. Do you have a lot to do inside though?

NP, I just saw on Fb Very British Problems a post saying 'the neighbour's not hammering any more today, thank goodness. They've switched to drilling.' Is this true for you?

*starts walking to Kat's place*

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 05:18 PM

I have a fair amount of inside things to do, yes :(

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 05:19 PM

That's a shame. I hope you can do some nice things too.

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 05:20 PM


This is the car and colour I have :)

one_step_closer 30-04-2023 05:21 PM

Oh wow, that's beautiful!

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 05:22 PM

Oh my, that's a beautiful car Beth! Love the colour!

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 05:22 PM

Isn't it! Mine is called Freddy because my numberplate ends FDY. He's SO beautiful!

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 05:22 PM

Omg that colour! <3

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 05:24 PM

Everyone at work is like "I'm assuming the purple car in the car park is yours? :whistling:" because it matches my life.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 05:25 PM

Have you heard of that person who literally doesn't own anything that's not purple??
Or is that you? XD

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 05:26 PM

Assume it's Beth at this point

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 05:29 PM

It is me.

One of my best friends, shes a yoga teacher and I went to her class, we were like "OMG WE'RE BOTH PURPLE!" and now 8 years later we do shows together and go dancing together! She's 60 (I'm 29) and her kids are my age! People think I'm her daughter, when we're out!

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 05:34 PM

Hey Tash :)

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 05:35 PM

That sounds awesome!

I am having an ok sunday!
Its dragged though!

nonperson 30-04-2023 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4348276)
NP, I just saw on Fb Very British Problems a post saying 'the neighbour's not hammering any more today, thank goodness. They've switched to drilling.' Is this true for you?

No it's still mostly hammering. Maybe tomorrow will be drilling. I love VBP.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 05:38 PM

This thread is popping off this evening!

not_so_insig 30-04-2023 05:48 PM

It sure is Beckie.

In answer to your question Lindsay yes I will sleep tonight. Unless I am highly unwell I fall asleep easily. But saying that I don't normally go to bed before midnight.

not_so_insig 30-04-2023 06:06 PM

My 2 rl friends are both in their sixties. They're old enough to be my mum. I am older than some of their kids.

tamobhuuta 30-04-2023 06:12 PM

Hey guys. Lots of posts today, I can't read them all! I hope everyone is OK. Mass was a bit stressful but basically ok.

Ahimsa 30-04-2023 06:19 PM

naptime for me

tamobhuuta 30-04-2023 06:27 PM

Enjoy your nap Ahimsa :)

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 06:30 PM

My irl friends are a mix of ages! Young people at work, older people at classes, and people my age.

Glad mass was somewhat ok tamo

Have a nice nap!

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 07:15 PM

Glad mass was basically OK tamo!
I am 5 minutes into a 13 minute wait for a metro. Miss London a lot rn, we would not stand for this on the Victoria line!

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 07:15 PM

People should send me high quality content to entertain me at this difficult time.

nonperson 30-04-2023 07:20 PM

I don't have high quality entertainment content at this time but I do have a PM for you.

Cacoethes 30-04-2023 07:22 PM

It'll be worth it jenna!

Now you've specifically requested high quality content, i can not think of anything!
I am unable to bring the bants!

Pi.R^2 30-04-2023 07:27 PM

Lol, ‘unable to bring the bants’
I’ll just get back to reading my book about periods then! Might finally get it finished :P

Ooh, we just went underground!

nonperson 30-04-2023 07:28 PM

I think what we need is a new thread and/or poll similar to the dump/tip thread.

nonperson 30-04-2023 07:29 PM

Also! Eater of Purple People is reading this thread (hello!) and I fear for Ahimsa's safety!

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