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Stellata 12-05-2019 08:37 PM

Ah, but you can rest in it now!

Cacoethes 12-05-2019 08:40 PM

I should change my sheets but cba
I could probably persuade a HCA or nurse to do it for me....hmmm....

chinahorse 12-05-2019 08:42 PM

No beckie don't be a lazy bones and do it tomorrow.

Cacoethes 12-05-2019 08:46 PM

Yeah I should do really!

chinahorse 12-05-2019 09:49 PM

I don't wanna go to work tomorrow wahhhh

nonperson 12-05-2019 09:54 PM

Me neither. =(

Eska 13-05-2019 08:28 AM

Morning everyone

Stellata 13-05-2019 09:33 AM


tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 10:21 AM


one_step_closer 13-05-2019 10:30 AM

Morning. How are you all?

Cacoethes 13-05-2019 10:41 AM

Morning guys

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 11:43 AM

I am Ok thanks how are you?

one_step_closer 13-05-2019 12:27 PM

I'm waiting in for my car to be picked up to donate its organs. I'm quite sad.

Hoping to get out later to donate blood.

What are you all up to?

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 12:47 PM

That's cool. My godmother is visiting, we might go for a walk.

not_so_insig 13-05-2019 01:24 PM

Afternoon all. I am having my weekly PJ day.

Cacoethes 13-05-2019 01:34 PM

I was going to go to the cinema but got to the train station and had sudden really bad stomach pains so I got a taxi back to the ward.

not_so_insig 13-05-2019 02:10 PM

Oh dear hope you are feeling better soon Beckie.

Cacoethes 13-05-2019 02:15 PM

Hopefully I'll be ok by tomorrow and I can try and go out again!

not_so_insig 13-05-2019 02:48 PM

Hopefully you are right and there's not an alternative explanation. You're not pregnant are you?

Eska 13-05-2019 03:27 PM

Today has gone really quickly :/

Cacoethes 13-05-2019 03:45 PM

Nope not pregnant.
Pain seems to have gone.
For now at least

I feel it's gone slowly eska!

Really craving a nice vegetable soup with a buttered crusty bread roll

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 04:05 PM

I love vegetable soup even from a tin

not_so_insig 13-05-2019 04:14 PM

I like broccoli and stilton soup.

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 04:15 PM

I used to like broccoli and stilton soup but now it's too strong. I still like stilton on a sandwich sometimes.

one_step_closer 13-05-2019 04:24 PM


tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 04:25 PM

Soup soup a tasty soup soup a spicey carrot and coriander

one_step_closer 13-05-2019 04:26 PM

Is that a song?

Cacoethes 13-05-2019 04:29 PM

Soup is great!
Not a fan of stilton though

I think my stomach pain has stopped
*crosses fingers*

Eska 13-05-2019 04:35 PM

I'm glad it's eased up Beckie!

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 04:37 PM

Yes it's from the Might Boosh.

Glad you're feeling better Cacoethes.

one_step_closer 13-05-2019 06:10 PM

Is it a bad idea to look up that song? Will it get stuck in my head forever?

I'm glad you're feeling better Beckie.

How are things with you Eska?

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 06:14 PM

Probably osc, but I think it's a good song for many occasions.

Eska 13-05-2019 06:33 PM

I have a headache :(

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 06:35 PM

Aw do you need painkillers?

Cacoethes 13-05-2019 06:42 PM

Thanks guys

I've never seen the mighty boosh but it's meant to be good!

Boo to headache

tamobhuuta 13-05-2019 06:56 PM

I love the Mighty Boosh. Some bits are a bit creepy or more adult than I like, but it's generally excellent.

Stellata 13-05-2019 07:09 PM

Boo to all aches and pains.

Our heating is fixed! I TOLD them it was the boiler!

nonperson 13-05-2019 07:47 PM

Woo! Did they actually listen to you about it being the boiler or did they try everything else possible first?

Stellata 13-05-2019 07:49 PM

I think today they'd actually listened because they didn't check all the radiators!

nonperson 13-05-2019 08:03 PM

Hah well glad someone eventually listened and it's all finally working! =)

Stellata 13-05-2019 08:07 PM

Thanks. :)

nonperson 13-05-2019 08:12 PM

Just in time for summer too. =P

Stellata 13-05-2019 08:13 PM

I know!

nonperson 13-05-2019 08:14 PM

Or...I should say, just in time for next winter.

Stellata 13-05-2019 08:23 PM

Aha ha!

nonperson 13-05-2019 08:25 PM

How long wasn't it working for?

Stellata 13-05-2019 08:31 PM

Nearly 2 weeks.

not_so_insig 13-05-2019 08:35 PM

Yay my card to Germany via postcrossing has arrived! I was beginning to think that my card had gotten lost as it took 19 days whereas it usually takes 4. Still got one in transit but that is going to Russia and Russia post is usually slow.

Stellata 13-05-2019 08:35 PM

That's good to hear, Dawn.

nonperson 13-05-2019 08:40 PM

I thought you were going to say 2 months, Katie. 2 weeks isn't so bad considering the time of year. =)

That's cool, Dawn. Russia is a long way away!

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