I liked quorn mince when I was veggie
I'll try and catch it on pick tomorrow! |
Morning! It’s your first day today right?
Yep! But not until 6pm!
I'm working 6-close. Which is 11pm So I have time to get a couple of things done today. How are you Lio? |
Morning lovelies
Morning Luna! :)
How are you? |
Not feeling too great physically.
How are you guys? |
Sorry to hear that
Hope you feel better soon! I'm good thanks! |
Thanks love.
What are you up to today? |
I need to drop off a form at the gp surgery and go to the job centre. Fun times!
And I've got work at 6 which I am very excited about! How about you? |
Hope it all goes smoothly.
Congrats on the job! Where you working? |
Thank you!
It's at a pub! I'll be bar staff/waiting staff |
Ah nice! I hope it goes well and you enjoy it!
Thank you :-D
Good luck Cacoethes.
I just rewatced Cruella. |
Thank you!
I still need to watch it! Is it good? |
Good luck with the shift, Beckie! You'll be fine. =)
It's great, the costumes are brilliant. I'm inspired by it, Making the Cut and Vogue to do my own ideas. It would be great to see if they work in real life but I don't have the skills.
Cruella is soooo good. I was plesantly suprised when I watched it.
Morning everyone <3
How are you np? |
Hey Beckie.
I'm... ok. Got dog sitting duties today so that'll keep me busy. How was work? =) |
Morning guys
Dog sitting sounds fun NP. What kind of dog is it? |
Oooh doggie!!!
Hope it goes ok Dogs are the best Work was absolutely mental! Today's shift should be quieter (i hope!) Morning Luna How are you? |
Dogs suck, cats rule.
Hey Luna. She's a crazy beagle. =) It will be fun, I need some dog therapy right now.
Mental in a good way, I hope! How many shifts a week do you have? |
Tamo...! =X
I like both. I like spending time with dogs but I do not miss having one in the house making mess (says the person who regularly has to clean up bits of animals that her cat has brought in... o.O) Dog walking makes me less anxious being outside too. There are pros and cons of each. |
Dogs smell and try to lick your face and jump up at you and need walking. I don't want a pet who's as needy as me.
I'm more of a cat person but I like most dogs too.
Well done for getting through shift Beckie!! |
I don't like the face licking either but that only happens if you put your face in the way! And I can't smell so that's no bother for me, haha.
I like to think of a person/dog relationship as needing each other. |
Someone I used to know had a Jack Russell who would be in your face as soon as you sat down around it. She would never do anything to get the dog off you either. I hated that.
Oh inconsiderate dog owners are the worst. >=(
One of my mum's dogs jumps up. And she's a giant schnauzer so she could probably knock you over if you're not prepared! She also sits on you as soon as you sit on the kitchen sofa!
Thanks guys! It was a good mental! I've ordered a budget fitbit type thing to track my steps because I was all over the place! I don't know how many shifts a week I'm doing. I'm doing 25 hours a week and I don't think there is any pattern to the shifts. |
What really amazes me Beckie is that your family have a kitchen sofa :laugh:
We have an armchair in our kitchen / dining room. But we can't use it as a chair because it's covered in rubbish.
I've always lived in places with tiny kitchens haha
Yeah it's a huge kitchen! Huge house really! And it's a much better sofa than the one I have in my living room!!! |
Sounds nice! I would love a sofa in the kitchen. Much more than the foot stall I have to sit on when I'm making wax melts.
That doesn't sound comfortable!
It's not.
So, what are you up to today before your shift? When is your shift? Are anyone else's posts doing this wierd space thing? |
I need to pop to Asda.
My shift starts at 3pm. Also need to get cash out because I am definitely getting a cab back tonight! The walk last night was torture! And scary because I had to walk in the pitch black with very little lighting. Especially down a very long alleyway :ermm: What are you up to today? |
Oh yeah, that's not safe! Glad you're getting a cab this time.
Not sure yet to be honest. The day seems to be getting away from me. |
It shouldn't be too expensive either because it's literally like a less than 10 minute drive. But 30-40 minute walk!
It's ok to have a chilled day! |
Belatedly laughing at kitchen sofa here XD
Haha! :tongue2:
Been to asda. It was very frustrating with people walking incredibly slowly and groups of people chatting in the middle of the aisles :plain: |
Ugh, people. Supermarkets are back to being social places again now I suppose!
Yep! It's highly annoying!
I'm going to go a little bit earlier tonight, I hope it's not busy =|
Fingers crossed for you np!
I'm on my break. Been on the bar for the first time! Lots to learn! The first pint I pulled was so rubbish XD |
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