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one_step_closer 27-11-2020 02:53 PM

So not so tired today?

I'm not sure how I am, on a not good wave that varies in level maybe.

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 02:57 PM

No not that tired today!
I've just started binge watching criminal minds from the start

Sorry to hear that. Is there anything you can do.to help feel better?

one_step_closer 27-11-2020 03:01 PM

I'm trying to stay busy but don't have much to do. I think things are going downhill because of lack of support. That's what I need right now.

Is criminal minds fictional? The box set I'm watching sometimes is Greys Anatomy, I'm only on season 2.

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 03:09 PM

It's really wrong how they are just leaving you. I read how the cpn has pushed your appointment back again. Could you call up and ask for an earlier appointment?

Yes it is. It's about a unit that catches serial killers by profiling them. It's very good if you like crime type shows.
I couldn't get into greys anatomy. Maybe I should give it another go. I usually like medical dramas

tamobhuuta 27-11-2020 03:38 PM

Hi all. I've got an appointment soon, just to be discharged from the Crisis Team. Fun times!

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 03:47 PM

The funnest of appointments!

one_step_closer 27-11-2020 04:21 PM

There are probably other CPNs who could give me a closer appointment time and be more reliable than this one but they work for different areas. I'll just have to wait, I don't have too long to wait but the total wait time in general has been long.

I'm not sure about crime dramas, I prefer crime documentaries. But I did like Des about Dennis Nilson.

I hope you baked a cake for them Tamo! I hope your appointment goes well.

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 04:26 PM

It has been far too long Lindsay. It’s not fair on you

I’ve heard that Des is good

one_step_closer 27-11-2020 04:31 PM

There's hardly anything decent on TV recently. I miss watching Wentworth Prison.

tamobhuuta 27-11-2020 05:01 PM

Had the appointment! Discharged from CT and my CPN will *try* to get me a psych appointment.

Who's up to what the rest of the day?

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 05:15 PM

That's true lindsay

Bet you're glad to be rid of crisis team tamo!
They really are useless
Hope you get a psych appointment soon!

I'm not up to much.
Just ordered some pepsi max (no coke zero :'( )from beelivery so that should get here within an hour.

tamobhuuta 27-11-2020 05:28 PM

That's very fast!

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 05:39 PM

Yep! I've run out of coke zero which is a disaster and amazon couldn't deliver until late next week. And I still have no leave so can't get to the shop

one_step_closer 27-11-2020 05:58 PM

Pepsi max is better anyway :tongue2:

I hope you're not waiting long for an appointment with your psych Tamo.

I've just had a very early dinner of corned beef hash.

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 05:59 PM

Noooooooo!!!! :p

Sounds nice lindsay
I'm not sure what's for dinner yet

one_step_closer 27-11-2020 06:02 PM

Is the food usually alright?

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 06:23 PM

Yes it's not too bad
I had turkey and vegetable pie, mash and veg.

tamobhuuta 27-11-2020 07:30 PM

Urgh, corned beef.

Cacoethes 27-11-2020 07:44 PM

I don't think I've ever tried corned beef

tamobhuuta 28-11-2020 10:22 AM

I can't get back to sleep but neither can I get up...

one_step_closer 28-11-2020 12:13 PM

How are you doing now Tamo?

Morning everyone.

tamobhuuta 28-11-2020 12:15 PM

I'm ok, out of bed. Dreading taking a shower. How are you?

one_step_closer 28-11-2020 12:17 PM

Is there a point in the day where it's easier to have a shower?

I'm low.

tamobhuuta 28-11-2020 12:22 PM

Not really, I used to do it late afternoon but now it's too dark so I have to do it earlier.

Sorry you're feeling low. What would help?

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 12:38 PM

Morning guys

I always shower in the evening
Too tired in the morning!

Sorry you're feeling low lindsay

nonperson 28-11-2020 12:59 PM

Hullo everyone. *instigates a giant group hug because it seems like that sort of day* <3

I'm a morning showerer. I like to be fresh and clean before leaving the house.

tamobhuuta 28-11-2020 01:18 PM

*joins hug*

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 01:25 PM

*also joins hug*

I wish I was like that np!
There was one time in hospital that they forced me to shower in the morning (rude) and put on clean clothes and it actually felt really refreshing so maybe I should try it!

nonperson 28-11-2020 01:37 PM

At what point do we all let go? Lol =P

The only time I don't always shower in the morning is weekends. It is refreshing and helps me wake up. I suppose I use it as sort of thinking time before starting the day as well. I guess it's one of the few good habits I have!

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 01:57 PM


It is a good habit to get into!
I wish I had more good habits. Sadly, I do not :p

nonperson 28-11-2020 02:24 PM

Haha. There's really no practical need for virtual hugs to ever end!

I also do not have many good habits. Which is a fact strongly backed up by the contents of my shopping trolley earlier.

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 02:54 PM


Ooo what did you get?

nonperson 28-11-2020 04:09 PM

Giant wotsits, cheesecake, biscuits, two Terry's chocolate oranges, cider, lots of cheese...! Some fruit and veg in there too and other stuff for meals but everyone else's trolleys seemed to be a bit more balanced. =/

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 04:11 PM

Sounds like a delicious haul!

nonperson 28-11-2020 04:12 PM

I couldn't decide between the milk or dark chocolate orange so got both. =X

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 04:14 PM

Sounds fair to me!

tamobhuuta 28-11-2020 04:23 PM

I love Wotsits

nonperson 28-11-2020 04:37 PM

Have you tried the giant ones?

tamobhuuta 28-11-2020 04:48 PM

I don't think so, how big is giant?

nonperson 28-11-2020 05:16 PM

They're maybe 3 times bigger than the normal sized ones.

not_so_insig 28-11-2020 05:28 PM

Lorraine loves wotsits. She approves of me buying giant wotsits.

nonperson 28-11-2020 05:30 PM

I'd buy them even if people disapproved.

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 06:17 PM

I love wotsits too. Still need to try the giant ones!

nonperson 28-11-2020 07:33 PM

You doooo.

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 08:18 PM

When I am eventually released, I will get some!

nonperson 28-11-2020 08:34 PM

It'll be a perfect celebratory treat. =D

Cacoethes 28-11-2020 08:51 PM

Yes it will! I look forward to it!

I've been binge watching criminal minds all day.
Hoping my ipad battery lasts until bedtime! I'm on 55% so should just about make it

What's everyone been up to today?

nonperson 28-11-2020 09:10 PM

55% is good. My phone is on 31% so I've switched to the laptop.

Nothing really apart from shopping this morning. Some washing up, a few loads of laundry. All the exciting stuff!

Been looking at Christmas presents for my friend for most of the day though. I'm trying to put together a meditation box for her.

tamobhuuta 28-11-2020 09:13 PM

I watched my first Christmas film today!

nonperson 28-11-2020 09:23 PM

Are you a Christmas film fan, Tamo?

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