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Cacoethes 01-03-2021 09:29 PM

So far its been homework, Jeremy kyle (shows the age of this episode!) And not sure what the next one is yet!

nonperson 01-03-2021 09:34 PM

Homework isn't surprising, neither is Jeremy Kyle!

Cacoethes 01-03-2021 09:41 PM

That's what I thought
I kind of miss Jeremy Kyle though. It was so ridiculous!

The other thing going into room 101 was Robert Webb's bald patch. Then he put Russell crowe into room 101 because he won

nonperson 01-03-2021 09:47 PM

I never really watched Jeremy Kyle.

Hm interesting last choices there!

Cacoethes 01-03-2021 09:49 PM

I didn't watch it religiously but if it was on I'd watch it

QI is on now. I love QI

nonperson 01-03-2021 09:54 PM

Haven't watched that for ages either!

QI is up there with the best.

Oooh there's a new Taskmaster series starting soon

Cacoethes 01-03-2021 09:55 PM

It is!
I watch it regularly

I wonder who's in it?!

nonperson 01-03-2021 09:56 PM

All people I don't know except for Lee Mack.

Cacoethes 01-03-2021 10:00 PM

Yep I've just checked and I only know Lee Mack too!

nonperson 01-03-2021 10:04 PM

Not sure what to think about Lee Mack...

Cacoethes 01-03-2021 10:05 PM

Me neither.
He can be funny in Would I Lie To You but can also be not funny
And I'm not a fan of his sitcom series

nonperson 01-03-2021 10:09 PM

He seems really false sometimes, like he's trying too hard and thinks he's really funny and its not! But sometimes he can be! It's probably Would I Lie To You that I've seen him in most.

I'm predicting I'll find him annoying on Taskmaster.

Cacoethes 01-03-2021 10:11 PM

I know what you mean
I've only really seen him in that too

Yeah same.
I hope he proves me wrong!

nonperson 01-03-2021 10:16 PM

Yup, or maybe the others will all be amazing.

Cacoethes 01-03-2021 10:29 PM

I hope so! I'll have to do some research on them tomorrow!

I'm going to (attempt) sleep now.
Good night! Sleep well!

nonperson 01-03-2021 10:45 PM

Same. I've just crawled into bed. Night night.

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 11:30 AM

Morning everyone

not_so_insig 02-03-2021 11:47 AM

Hello Beckie how are you? I have a busy day today with both amazon and tesco shopping order coming

tamobhuuta 02-03-2021 12:03 PM

Hiya. I'm having a cup of tea. Just a normal day ahead of me.

not_so_insig 02-03-2021 12:12 PM

My amazon order has come. So has my flea spray which was only posted yesterday 2nd class. Now to get tesco out of the way but that's not due until later.

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 12:14 PM

I'm ok thanks Dawn

That's good!

I have my depot today

not_so_insig 02-03-2021 12:18 PM

Glad you're ok Beckie. Hope your depot goes ok. I am scared of needles are you?

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 12:28 PM

Thank you
No I'm fine with needles.
They don't bother me at all
Do you dread having your depot then?

not_so_insig 02-03-2021 12:31 PM

I am a lot better than what I used to be as I have been on a depot for nearly 10 years now. But sometimes I go light headed and nearly faint. It's worse when I go for my annual blood test.

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 12:32 PM

Sounds really stressful

not_so_insig 02-03-2021 12:34 PM

It's not too bad. The benefits outweigh the negatives of ne being scared. I have a lot of furniture in my living room so if I did faint I could give myself a head injury.

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 12:36 PM

That's true.

not_so_insig 02-03-2021 03:26 PM

My tesco order has come! Only 1 substitution. I have Easter eggs.

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 03:30 PM


My cpn came to my house so I've had my depot.
Glad I didn't have to do that walk today!

not_so_insig 02-03-2021 03:39 PM

That's good Beckie that you didn't have to do the walk. How is the weather there? It's cold but sunny here.

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 03:58 PM

It's a bit chilly and cloudy here
It's meant to rain tomorrow

tamobhuuta 02-03-2021 05:04 PM

It's finally sunshine now. I'm going for a walk with my brother.

Also my sister had to fill my week's dosette box because I have been too spasmy.

Cacoethes that's good.

Easter eggs!!

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 05:29 PM

Hope you enjoy your walk tamo

nonperson 02-03-2021 07:05 PM

Mmm Easter eggs.

I'm shattered. x.x

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 07:17 PM

Early night for you then?

nonperson 02-03-2021 07:26 PM

For definite an early night.

Busy day at work, think I'm going to ache tomorrow as well.

How're you?

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 07:30 PM

Aching sucks.
Hope you're not too sore tomorrow!

I'm ok thanks.
Just watching taskmaster

nonperson 02-03-2021 08:05 PM

Ah good stuff. I've just demolished dinner, will watch some Hollyoaks crap and then maybe an episode of Flash Forward before bed.

Cacoethes 02-03-2021 08:18 PM

Sounds good!

not_so_insig 03-03-2021 12:38 PM

Quiet again! Hello all.

Cacoethes 03-03-2021 12:51 PM

Hi Dawn
How are you?

not_so_insig 03-03-2021 01:15 PM

I am ok thanks Beckie. Washed my hair. How are you?

Cacoethes 03-03-2021 01:27 PM

That's good :)
I'm ok thanks.
Been to asda and watching TV now

not_so_insig 03-03-2021 02:25 PM

What are you watching Beckie?

Cacoethes 03-03-2021 02:40 PM

Police force Australia.
How about you?

tamobhuuta 03-03-2021 03:41 PM

Hi everyone. I'm hoping to go to the corner shop to buy sweeties.

Cacoethes 03-03-2021 04:25 PM

What kind of sweeties are you going to get tamo?

tamobhuuta 03-03-2021 05:37 PM

None :( they all had gelatin. How are you?

Cacoethes 03-03-2021 05:45 PM

Ah that sucks :(

I'm ok thanks

nonperson 03-03-2021 06:23 PM

Y'ello all.

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