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Cacoethes 20-08-2019 06:54 PM

Yep we have!
Some people just refuse to let it go!

chinahorse 21-08-2019 02:19 AM

Anyone awake?

Eska 21-08-2019 07:56 AM

Morning everyone

Sorry no one was around earlier Lillie. How's your day now?

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 08:45 AM


tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 10:03 AM

Morning all.

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 10:15 AM

Morning tamo
How are you?

chinahorse 21-08-2019 10:24 AM

Hey guys? How are you?

I seriOusby didn't want to get up for my driving lesson this morning.

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 10:30 AM

I'm ok. In a waiting room while my sister sees the psych. Been reading one of my favourite books but it's quite tiring.

Hope your lesson goes well china.

What are you up to Cacoethes?

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 10:38 AM

Hi Lillie
Hope your lesson goes well.

I'm going to go swimming in a bit

one_step_closer 21-08-2019 10:59 AM


How are you Eska?

I hope you have a good swim Beckie.

How did your lesson go Lillie?

What book are you reading Tamo?

not_so_insig 21-08-2019 11:10 AM

Hello everyone.

one_step_closer 21-08-2019 11:14 AM

Hi Dawn. How are you this morning?

not_so_insig 21-08-2019 11:16 AM

Apart from waking up with a bit of cramp this morning I am ok. Right leg is a bit ouchy.

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 01:18 PM

My book is called Story of a Soul, it's an autobiography.

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 01:54 PM

Back from swimming!
I left my phone at home by accident
Felt like I was missing a limb!

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 02:03 PM

I hate when that happens.

My godmother is coming to see me this afternoon :)

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 02:12 PM

Sounds good tamo

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 02:14 PM

You up to anything?

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 02:22 PM

Not really
I'm pretty tired
Just put on criminal minds

one_step_closer 21-08-2019 03:41 PM

I hope your pain eases Dawn.

I hope you have a nice time with your Godmother Tamo.

How could you forget your phone Beckie??? Well done for surviving without it! How was swimming? I hope you have a nice chilled out rest of the day.

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 03:44 PM

I don't know!
My phone was on the arm chair when I got back so I must have nearly put it in my bag but not quite got there
Swimming was really good thanks

Are you up to much lindsay?

one_step_closer 21-08-2019 03:46 PM

Silly you! I'm glad you enjoyed swimming. Are you planning on trying to get back into it regularly?

I'm not doing much at the moment. Made some soup earlier and tried to tidy the cleaning stuff under my kitchen sink by putting them in baskets but it just looks like a worse mess.

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 03:54 PM

Yep I am!
I want to get to do some exercise classes at the gym too. I've ordered some trainers online so hopefully will get those next week.

What kind of soup did you make?

Ah under the kitchen sink
Mine was a total mess until my neighbour cleaned and sorted it out for me
I never would have done it myself
Bit of a no mans land!

Eska 21-08-2019 04:53 PM

Afternoon everyone

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 04:59 PM

Hey eska
How are you?

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 05:13 PM

It was lovely to see my godmother. I just got back from a walk with my sister. Gonna pray for a bit then do some yoga. Sometimes I think my yoga is improving but I am still very unstretchy!

Eska 21-08-2019 05:18 PM

Sounds like a lovely day Tamo! Well done on doing all these good things for yourself.

I'm ok thanks Beckie! I got to finish work early which is always a win. How about you?

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 05:20 PM

How was work Eska? Any plans for the evening?

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 05:22 PM

Sounds lovely tamo

Yay for finishing early!
Got much planned?

I'm ok thanks
Just cooking myself some pasta

Eska 21-08-2019 06:10 PM

Work was ok! I’ve got quite a bit to be getting on with at the moment.

So far this evening I’ve had a shower, now watching House and eating veggie nuggets.

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 06:13 PM

House is awesome

I've made far too much pasta

one_step_closer 21-08-2019 06:14 PM

What kind of exercise classes are you interested in Beckie?

It was just potato, carrot, and onion soup I made. With ham stock cubes. I always use ham stock cubes rather than veg ones.

Finishing work early is definitely a win Eska! I hope you have a nice evening.

Sounds good Tamo. You've been doing lots.

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 06:23 PM

I like the sound of boxercise, body combat and kettlercise
Will have to check out the times

That sounds tasty Lindsay

Eska 21-08-2019 06:29 PM

It’s really hard to judge quantities of pasta!

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 06:32 PM

It really is!!

nonperson 21-08-2019 07:07 PM

Y'ello everyone.

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 07:08 PM

Hey np
How are you?

Eska 21-08-2019 07:11 PM

Hi np, how’s your evening?

nonperson 21-08-2019 07:16 PM

Hey guys.

I'm a bit meh... and my evening is being lazy. =)

How're you both?

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 07:18 PM

Lazy evenings are good when you're feeling meh

I'm ok thanks!

chinahorse 21-08-2019 07:22 PM

Hey all

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 07:25 PM

Hi Lillie
How are you this evening?

nonperson 21-08-2019 07:28 PM

Hey Lillie.

chinahorse 21-08-2019 07:30 PM

Similar to you np.

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 07:34 PM

Are veggie nuggets any good?

Why aren't Smarties as colourful as they were?

Cacoethes 21-08-2019 07:35 PM

They changed the smarties recipe to reduce the E numbers I believe
Especially the blue ones

tamobhuuta 21-08-2019 07:37 PM

Bad choice.

nonperson 21-08-2019 07:44 PM

M&Ms are still full of E numbers though.

chinahorse 21-08-2019 07:48 PM

Haven't had smarties in years.

nonperson 21-08-2019 07:49 PM

Me neither!

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