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nonperson 14-06-2019 01:54 PM

My day's going slowly but I'm getting there...

Maybe too much of the wrong kind of sleep, Beckie?

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 02:58 PM

Glad you're 'ok' Buttons. Dogfest sounds good, but Catfest would be better...

Hi Eska, how are you doing?

Hi Katie, how are things?

Keep going NP.

Have you been up to much today Tamo?

Boo to waking up tired. I hope you're feeling more awake now Beckie.

nonperson 14-06-2019 03:03 PM

I've made it to the back doorstep!

How's your day going, Lindsay?

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 03:08 PM

You might need to explain that one NP.

My day is going ok although I haven't really done much. Not that I had anything to do other than the hoovering which I've done. Will maybe go out for a wander soon.

nonperson 14-06-2019 03:10 PM

As in that's as far into the garden as I've got so far. Sitting on the doorstep.

Is there anywhere nice to wander to?

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 03:15 PM

Ah, one step closer! As weird as it is to write that out of my username context. What's the weather like with you today?

I usually just go down to the high street and back which takes about 20 minutes. Might look at the books in a charity shop but it depends who's working and if other people are in the shop etc.

nonperson 14-06-2019 03:18 PM

Haha yes definitely one step closer. =P It's quite windy and seems to change from sunny to cloudy one minute to the next. Nice gardening weather if I ever get started. Got distracted looking up earphones...

Book shopping is nice. It's good to get out anyway even of there is no real destination.

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 03:18 PM

Oh, and knowledgeable NP - do you know somewhere online to buy good quality house plants? And what is a good easy to look after house plant? You have partly told me this before, I know.

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 03:19 PM

I'm having a nice day, my godmother visited. Just about to have a cup of tea, then I should probably shower.

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 03:19 PM

Are you needing some new earphones?

I prefer to have a reason to go out, and that reason usually involves a shopping list.

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 03:20 PM

I'm glad you're having a nice day Tamo. I hope you enjoy your tea and manage to have a shower.

Buttons. 14-06-2019 03:21 PM

Glad things are going okay Tamo.

How are you Lins?

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 03:22 PM

Why would someone go out without a reason???

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 03:23 PM

Well, some people like to just have a walk.

I'm alright-ish thank you Buttons. How is your day going?

Buttons. 14-06-2019 03:26 PM

Sorry you aren't completely alright but glad you are still alright-ish. It's going good, got important form done with support person, had a nice lunch out and dog was better behaved than I thought she'd be when we were mucking around with new harness and nose band etc (though there was a lot of treat bribery involved :P)

nonperson 14-06-2019 03:30 PM

Hmm, I don't think I've ever bought houseplants online before. They're usually the sort of thing best bought in person because you can see the quality... I don't trust plants delivered by post as they get battered or dry out or get too hot/cold in transit.

But maybe try here: https://www.crocus.co.uk/plants/_/ho...t.7/canorder.1 I've bought plants from them before but they are like 20 mins away from me!

Or supermarkets sometimes have good houseplant selections or Homebase/B&Q.

Cacti, succulents, sansevieria or spider plants are good and need little care. =)

And yes I do need new earphones. The right one doesn't seem to want to work any more. =(

Hello Buttons and Tamo! You snuck in while I was typing a mega comment.

Eska 14-06-2019 04:02 PM

I'm tiiiiiiiiired. I was going to go to the gym on the way home but not sure that will happen.

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 04:04 PM

Maybe it will be easier once you're there?

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 04:38 PM

Afternoon guys
How are you all?

Eska 14-06-2019 05:10 PM

I think I'm going to leave the gym til another day. I probably would feel better for it but just don't have enough beans.

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 05:13 PM

That's fair enough eska

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 06:05 PM

Fair enough Eska

one_step_closer 14-06-2019 06:20 PM

Sounds like a very productive day Buttons.

Thanks NP. There aren't many shops with garden bits near me. I did go to b&m today but the door to the garden bit didn't open so I walked away and a staff person said you need to press the button at the side of the door which was embarrassing so I just left!

Do you prefer in ear headphones or over the head ones NP?

Take it easy if you need to Eska.

How are you getting on Beckie? Feeling more awake yet?

Eska 14-06-2019 06:34 PM

I’m home :)

Over-ear headphones all the way!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 06:36 PM

I have over ear headphones, in ear ones always fall out.

not_so_insig 14-06-2019 06:38 PM

I have some wireless bluetooth headphones because they are excellent at blocking outside noise even though they're not described as noise blocking. In fact they're better at noise blocking than my noise blocking headphones.

