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nonperson 05-11-2020 08:42 PM


Sometimes it's like the smallest of cracks in the door or window.

Cacoethes 05-11-2020 08:44 PM

Thought so!

It's weird because I've never felt it before!
I had the window open today so maybe it just hasn't shut properly?

nonperson 05-11-2020 08:52 PM

Possibly. Go give it a slam just in case?

Cacoethes 05-11-2020 09:04 PM

I've tried but it won't close any further!
So annoying

nonperson 05-11-2020 09:20 PM

Could always stick some cellotape or something over it?

Cacoethes 05-11-2020 09:30 PM

Good idea!

I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm so tired for some reason!
Night night guys

nonperson 05-11-2020 09:33 PM

Sleep well. =)

tamobhuuta 05-11-2020 09:35 PM

Sweet dreams :)

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 10:41 AM

Hello guys. I've been putting off getting out of bed

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 10:56 AM

Morning tamo
Don't blame you! It's cold!

nonperson 06-11-2020 11:13 AM

I can't feel my feet. D=

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 11:19 AM

I got out of bed! It is chilly but i have my dressing gown.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 11:48 AM

Oh no np!!!
Are they still there??

Well done tamo!

one_step_closer 06-11-2020 12:11 PM

Morning everyone. It's sunny here.

nonperson 06-11-2020 12:22 PM

I saw on the weather report yesterday that our current weather front in the south is coming from chilly Canada but Scotland is getting all the warm air from the Bahamas! How unfair is that! =P

one_step_closer 06-11-2020 12:26 PM

Oh dear! I would share if I could.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 12:32 PM

It's sunny here too but still cold!

That is really unfair! :p

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 03:45 PM

What are people up to?

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 03:57 PM

Not a lot. Just watching TV.
How about you?

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 03:59 PM

TV for me too. Coping quite well today :)

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 04:02 PM

That's good to hear :)

one_step_closer 06-11-2020 04:05 PM

Good stuff Tamo.

I went to post a letter and I was looking at the crisps but not paying too much attention but I didn't get any and now I'm sure I saw Tangy Toms and I really want some.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 04:07 PM

That sucks lindsay! I hate it when that happens.
Also, what are tangy toms??

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 04:07 PM

What are tangy toms?

one_step_closer 06-11-2020 04:08 PM

Oh my goodness you don't know what Tangy Toms are! They are tomato flavour ball shaped crisps.

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 04:09 PM

That sounds gross.

one_step_closer 06-11-2020 04:10 PM

They are very yum. Do you not like Walkers tomato sauce crisps?

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 04:12 PM

Haven't had them in years, i don't *think* I liked them.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 04:17 PM

Oh they sound rather nice!
I was craving crisps earlier. Salt and vinegar ones.
Sadly I have none

tamobhuuta 06-11-2020 04:18 PM

I like Skips

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 04:32 PM

Skips are also good!

My favourite crisps are wotsits. It's just annoying getting all the orange powder all over your fingers!

not_so_insig 06-11-2020 04:58 PM

Lorraine and I often have conversations about wotsits Beckie. Have you seen the giant wotsits?

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 04:58 PM

Yes I have!
I haven't tried them yet though

not_so_insig 06-11-2020 04:59 PM

I tried the flaming hot one which are very similar to flaming hot monster munch.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 05:02 PM

I can't deal with hot things!
Which is a shame because I like the flavour of them, just not the spice!

one_step_closer 06-11-2020 05:17 PM

I was greedy and went back to the shop to get a packet!

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 05:20 PM

That's not greedy lindsay!
I'm glad you got some!

one_step_closer 06-11-2020 05:22 PM

I would have obsessed all night otherwise. They were very yum.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 05:31 PM

Glad you enjoyed them!

I want crisps now.
But I have none
And cba to go to asda!

not_so_insig 06-11-2020 05:54 PM

Dont you have an corner shop nearby Beckie?

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 05:56 PM

Nope! There are corner shops but they are all in the town centre which is where asda is.

nonperson 06-11-2020 06:20 PM

Giant wotsits are so good! They turn to glue in your mouth though if you try to eat them too fast. =D

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 06:24 PM

I always eat too fast!!
Maybe they are not the food for me!

nonperson 06-11-2020 06:28 PM

Me too but they are worth it! Sooo good and such orangey fingers afterwards. Mmmmmmmm. =)

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 06:32 PM

I may have to get some!

nonperson 06-11-2020 06:36 PM

I think you mean you must have to get some.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 06:55 PM

Yes, that! :p

I'll try and find some tomorrow!

nonperson 06-11-2020 07:08 PM

I think I need another bag too.

Cacoethes 06-11-2020 07:15 PM

Good plan!

Have you watched the new taskmaster yet??

nonperson 06-11-2020 07:23 PM

Nope, will try to watch tomorrow when I'm less tired. Have you?

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