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Stellata 11-04-2019 07:38 PM

As I remember that roller skating one was the favourite. What was it called?

Buttons. 11-04-2019 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4216772)
Don't you dare!!

*starts creating show tunes playlist to sing along to while you are here :P*

Buttons. 11-04-2019 07:39 PM

I'm not sure Katie, that sounds like one of the very few I don't know, but am now intrigued!

Stellata 11-04-2019 07:41 PM

*Googles* Starlight Express!

Cacoethes 11-04-2019 07:41 PM

:plain: :plain: :plain:

I've heard of that Katie but never seen it

Stellata 11-04-2019 07:44 PM

"We have the power to move you..."

Buttons. 11-04-2019 07:44 PM

I'll have to watch it and add any awesome songs to the playlist.

Cacoethes 11-04-2019 07:47 PM


chinahorse 11-04-2019 09:34 PM

Bertie had abandoned me to sleep on too of the kitchen cupboard :-(

Cacoethes 11-04-2019 09:39 PM

Oh no!
Surely he cant be comfy up there?

tamobhuuta 11-04-2019 10:02 PM

My sister's cat is making himself comfy in the bathroom

Cacoethes 11-04-2019 10:15 PM

Odd place to get comfy!

Buttons. 12-04-2019 04:19 AM

Cats do seem to sleep in some odd places!

Why oh why am I up this early? I'm even up before the dog -_-

chinahorse 12-04-2019 08:09 AM

He did join me eventually.

Hope you managed to go back to sleep buttons.

I'm regretting saying I'd go into work. Took some sort of superhuman effort just to get dressed and walk to the bus. And I'll probably still be late and not appreciated.

Buttons. 12-04-2019 08:26 AM

Glad he joined you eventually, animal cuddles are the best (even from cats :P)

I managed to go back to sleep for an hour or so thanks.

I hope work goes as well as it can do Lillie.

Stellata 12-04-2019 09:25 AM

I hope work goes ok Lillie.

I didn't want to get up this morning, at all!

not_so_insig 12-04-2019 11:15 AM

I have a boiler check today. Dont like strangers in my flat but fingers crossed everything is ok.

tamobhuuta 12-04-2019 11:34 AM

Morning all. I've got to be sociable later.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 11:44 AM

Morning guys

tamobhuuta 12-04-2019 11:51 AM

How are you Cacoethes?

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 12:08 PM

Ok thanks
CC coming later
Hope she doesn't forget again!

How are you?

tamobhuuta 12-04-2019 12:31 PM

I hope your CC is helpful. I've got a friend coming soon. I don't really want to but I promised him we would meet.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 12:35 PM


I hope you have a good time with your friend

tamobhuuta 12-04-2019 12:49 PM


I'm snuggling on the sofa till he comes.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 01:01 PM

Thats what I'm doing until CC comes!

one_step_closer 12-04-2019 01:29 PM

Afternoon everyone.

I hope you're getting on ok at work Lillie.

Hope your CC appointment is useful Beckie.

Hope you have a nice time with your friend Tamo.

Are wireless bras ok? I got some today because the wires in the ones I get from Primark keep escaping and poking me.

one_step_closer 12-04-2019 01:31 PM

Also, there is Philidelphia chocolate soft cheese in Asda. Yum.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 01:32 PM

Hate it when you get poked by an underwire!
I only have wired ones apart from my sports bra and that seems to work ok!

Nice! Think they did somethng like that before but never tried it

Eska 12-04-2019 02:14 PM

Afternoon, love to all who would like some. I hope you're all having good days.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 02:45 PM

Hey eska!

Eska 12-04-2019 03:00 PM

Hi Beckie, how are you doing?

tamobhuuta 12-04-2019 03:14 PM

Hi Eska

I have some non wired bras but they're not very supportive.

Buttons. 12-04-2019 03:23 PM

Hi all :) hope everyone is well.

I had a great time having lunch with my mum. Unfortunately my back has decided to ache like crazy, have a heat pad on it and hoping it goes away soon.

not_so_insig 12-04-2019 03:26 PM

I have had my boiler check. He didn't mention anything so presumably all is well.

Buttons. 12-04-2019 03:44 PM

Glad boiler check went okay Dawn.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 03:55 PM

Guys I am annoyed!
CC came. Thinks I'm elated and is getting crisis to see me for the weekend!
Not happy at all!

Buttons. 12-04-2019 04:10 PM

That sounds annoying Beckie, but it might be worth thinking about why she said that, I seem to recall you quite like her?

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 04:11 PM

Yes she is very nice
But obviously deluded!

In other news, I bought the garlic chicken thing for tonight!

Buttons. 12-04-2019 04:16 PM

Or she sees something you don't right now and is just trying to help?

Mmmm garlic chicken. I'm still full from lunch with my mum so just supernoodles this evening for me I think.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 04:21 PM

I'll just pretend I'm not in when they come :p

What did you have for lunch?

Buttons. 12-04-2019 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4216855)
I'll just pretend I'm not in when they come :p

Don't you dare!

Lasagne and garlic bread, OM NOM NOM.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 04:33 PM


Ooo yum!

Buttons. 12-04-2019 04:43 PM

I'll add Celine Dion t my repetoire when you come down here if you pretend to be out for them!

Yup, was really nice and the place isn't too expensive.

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 04:46 PM


Not too expensive is always good!

Buttons. 12-04-2019 04:50 PM

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEES 'If you loved me like this.....it's all coming back to me noooooooooooooooow' :P

Not too expensive is very good!

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 04:53 PM


Buttons. 12-04-2019 04:54 PM

Neeeeeeeeeeeeear Faaaaaaaaaaaaar Wherever You Are, I Belieeeeve That My Heart Will Go Oooooooon

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 04:58 PM

Someone help!
Buttons is tormenting me!!!
Lindsay where are you??

Buttons. 12-04-2019 05:30 PM

Ha ha even Lins can't save you now!

Cacoethes 12-04-2019 05:47 PM

Lindsay come back!!!

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