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Cacoethes 27-05-2020 12:55 PM

I NEVER have my legs out
Not even in the hottest of the hot weather!

nonperson 27-05-2020 01:33 PM

My legs are out! *wiggles them around* Haha. I've done summers at work in jeans/trousers and omg it is terrible.

one_step_closer 27-05-2020 01:37 PM

I bought some short trousers but don't know if I'll be brave enough to wear them.

tamobhuuta 27-05-2020 01:50 PM

Year before, when it was really hot, I turned to maxi dresses. Trousers would be awful.

chinahorse 27-05-2020 01:53 PM

Work is different for me but outside of that as long as theres nothing fresh on display I wear what I like. Apart from around my gran. Then it's a maxidress. Which I like anyway so that's not too bad.

Town was so so busy!!

What's everyone up to? The cat and I are outside. Inside is unbearable.

tamobhuuta 27-05-2020 01:56 PM

I've got a blood test. Exciting stuff. Then I desperately need a shower.

chinahorse 27-05-2020 01:57 PM

Hopefully that's not too far away tamo.

not_so_insig 27-05-2020 04:46 PM

It wasn't too hot here last night either. Then again my flat is north east facing so it rarely gets too hot.

nonperson 27-05-2020 05:17 PM

White chocolate caramel shortcake bites from Asda are my new nemesis.

Cacoethes 27-05-2020 05:41 PM

They sound delicious np!

tamobhuuta 27-05-2020 08:16 PM

Want some! My blood test was very quick, and I had a shower

Cacoethes 27-05-2020 08:57 PM

I also had a shower

chinahorse 27-05-2020 09:39 PM

Me three! So nice and cooling in my ridiculously warm flat.

Cacoethes 27-05-2020 10:18 PM

Definitely a nice feeling in this weather

one_step_closer 28-05-2020 10:07 AM

Morning everyone, how are things this morning?

nonperson 28-05-2020 10:13 AM

I'm strangely cold for some reason.

How're you?

tamobhuuta 28-05-2020 10:25 AM

Hi osc and np. I am so hot, I've had to take off my dressing gown! But I slept ok with my fan on. This weather is lovely to look at.
I accidentally took my lunch meds this morning, so I'm probably going to get anxious this afternoon.

whispershadow 28-05-2020 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4271571)
I'm strangely cold for some reason.

How're you?

brings nonperson a blanket

chinahorse 28-05-2020 11:32 AM

My cat is asleep on the sofa like a human male complete with full on snoring.

How is everyone? I should get moving.

one_step_closer 28-05-2020 12:57 PM

I'm so tried and my hay fever is being annoying.

I hope you're ok and warm up soon NP.

Tamo, are you going to take your morning meds in the afternoon then? I hope you're going to be alright.

I thought only fat cats snored!

Have you started getting on with things yet Lillie?

chinahorse 28-05-2020 01:10 PM

Oh no! Have you got antihistamine?

Nah hes always snores and hes never ever been anything approaching overweight.

Yep. Am dressed and sat outside eating lunch and drinking tea. Made plans to see my mum this afternoon. Still avoiding the washing up though!

one_step_closer 28-05-2020 01:19 PM

Yeah I'm on regular antihistamines.

Snoring cats are cute but what about the noise of just quiet breaths coming through their noise? So sweet!

Do you have much washing up to do? I hope you have a nice time with your Mum.

Harley 28-05-2020 01:27 PM

The snoring cat reminds me of this :)


tamobhuuta 28-05-2020 01:32 PM

I took my lunch meds as well as breakfast meds this morning, so there is nothing to take now

one_step_closer 28-05-2020 01:42 PM

There are a few cats snoring through a microphone videos but that one has to be the best.

Do you have PRN if you need it Tamo? Try not to worry too much or you'll get yourself worked up.

one_step_closer 28-05-2020 01:44 PM

Someone sent me post in a cereal box. Never had that happen before.

chinahorse 28-05-2020 01:49 PM

That video is amazing!!

