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chinahorse 09-01-2020 08:01 PM

the wrong way up

tamobhuuta 09-01-2020 08:01 PM

Poor kitty.

We are having veggie burgers for dinner.

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 08:03 PM

Oh Bertie!

Veggie burgers are good

Shirayuki 09-01-2020 08:06 PM

never heard of a veggie burger 0_0

tamobhuuta 09-01-2020 08:21 PM

They're really tastey. I think these ones are soya based. They are by Linda McCartney.

not_so_insig 09-01-2020 08:22 PM

My plans for tonight is to clean my flat. I have already done the kitchen and bathroom. Need to hoover my living room, generally tidy my living room, dust and mop the bedroom and hall.

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 08:25 PM

Veggie burgers are tasty!

tamobhuuta 09-01-2020 08:30 PM

That'll keep you busy insig!

nonperson 09-01-2020 08:32 PM

What's Quorn mince like? Or other mince alternatives? I want to make chilli con carne.

chinahorse 09-01-2020 08:33 PM

Quorn mince is something like a spag bol or chili is good. Other brands either taste like cardboard or have a funky texture, quorn is the best Ive found for taste and texture.

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 08:35 PM

I always liked quorn mince when I was veggie

Eska 09-01-2020 08:37 PM

I like quorn mince too, especially in things like chilli. It takes the flavours up well.

nonperson 09-01-2020 08:37 PM

Thanks Lillie! And Beckie and Eska. I want to cut down on meat if I can so will give the Quorn mince a go some time.

chinahorse 09-01-2020 08:39 PM

Quorn is the best 'chicken' pieces too but the quorn sausages are awful. The quorn 'chicken dippers' are nice.

Eska 09-01-2020 08:44 PM

I'm not wild about the chicken pieces but like the sausages! They're nothing like actual sausages but I like them on their own terms.

one_step_closer 09-01-2020 08:45 PM

My brother is addicted to the Quorn chicken nugget things.

chinahorse 09-01-2020 08:46 PM

The southern fried bites are the best quorn thing. Sell them in aldi too if you're lucky enough to get there after delivery day as they sell out fast.

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 08:47 PM

Cauldron sausages are nice
So are the tofu pieces

nonperson 09-01-2020 08:48 PM

Oh I had some Quorn nuggets a little while ago! I liked them a lot actually. And I've used the chicken pieces too. I don't really like cooking with real chicken (weird texture) so much prefer the Quorn pieces.

one_step_closer 09-01-2020 08:49 PM

Some people have supposedly cooked bolognese with Quorn mince and their family didn't even notice it wasn't real mice.

nonperson 09-01-2020 08:49 PM

Sneaky. =P

chinahorse 09-01-2020 08:55 PM

TBF I used to eat meat for 20 years of my life and I couldnt tell what was the quoen spag bol and what was the meat one in the dishes at my grans.

one_step_closer 09-01-2020 08:57 PM

Do you miss meat at all Lillie?

chinahorse 09-01-2020 08:58 PM

Miss the convenience although that is a lot better than it was 8 years ago. Veggie is mainstream now.

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 08:58 PM

I think my mum has sneakily used it in my step dad's meals. I don't know why as no one in the house is veggie but he didn't notice the difference either

one_step_closer 09-01-2020 09:00 PM

Veggie stuff seems kind of expensive though.

chinahorse 09-01-2020 09:01 PM

Compared to decent standard meat its about the same.

Maybe because its got a lot less saturated fat in it beckie?

chinahorse 09-01-2020 09:02 PM

what lead would I get to attach my laptop to the tv so I could watch iplayer on my tv rather than on the laptop?

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 09:03 PM

Ah that could be it Lillie

Hdmi lead I think

not_so_insig 09-01-2020 09:45 PM

Possibly USB Lillie depends on your tv.

I have done all the cleaning bar the dusting now. Am having a rest before tackling the dusting. Fortunately my flat isnt too dusty. Also gotta do the laundry but that's a case of waiting for the washing machine to finish.

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 11:38 PM

I'm craving strawberry laces

chinahorse 09-01-2020 11:45 PM

MMMMMM tatsy beckie.

My craving is maccies fries. Not one even vaguely local though.

Cacoethes 09-01-2020 11:54 PM

That's a shame :(
Do you have ubereats in your area? I think they deliver maccies.
We have a local one that opened recently but it's in the opposite direction of town so I never go there.

chinahorse 10-01-2020 12:04 AM

Nope. We only have deliveroo.

Ah be odd to go there specifically unless you were mega craving.

chinahorse 10-01-2020 12:07 AM

Not deliveroo, the other one, just eat? the take away one.

Shirayuki 10-01-2020 12:08 AM

hi guys

Cacoethes 10-01-2020 12:25 AM

We only have just eat as well Lillie.
And there are only like 6 Indian takeaways on it and nothing else

Hi and bye shirayuki!
I'm off to bed
Night night everyone

chinahorse 10-01-2020 12:29 AM

I feel you beckie, we have 2 kebab, 2 indians, a chippy and subway. Better variety I suppose.

Night x

Buttons. 10-01-2020 12:42 AM

I used to live fairly near a decent Chinese, wonder if they deliver here... will have to investigate some day.

Shirayuki 10-01-2020 12:51 AM

:) good night Beckie! ^^

wait Buttons i just realised something- i've never had Chinese food XD

chinahorse 10-01-2020 01:16 AM

You're not missing out. Fry some grease in grease and serve it in oil with some ginger and you're all set.

Buttons. 10-01-2020 01:32 AM

Take no notice Shira Chinese can be lovely.

Shirayuki 10-01-2020 02:18 AM

XD now i don't know who to listen to!

:P homework- bleh

tamobhuuta 10-01-2020 09:20 AM

Good morning everyone.

nonperson 10-01-2020 10:15 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 10-01-2020 12:01 PM

Morning guys

tamobhuuta 10-01-2020 12:06 PM

What are you all doing? I've been to Mass and Confession with my dad. Tea time now!

Cacoethes 10-01-2020 12:13 PM

I've only just got up and I'm having a coffee

nonperson 10-01-2020 12:14 PM

I'm looking at things to do in America.

Cacoethes 10-01-2020 12:20 PM

I'm sure there's lots to do in America!
It's Vegas you're going to isn't it?
I've only been to america once. Space camp in Alabama when I was 11

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