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tamobhuuta 25-04-2021 10:32 AM

Sending you love and cuddles.

Cacoethes 25-04-2021 10:46 AM

Thanks tamo <3

Have you got much planned for today?

tamobhuuta 25-04-2021 11:02 AM

Not really. If the weather stays nice my sister can come sit in the garden. And maybe after that more Once Upon a Time with L.

Anything going on with you?

Cacoethes 25-04-2021 12:41 PM

Sounds good!

Nothing going on here. My washing is in the dryer and I've just had a tuna salad for lunch

nonperson 25-04-2021 12:58 PM

Hey all.

I've mowed the lawn for the first time this year and am now shattered...

There's a crazy chicken somewhere outside too clucking really loudly. It won't stop!

Hope the weather holds out for you Tamo. The sun is nice but the wind is really cold.

Sorry things are a bit rubbish at the moment, Beckie =(

Cacoethes 25-04-2021 01:03 PM

Hi np!

Well done for mowing the lawn!

That sounds highly annoying

Thanks <3

nonperson 25-04-2021 01:16 PM

Serves me right for leaving the first mow to the end of April... I should do all the edges too but don't really want to now. And I changed into shorts because I got so hot but now I'm too cold. And I need to do laundry. *whine*

Crazy chicken has stopped now thankfully.

Cacoethes 25-04-2021 02:30 PM

Ugh! I need to collect my laundry actually


tamobhuuta 25-04-2021 07:52 PM

How were your afternoons?
My sister did visit :) then I watched lots of TV.

nonperson 25-04-2021 07:57 PM

Good to hear you had a nice afternoon. =)

I fell asleep for a bit and then laid in unproductive silence for a while but did eventually put laundry on and did some long overdue pruning in the garden. Dinner's in the oven now.

shadow-light 25-04-2021 08:07 PM

how is everyone?

tamobhuuta 25-04-2021 08:32 PM

I'm ok, off to bed! Sweet dreams everyone.

nonperson 25-04-2021 08:49 PM

Sleep well, tamo.

Hey Hazel. How're you?

I'm trying to chill before the start of a new week... =/

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 09:37 AM

Morning guys

shadow-light 26-04-2021 10:13 AM

morning all

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 10:13 AM

Morning Hazel
How are you?

shadow-light 26-04-2021 10:37 AM

honestly? stressed... I can't miss anymore college so this evening I have to leave the village on my own for the first time since before christmas, and I can't use my PRN as if I do I cant drive :laugh: AND I have to drive a car I'm not used to as mine is dead

but, for now I am just trying not to think about that :laugh:

How are you doing?

tamobhuuta 26-04-2021 11:11 AM

Hey guys :)

That sounds very stressful shadow.

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 11:44 AM

That sounds incredibly stressful Hazel!
I hope it's not as bad as you think.

Hi tamo
How are you?

tamobhuuta 26-04-2021 12:05 PM

I am ok. I've got a phone call with my CPN at half past. You doing ok?

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 12:20 PM

That's good

Not really but I'll be fine. Usually am!
Lunch time soon

tamobhuuta 26-04-2021 12:29 PM

I hope there's something nice...

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 12:48 PM

I had my usual chicken mayo sandwich!

tamobhuuta 26-04-2021 12:57 PM

Ew. That would be ew even if I ate meat.

shadow-light 26-04-2021 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by tamobhuuta (Post 4298641)
Ew. That would be ew even if I ate meat.

I've thought that every time chicken mayo is mentioned 🤣 just does not sound at all appealing to me

not_so_insig 26-04-2021 02:11 PM

Afternoon all.

tamobhuuta Doctors isn't on next Monday. I think next Monday is a bank holiday. I am not sure yet if Doctors will be on all of next week or not and I will report back tomorrow.

tamobhuuta 26-04-2021 02:28 PM

Thanks for the headsup insig! How's your day?

not_so_insig 26-04-2021 02:43 PM

I am ok thanks. I had a letter from the council though which has confused me.

tamobhuuta 26-04-2021 03:19 PM

Can we help?

not_so_insig 26-04-2021 03:58 PM

Nah it's ok.

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 05:08 PM

I've just napped for a few hours.
Probably the olanzapine

nonperson 26-04-2021 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by shadow-light (Post 4298642)
I've thought that every time chicken mayo is mentioned 🤣 just does not sound at all appealing to me

I'd eat chicken mayo!

But I'd eat anything with mayo... >.>

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 06:37 PM

Mayo is so good!

nonperson 26-04-2021 06:47 PM

It really is. Not the low fat stuff though.

I'm sadly having to ration my mayo this week because I didn't buy more and have less less in the jar than I thought!

Although I think running out of mayo would be a good motivator for a mid-week trip to the shop which, as everyone probably knows, is not something that usually happens =P

Cacoethes 26-04-2021 09:16 PM

Oh no! Disaster!

Is it much busier mid week?

shadow-light 27-04-2021 09:42 AM

I've also had confusing council letters... maybe it's the week for them

in my case had 2 council tax letters, both dated the same, and both saying that I owe different amounts of money

Cacoethes 27-04-2021 10:15 AM

How odd!

tamobhuuta 27-04-2021 10:48 AM

I get benefits letters and they always confuse me.

I've got an x-ray later, please wish me bravery.

Cacoethes 27-04-2021 10:57 AM

I HATE benefits letters.
Those brown envelopes make me panic!

Good luck with your x ray! I'm sure it will be fine

shadow-light 27-04-2021 11:03 AM

they are not even always brown envelopes any more... they are getting sneeky with white envelopes

Cacoethes 27-04-2021 11:05 AM

Oh no! That's just going to make me panic at ALL post!

shadow-light 27-04-2021 11:12 AM

ah, sorry... if it helps you can usually tell by the return address before opening

but ye, all post and phonecalls scare me at the moment so can fully relate.

Cacoethes 27-04-2021 11:28 AM

Not your fault don't worry! It's THEIR fault!

I hate phone calls too.
Had to answer one from the doctors this morning

tamobhuuta 27-04-2021 12:04 PM

I was really brave yesterday and had a phone call with a GP.

Cacoethes 27-04-2021 12:06 PM

That's good tamo :)

shadow-light 27-04-2021 12:31 PM

the absolute worst thing (ok maybe not the worst but one of the worst personally) of the last year is that everything is now phoneall based so I'm getting several "have to answer" calls a week

not_so_insig 27-04-2021 01:51 PM

Afternoon all. I am waiting for my tesco shopping order.

not_so_insig 27-04-2021 04:44 PM

Well my tesco shopping order came so I have lots of yummy things. Plus lemonade. I am like Beckie with her diet coke addiction but with lemonade instead.

shadow-light 27-04-2021 05:34 PM

i used to be similar with irn-bru, but now my addiction item is ginger beer... mainly as cheep irn-bru isnt great but cheap ginger beer is still good :P

tamobhuuta 27-04-2021 05:49 PM

I LOVE ginger beer. I also like dandelion and burdock.

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