Tamo I agree with Lindsay. Try and stay calm and theres PRN if you need it.

I have a reasonable amount of washing up. Just will smell because of the hot weather but whatever. Me and the cat are outside. And I just bought him a cooling mat because I'm terrified he will get heatstroke and die in my new flat.

Cacoethes 28-05-2020 02:51 PM

Harley! Nice to see you about again

My fracture clinic appointment was over an hour late but no fracture. I do have to have the splint on for another 10 days though

one_step_closer 28-05-2020 03:23 PM

I think cats cope with heat better than dogs. Have you got the cooling mat now? Is he using it?

I'm glad you don't have a fracture Beckie.

nonperson 28-05-2020 05:50 PM

My cat seemingly likes to cook himself, he's still curling up under the duvet even in this weather.

The echoey snoring cat made me chuckle but thought it was a bit like a freaky sound effect from a 1960s sci-fi show!

one_step_closer 28-05-2020 06:31 PM

It was an alien disguised as a cat!

nonperson 28-05-2020 06:43 PM

Aha, definitely!

tamobhuuta 29-05-2020 11:15 AM

Morning all. Another sunny day here. I'm having a second cup of tea.

Cacoethes 29-05-2020 11:58 AM

Morning (just!)
I've only just got up
I'm too hot already!

whispershadow 29-05-2020 12:52 PM

Afternoon all

My two girlies (cats) want everyone to know they found a birdie poo in next door's garden this morning. Older girlie Tigger is so proud of herself finding the birdie poo :roll:

tamobhuuta 29-05-2020 01:34 PM

Do we reckon that's cute or ew?

one_step_closer 29-05-2020 01:55 PM

Aww and eww.

How are you all?

chinahorse 29-05-2020 05:12 PM

Afternoon guys :-)

nonperson 29-05-2020 05:36 PM

Evening all.

I'm so glad it's the weekend. =)

chinahorse 29-05-2020 05:56 PM

It is?! I never know what day it is now!!

nonperson 29-05-2020 06:08 PM

Well I am pleased to tell you, yes it is the weekend! So everyone can relax regardless of whether you work or not. =)

I miss not knowing what day it was. =/

one_step_closer 29-05-2020 06:51 PM

Except people who work weekends...

nonperson 29-05-2020 07:11 PM

Er, good point. That's me sometimes...

Everyone can relax whether you work during the week, or not? =)

not_so_insig 29-05-2020 08:12 PM

I always know what day it is due to the fact that I look at my diary every day. It's whether I have an appointment with my cpn I am not sure of. I really should write it down.

I can meet with my parents outside from Monday. Hopefully that means I can meet them soon.

An Tesco shopping van is outside my flat. First time I have seen an Tesco van that isnt delivering to me.

whispershadow 29-05-2020 08:48 PM

I work and I still get mixed up over what day it is.

chinahorse 29-05-2020 08:51 PM

I never not what day it is when I work either. I have friday and sunday off which kind of throws me off.

nonperson 29-05-2020 09:17 PM

I'm never entirely sure nowadays either. My one other colleague does different days to me so Tuesdays feel like Mondays and Thursdays always feel like Fridays.

You have a sort of split weekend Lillie. That must be really annoying.

chinahorse 29-05-2020 09:29 PM

I hate it np. Like I dont care what days my 'weekend'fall on but I like to have two days together. I will work on it when iget qualified and they have more of a reason to want to keep me. It used to work because I needed a day off to seecmht and stuff.

nonperson 29-05-2020 09:49 PM

Yeah two separate days off is not a decent rest but like you say it won't be like that forever.

chinahorse 29-05-2020 09:53 PM

Yeah. Done it before with split weekends. Know I cant sustain it for more than about 6months. But hey ho.

Anyone have plans for the weekend? I need ideas!

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