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 06:41 PM

Mine are wireless too, they are really good when voices are bad and don't get confiscated in hospital.

not_so_insig 14-06-2019 06:45 PM

Wireless Bluetooth Over Ear Stereo Foldable Headphones,Wireless and Wired Mode Headsets with Soft Memory-Protein Earmuffs,Built-in Mic for Mobile Phone PC Laptop(Rose) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0775XQ1..._iZ9aDbYBD59FP

These are the ones I have but in black/blue

Eska 14-06-2019 06:45 PM

I adore my noise cancelling headphones. They’re not bluetooth though because they date from the time when you had to choose between noise cancelling and wireless, you couldn’t get ones that were both.

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 06:54 PM

I have good headphones!
Very good at blocking out noise
I don't trust wireless headphones though
I know it's a bit weird

zombiehunter 14-06-2019 06:58 PM

rob zombie gig last night was ****ing awesome :-D

Buttons. 14-06-2019 07:06 PM

Whenever I was out I used to have my headphones in (not noise cancelling ones though) I think it would really help me in crowded situations but at the same time I feel vulnerable enough in the wheelchair let alone blocking out one of my senses so I don't tend to wear them around town and such, only on trains etc.

Just had pasta and cheese (the dinner of queens!) And am looking forward to going to Dogfest with my dog at a big park reasonably near me, apparently it's being hoasted by Clare Balding and some professor I've never heard of. Everyone cross their fingers for good weather please!

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 07:22 PM

Fingers crossed!

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 07:32 PM

Glad you enjoyed it zombie!

Dogfest sounds awesome Buttons
The weather is supposed to be good so fingers crossed!

nonperson 14-06-2019 08:32 PM

Oooooh Rob Zombie! =o

I prefer in ear earphones, they're more discrete. I think big headphones would make me feel like I'm obviously blocking everyone out and/or like I was wearing ear defenders like at work! I have some bluetooth in ear ones which are ok but I feel a bit like a Cyberman as they stick out quite a bit but it is nice to have no annoying wires but then when I'm at work I sometimes just wear one ear in so can't do that very well with the wireless ones. I'll probably just replace mine with the same ones I usually get.


Enjoy Dogfest, Buttons! Buy me a puppy, okay? >.>

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 08:38 PM

I like having big headphones because it will deter people from talking to me
I'm so anti social :p

Ooo I want a puppy too!

nonperson 14-06-2019 08:43 PM

No one talks to me anyway so that's not a problem. >.>

I just don't like looking or feeling obvious... and no one else wears big headphones in the supermarket so it would make me stand out. =/

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 08:52 PM

Thats fair enough!

nonperson 14-06-2019 08:55 PM

Same reason I don't wear bright colours or... any colours…!

nonperson 14-06-2019 09:01 PM

In other news... a bee stung me on the back of my thigh while I was gardening!! *sob*

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 09:08 PM

I stopped caring what other people think many years ago
Love my bright colours and big headphones!

Oh no! Bee stings are unpleasant

tamobhuuta 14-06-2019 09:09 PM

Aw, owie.

nonperson 14-06-2019 09:17 PM

Yes I hopped around for a while and hoped my neighbour couldn't see me but it's fine now. It's about the most exciting thing that happened all day!

It's not that I care what people think, I just don't want any reason to be noticed..! =/

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 09:21 PM

Poor bee though
Sucks that they have to die once they sting
Unlike wasps. Those b*stards

I get what you mean
I don't go out of my way to be noticed but guess that the bright purple hair means I am!

nonperson 14-06-2019 09:24 PM

Yeah, I did feel quite sad for the bee... before the sting started hurting. =(

Hah, yes purple hair isn't much camouflage. =P

Cacoethes 14-06-2019 09:47 PM

It really isn't!
I get quite a lot of comments on it too

I'm off to bed now
Goodnight everyone!

nonperson 14-06-2019 10:14 PM

Night night. =)

Buttons. 15-06-2019 08:01 AM

How many puppies am I collecting now???

Morning all.

Hope the sting isn't too painful today Np. I hate stinging things, though as said have more sympathy with bees than wasps.

People can usually tell my mood by what I'm wearing-dull trackies and hoody=**** off world mood bright orange hoody and hippy trousers=happy lets make the most of life mood.

chinahorse 15-06-2019 08:26 AM

Morning all :-)

Eska 15-06-2019 08:36 AM

Morning Lillie, Buttons :)

Lillie, how's it going?

Buttons I 100% know what you mean about what you're wearing reflecting your mood, I do the same thing (though with different clothes).

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