It is quite interesting!
Loki is sooo good! Can't wait for season 2! |
Oh Christopher Eccleston is in this!
Does that mean it's just got a whole lot better?
Oh yes!
He doesn't play a big part but I suspect he will soon |
I just had mac and cheese made from scratch. Was so yummy.
Mmm mac and cheese.
I've just spent the last few hours rescuing a duckling that the cat bought in and taking it to a wildlife hospital because it was bleeding. =( Got lost on the way and the road was closed at both ends so nearly had a breakdown but we got there eventually. Only just having dinner...! |
Well done for rescuing the duckling sorry you had a traumatic time getting there.
I can find out in a couple of days how he's doing.
Fingers crossed that he survives.
Awww well done for rescuing it np!
I hope it's ok!. I inexplicably woke up at 7:30am so I've already been to asda and taken out the recycling and rubbish |
Hi Cacoethes. Well done on jobs! Do you have any more plans?
Thank you!
No more plans. Just ordered a new passport too. And cancelled my old one. I bet my old one will turn up now! How are you tamo? Have you got any plans for today? |
Morning all. I am very sneezy today idk why. Maybe it's something to do with pollen though according to the met Office it's low today.
I hope you're not coming down with something insig.
I have my clozapine clinic at lunchtime. |
Yes I hope so too as I was very ill last week. I once caught a cold in the middle of summer so since then anything is possible.
What's everyone having for lunch?
I had an sandwich.
Cool :)
Britain have won an bronze medal in team dressage
Hurray for GB!
I had leftover pasta. |
Nice :)
I have so many bin bags of clothes to get rid of! I've just done a massive sort out of everything! |
Well done for sorting stuff out Beckie
Thanks Dawn :)
I might have someone coming to pick up 3 of the bags of clothes. I hope they do! |
That's a lot of clothes!
There's soooo much to get rid of!
It's all stuff that doesn't fit or stuff I don't like! I'm not left with very many clothes so a shopping spree is needed! I just don't know how I'm going to get rid of it all! I can't carry it all to charity shops! |
I would say sell it on ebay or Facebook but unless they're local to you you would have to cart it to the post office. Also you could try womens refuges or homeless shelters if it's a substantial amount of clothes they might pick it up.
There's waaaay too much of it to post! Would cost me a fortune!
We're talking 5+ bin bags full! Women's refuges or homeless shelters is a good call though! I'll ask around! |
I hope that you find a solution Beckie.
Thanks Dawn :)
What have you been up to today? |
Nothing much just watched some dressage and a programme that I had recorded. Also had a shower but didn't wash my hair and did some laundry.
Sounds like an ok day to me!
Yes and my parents are coming to see me later. I also slept very well last night. My sneezing fit has stopped.
I hope I get my fudge tomorrow as it's been sent yesterday. According to Lorraine Scottish tablet is very nice.
Scottish tablet is delicious!
One of my favourites! |
I got it from the place you recommended Beckie. Along with strawberries and cream plus cherry bakewell.
The strawberries and cream one was so good.
I opened the Scottish tablet yesterday! |
I hope you enjoy them Dawn!
Yummy! |
It's a bit crumbly though, the Scottish tablet. I make a right mess eating it.
So do I XD
Oh good, glad it's not just my ineptitude.
I'm cold. =o Kinda like it. |
Better to be cold than hot!
I'm rather warm because I've been running around sorting things out! |
Definitely. I've got the back door and some windows open and there's a nice cool breeze coming in. Forgot what it feels like.
D'you want to come and sort my house out when you've finished yours? |
Due another heat wave in August apparently D:
Haha! I am on somewhat of a roll at the moment! Under stairs cupboard next week! This will be the real challenge! It's so deep and the door is like ¾ of my height so I'll be crouching and cleaning! It'll be good to get it done though! Edit: oooh torrential rain! |
Nooo, stop saying that!
My understairs cupboard is awful too and huge and goes round a corner so I'm not entirely sure what is really in there any more! I could stand up inside it though, or might if it wasn't so cobwebby. |
I'm sorry!!!
I think understairs cupboards are, as a rule, awful to clean! Everything just kind of gets chucked in there! I wish I could stand up in mine! Would make it so much easier! |
I want an under stairs cupboard now :(
They are overrated!
Though I guess they are handy for hiding things in |
Yeah, I need somewhere to hide all the bodies, the back garden is getting rather full.
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