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one_step_closer 25-04-2019 07:07 PM

If you can conjure up one imaginary egg you can conjure up more! Have you seen both of those shows already or not?

*serves a posh meal to Lillie*

chinahorse 25-04-2019 07:25 PM

Ooooo posh food!

Irl I've just had chips, linda mcartney sausages and peas. Nomnom.

Big bang buttons!

Cacoethes 25-04-2019 07:28 PM

Sounds like a good dinner Lillie!

Imaginary eggs for all!
Except me because I have real eggs :p
They are at home though

chinahorse 25-04-2019 07:43 PM

Why are we talking about eggs? Or do we mean chocolate ones?

I want chocolate. Can't be arsed to walk to the shop though.

Cacoethes 25-04-2019 07:55 PM

Chocolate ones Lillie!
Unless you want a real egg

The struggle is real!

I am regretting leaving the eggs at home

chinahorse 25-04-2019 08:07 PM

I went to the shop. Now have chocolate nom.

Oh darn beckie! Suppose you can go to the shop for some nice noms?

Cacoethes 25-04-2019 08:09 PM


I can do! But I am shattered and my feet hurt.
Which is slightly pathetic but all my fitness seems to have disappeared!

chinahorse 25-04-2019 08:43 PM

Nah its not pathetic. You've had a long busy day!

tamobhuuta 25-04-2019 08:47 PM

I Love a bit of chocolate

tamobhuuta 25-04-2019 09:07 PM

By a bit I mean a lot, obviously

Cacoethes 25-04-2019 09:09 PM

Thanks Lillie
God knows how I used to do 12 hour shifts running around a care home!

I agree tamo!

Stellata 25-04-2019 10:03 PM

My internet has been down all day, but is back now. It's been hard!

Eska 26-04-2019 09:15 AM

Morning people

Stellata 26-04-2019 09:17 AM

Hi Eska.

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 09:27 AM

Morning Eska, Stellata

Stellata 26-04-2019 09:34 AM

Morning tamo.

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 09:47 AM

Morning guys!

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 10:16 AM

Morning Cacoethes.

How are people today?

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 10:34 AM

Good thanks!
Heading off to the cinema in about an hour.
Have to factor in extra time because the staff take FOREVER to get your stuff from the safe and let you out!

How are you?

one_step_closer 26-04-2019 12:00 PM

Afternoon, just.

How are you all?

I hope you enjoy the film Beckie.

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 12:09 PM

Thanks lindsay!
At the train station now

How are you?

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 12:12 PM

Enjoy the film!

I'm going to go for a walk today.

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 12:15 PM


A walk sounds good

On the train now
It left 30 secons early!

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 12:17 PM

How long is the train journey?

Eska 26-04-2019 12:21 PM

I hope you enjoy the film Beckie!

I'm doing ok, having a relatively chilled time in work and looking forward to the weekend (even though I need to go clothes shopping, ugh).

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 12:21 PM

Only 20 minutes
And then about a 20 min walk to the cinema

Thanks Eska!
Chilled time sounds good!
I'm not a huge fan of clothes shopping either
Internet ftw!!

Eska 26-04-2019 12:25 PM

Sounds like a nice break from the ward!

I only need some black trousers for work after my last pair ripped, so nothing too bad. I'm never sure about ordering anything more complicated than t-shirt from the Internet because I'm never sure they'll fit!

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 12:30 PM

Anything to get out of there for a bit!

That's not too bad then
I'm never sure of sizes but I buy mainly from EMP and I know the sizes now

Eska 26-04-2019 12:34 PM

I like Threadless and Redbubble - and only partly because it means I can get my own designs printed! They have a lot of styles I like.

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 12:56 PM

That's cool!

I'm at the cinema now
Film starts in 15 minutes

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 01:21 PM

Now for half an hour of boring adverts!
Film is like 3 hours long
See you on the other side!

one_step_closer 26-04-2019 03:14 PM

I hope you enjoy your walk Tamo.

3 hours is far too long to watch a film!

Good luck with the clothes shopping Eska. I do like Redbubble, got a nice Linkin Park t-shirt from there.

It's annoying how the same size is different in different shops. I get some t-shirts off Qwertee but have to order the next size up as the women's ones are very fitted, but they do tell you the measurements. On a side note, if anyone is new to Qwertee and wants to buy something I can give you a link so I think we both get a free random t-shirt when you complete your first order.

I'm sneezy and itchy.

one_step_closer 26-04-2019 03:14 PM

I won page 3000 in this thread!

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 03:33 PM

Woot woot!

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 04:54 PM

It was a fantastic film!
Started at 1:10 and finished at 4:30!!
I thought my bladder was going to explode XD
So worth it

Yay page 3000!!!

It is cold and rainy

not_so_insig 26-04-2019 05:16 PM

It's definitely cold!

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 05:32 PM

Sunny and rainy here

Eska 26-04-2019 05:39 PM

Warm and grey here.

I finished work half an hour early so I am home already! This makes me happy.

Buttons. 26-04-2019 05:47 PM

Glad you managed to get off work early Eska.

I'm the same Lins-itchy and sneezy with hayfever. Hope it clears up for you soon.

Beckie glad you got to see your film.

I'm tired but just about okay :) Weather here is crap, grey rainy and cold. Which my dog seems to think I can control and just want to piss her off :P

zombiehunter 26-04-2019 05:48 PM

i'm still shocked by endgame :O

Eska 26-04-2019 05:50 PM

Lindsay and Buttons, I hope you both feel better soon! It doesn't sound like any kind of fun.

Beckie I'm glad the film was good!

Also Buttons you clearly are a weather god.

Tamo, Dawn, how are you both?

Cacoethes 26-04-2019 05:59 PM

I too am shocked zombie!

Looks like we've got a mixture of weather!

Hope you guys feel better soon

zombiehunter 26-04-2019 06:05 PM


Cacoethes 26-04-2019 06:24 PM


Stellata 26-04-2019 06:58 PM

Hi everyone!

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 07:01 PM

Hi Stellata! How was your day?

Stellata 26-04-2019 07:04 PM

It was fairly good thanks, tamo.

I bought some new sandals [ha ha when will I get to wear them!!], had a nice rest then went to see the employment advisor and discussed some voluntary work.

How's your day been?

tamobhuuta 26-04-2019 07:07 PM

Been ok, had a nice walk.

zombiehunter 26-04-2019 07:16 PM

hi stellartois and tambourine

Stellata 26-04-2019 07:18 PM

Glad you had a nice walk, tamo.

Hi zombie.

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