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[Luna] 19-08-2021 06:50 PM

Evening NP, how are you?

nonperson 19-08-2021 07:01 PM

Hey Luna.

Had a knackering day but I feel oddly cheerful right now o.O

How're you?

[Luna] 19-08-2021 07:11 PM

That's good. What did you get up to?
I'm okay thanks. You got much planned for this evening?

nonperson 19-08-2021 07:30 PM

Just work - mostly moving a lot of plants around and organising/tidying which is always a good feeling.

Glad you're ok. =)

Nope, just a load of tv for me this evening, currently Big Bang Theory. How about you?

[Luna] 19-08-2021 07:32 PM

Sounds great. Glad it makes you feel good, that's really positive.

Just chilling and watching TV.

nonperson 19-08-2021 07:39 PM

That's what evenings should be for in my opinion!

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 09:35 AM

Morning everyone!

[Luna] 20-08-2021 09:38 AM

Morning Beckie, how are you?

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 10:15 AM

I'm ok thanks!

How are you?

[Luna] 20-08-2021 10:27 AM

I'm okay, what are you up to? Got much planned for today?

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 10:31 AM

Not much really.
Need to go to asda at some point and I'm doing some washing but that's about it!
Oh and I need to take the bin and recycling out.

How about you?

[Luna] 20-08-2021 10:54 AM

Hope you manage to get that done. How's work going?
I'm currently watching Hamilton and doing work stuff.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 11:00 AM

Work is good! Apart from the extreme pain I get in my feet from it. I'm hoping my feet will get used to it!

I've never seen Hamilton. I've heard it's good though!

[Luna] 20-08-2021 11:16 AM

Yeah Hamilton is awesome. Highly recommend.

Ouch, makes sense that it would be hard on the feet. Fingers crossed it doesn't last too long.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 11:32 AM

I'll have to give it a watch!

Thanks. I seem to remember with my last job the pain disappeared after a while so hopefully it will go away!

tamobhuuta 20-08-2021 12:22 PM

Hi people.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 12:29 PM

Hi tamo
How are you?

nonperson 20-08-2021 01:08 PM

Get some squishy insoles, Beckie!

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 01:15 PM

Yes I will have to do that!
I get paid next week so I'll buy some then!

How are you np?

nonperson 20-08-2021 01:25 PM

They do help.

I'm ok, lunch time isn't long enough and wishing it was home time though.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 01:36 PM

That's fair.
When do you finish today?

nonperson 20-08-2021 03:16 PM

4:30, supposedly. Depends if I get done what I need/want to get done. =P

Having a 5 minute sit down because I've run out of steam.

[Luna] 20-08-2021 03:30 PM

Hope the rest of your shift goes by smoothly and you're able to get some rest

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 03:46 PM

Hope you can get home soon np!

[Luna] 20-08-2021 04:41 PM

Does it seem wierdly dark outside today? Like it's winter.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 04:59 PM

It's quite sunny here!
But I can feel winter approaching!

[Luna] 20-08-2021 05:01 PM

Urgh. Not looking forward to the winter times.
It's very dark and overcast here. Meh.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 05:09 PM

Neither am I.

My phone is warning of thunderstorms which is interesting!

nonperson 20-08-2021 05:30 PM

I'm home!

It's been quite overcast all day here too. It's gone a weird dark now like it's going to rain.

I got thunderstorm warnings as well, for tomorrow I think?

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 05:42 PM


Yeah tomorrow.
Hopefully not while I'm walking to work!

I've changed my bedsheets. One of the worst jobs ever!
I have nice clean PJs to put on and I'm going to shower tonight too. Super clean!

nonperson 20-08-2021 05:44 PM

That's almost too much clean to cope with.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 05:47 PM

I know!
I don't know if my body will cope! XD

nonperson 20-08-2021 06:06 PM

Let's hope there's no adverse reaction!

not_so_insig 20-08-2021 06:24 PM

It's overcast here too.

Evening all.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 06:27 PM

I hope not np! :tongue2:

Hi dawn

nonperson 20-08-2021 07:12 PM

Evening Dawn.

Overcast is nice.

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 07:24 PM

What's everyone up to this evening?

nonperson 20-08-2021 07:33 PM

Making some weird mishmash disaster of a dinner and watching tv. You?

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 07:41 PM

What's your weird dinner?

I'm just watching TV.
Already showered etc.

nonperson 20-08-2021 08:31 PM

Jacket potato, broccoli, runner beans, cheese sauce... which isn't too weird? but I really wanted Southern fried nuggets so had some of those too. Not a bad dinner from scrounging around the kitchen.

You're all organised and sorted then. =) What's on TV?

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 08:34 PM

That sounds like a good dinner!

I'm currently watching QI.
What are you watching?

nonperson 20-08-2021 08:38 PM

I think in my head it sounded weirder but actually tasted pretty good!

Star Trek Voyager =P

Cacoethes 20-08-2021 08:44 PM


STILL need to watch that! :tongue2:

[Luna] 20-08-2021 08:59 PM

Hey again.

nonperson 21-08-2021 10:25 AM

Morning all!

How's everyone doing?

Cacoethes 21-08-2021 10:32 AM

You beat me to it this morning np :tongue2:

I'm good
How are you?

nonperson 21-08-2021 11:22 AM

Sorry =P Could have done it at 6:30 but that was far too early.

I'm ok. Productive morning... Was awake stupidly early so I've been out and done my food shop (and learnt that it pays to go in the morning when my favourite rice cakes are not out of stock) and have sorted out new car insurance... Need to ring and cancel the old policy now though... =| and do some other life admin but that should be easy.

Unintentional essay there, apologies.

Are you working today?

Cacoethes 21-08-2021 11:30 AM

Well done for being so productive!
Must feel good to get stuff sorted!

Yep I am. 6-close
I hope it's not too busy!
But it probably will be :/
I need to go to asda too.

nonperson 21-08-2021 11:50 AM

It does feel good to get stuff done, I'm bloody tired now though. -.-

I hope it's not too bad even if it is busy.

Eep, go get Asda out of the way.

Cacoethes 21-08-2021 11:58 AM

I bet!

Thanks! It's kind of nice when it's busy because time goes faster but it's also very hectic!

I'll go after border force :tongue2:

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