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nonperson 15-02-2021 11:13 AM


Cacoethes 15-02-2021 11:22 AM


nonperson 15-02-2021 11:31 AM

I hope it arrives by lunchtime so I can be hyped up on sugar for the afternoon. =)

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 11:37 AM

It comes with royal mail doesn't it?

tamobhuuta 15-02-2021 12:04 PM

Hi guys. Amazing news on the fudge!

I feel woozy when I stand up.

nonperson 15-02-2021 12:33 PM

Yup, Royal Mail says it should be with me between 10:19 and 14:19.

Don't stand up, Tamo. =/

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 12:35 PM

Hopefully you'll get it soon!

Probably best to stay sitting then tamo!

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 02:14 PM

Have you taken some pain relief for your headache Beckie?

Fudge!!!!!! I'm waiting on a delivery from Sports Direct which is boring compared to fudge. I did get Daim bars in the post though.

I hope you're ok Tamo.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 02:15 PM

Yes I have :)

Daim bars are yummy!
What are you getting from sports direct?

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 02:16 PM

Just slippers and gloves. Very boring.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 02:18 PM

Not that boring!
I don't wear slippers personally but they look comfy!

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 02:19 PM

My feet are freezing in this weather, even though I wear normal socks and thermal socks inside the house and outside. I'd rather not wear slippers.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 02:21 PM

Wow it must be cold there!

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 02:22 PM

Maybe I'm just a wimp when it comes to cold weather!

nonperson 15-02-2021 02:27 PM

Could be a circulation thing? I always wear slippers in the house. My feet get too cold with hard floors. I need new slippers actually, mine have worn through.

Fudge has arrived and OMG it is good. Tried the Scottish tablet and I think I actually made a very loud MMMMMMMMM noise.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 02:27 PM

I don't think so. I know it gets very cold up where you are!

Ninja post np!

I'm glad you like the fudge!

nonperson 15-02-2021 02:37 PM

Excellent recommendation, Beckie. =)

And I'm sure my friend will like it too as that was really the whole point of buying some in the first place.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 02:42 PM

I was starting to get worried that you'd hate it!

Hopefully your friend will like it :)

not_so_insig 15-02-2021 03:16 PM

I had a lot of post today. 4 letters. One was Lorraine's birthday card as I like to get things early plus her birthday being in December it's an expensive time of year. I am on the lookout for a 60th birthday card for my other friend.

nonperson 15-02-2021 04:11 PM

I mean I did only go on your sole recommendation for the fudge but that was better than the other random places I found online which would have been total pot luck as to whether they were any good or not!

That's very organised, Dawn. 10 months in advance. =o

I also had some birthday cards arrive today for people and they got wedged under my door when I opened it so I couldn't get in!

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 04:24 PM

I've saved my assignment page to a folder.
That's enough work for today :p

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 04:26 PM

You should have got some fudge to motivate you Beckie.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 04:30 PM

I should have!

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 04:37 PM

Get a tasty treat tomorrow and set a goal for your coursework and then you can eat your treat.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 04:44 PM

Good plan!

not_so_insig 15-02-2021 04:54 PM

My postcard to Germany has arrived.

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 05:26 PM

Have you received any postcards recently?

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 05:46 PM

That's good Dawn.

I've just changed my bed sheets
I hate doing it so much but I will have clean sheets, clean PJs and I'll shower tonight too.

not_so_insig 15-02-2021 05:52 PM

Lindsay I received one last week from Russia.

not_so_insig 15-02-2021 05:55 PM

Who is having pancakes tomorrow?

nonperson 15-02-2021 06:23 PM

Not tomorrow but maybe at the weekend.

Don't know if this is the place to ask this but has anyone heard from Soft Kitty or Lillie recently?

one_step_closer 15-02-2021 06:29 PM

I haven't heard from either of them. Hope they're ok.

Well done for having everything fresh and clean Beckie.

I probably won't have pancakes.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 06:40 PM

I haven't heard from them directly but Lillie has posted on IG recently

Thanks lindsay :)

I won't have pancakes either

tamobhuuta 15-02-2021 06:50 PM

I hope my mum will make pancakes.

My sister's Christmas present arrived today.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 06:52 PM

For last Christmas or this Christmas?

not_so_insig 15-02-2021 07:03 PM

I havent heard from either Lillie or Soft Kitty and I am not friends with either of them on Facebook.

tamobhuuta 15-02-2021 07:14 PM

Last Christmas.

I just spasmed and fell down the stairs :(

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 07:16 PM

Hi MusicTherapy!

Oh no tamo! Are you OK?

tamobhuuta 15-02-2021 07:31 PM

Yeah I'm ok, it was scary though.

What are we all doing this evening?

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 07:38 PM

I can imagine.
I've experienced similar

Not a lot.
Had a shower.

tamobhuuta 15-02-2021 07:39 PM

Well done :)

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 07:46 PM

Thanks :)

How about you?

tamobhuuta 15-02-2021 08:00 PM

Dinner with family then probably real housewives.

Cacoethes 15-02-2021 08:01 PM

Sounds good!

one_step_closer 16-02-2021 09:39 AM

Morning everyone, how are you all?

Cacoethes 16-02-2021 10:29 AM

Morning lindsay
I've got a bit of a dodgy stomach which is annoying

How are you?

tamobhuuta 16-02-2021 12:25 PM

Hi osc and Cacoethes. I'm feeling a bit woozy again. How are you osc?

Sorry about your stomach Cacoethes.

Cacoethes 16-02-2021 12:28 PM

Thanks tamo
Means I can't go for my depot which is highly annoying

tamobhuuta 16-02-2021 01:16 PM

That's not good. Could they do it at home?

Cacoethes 16-02-2021 01:18 PM

They didn't say anything about that when I called
They have done before when I haven't been well

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