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Buttons. 28-03-2019 06:36 PM

Thanks both another doggo is always good! Wish she'd stop stealing his food though

Buttons. 28-03-2019 06:36 PM

And why has nobody commented about how AWESOME the name Albus is!!

nonperson 28-03-2019 06:38 PM

Oooooh new dog! LOVE the name. =D

According to my phone I have done 21,742 steps today... 15.5km... *collapses*

nonperson 28-03-2019 06:39 PM


And I typed that comment before your last two and forgot to press Post.

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 06:39 PM

That is a lot of steps!!

Buttons. 28-03-2019 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4214990)
Oooooh new dog! LOVE the name. =D

According to my phone I have done 21,742 steps today... 15.5km... *collapses*

Thankyou!!! Well done on the steps bloody nora I don't have any idea if I could compare even if I was abled body!

Buttons. 28-03-2019 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4214991)

And I typed that comment before your last two and forgot to press Post.

Epic fail.

nonperson 28-03-2019 06:46 PM

It was totally an epic fail. XD

Today's not been a normal work day so that's the reason for the crazy amount of steps, although I usually do well over 10,000 in a work day. Proper pooped now though.

Eska 28-03-2019 06:49 PM

Np that is many steps!

Buttons. 28-03-2019 06:53 PM


...but even a great wizard wants a belly rub

nonperson 28-03-2019 06:53 PM

The person who did the most steps today did about 22,000 though. At that point I was only on 19,700 ish… Could have won a box of chocolates!

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 06:54 PM

Aww adorable!!

I used to do about that many steps when I was a care assistant.
12 hours of near constant moving and up and down stairs!
Kept me fit!

nonperson 28-03-2019 06:54 PM

Yay, Albus! Belly rubs are the source of his magical power so you have to keep them up.

Eska 28-03-2019 07:01 PM

Aw Albus! He looks so happy.

I've never counted steps but there have definitely been times when I would have done a lot more than these days... When I worked retail, for a start.

one_step_closer 28-03-2019 07:03 PM

He actually looks like an Albus, good name choice!

Soooo many steps!

nonperson 28-03-2019 07:05 PM

I can imagine retail would definitely be a lot of steps, Eska. My phone calculates it automatically and shows it on the screen. I quite like knowing how many I've done.

one_step_closer 28-03-2019 07:07 PM

What kind of phone do you have NP? There are some apps that compare your steps with other users of the app, you'd totally win all the time.

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 07:12 PM

I have a fitbit type watch but forget to wear it!

zombiehunter 28-03-2019 07:23 PM

maybe you need a memory hat to go with the fitbit watch??

one_step_closer 28-03-2019 07:25 PM

Well then there would be the age old problem of forgetting to put the hat on.

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 07:25 PM

I could definitely do with a memory hat!!

one_step_closer 28-03-2019 07:27 PM

Where is Buttons? She could probably design you a memory hat.

zombiehunter 28-03-2019 07:27 PM

that or a kick up the bum :-p

one_step_closer 28-03-2019 07:27 PM

No violence!

not_so_insig 28-03-2019 07:29 PM

Congrats on new dog Buttons!

Buttons. 28-03-2019 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4215000)
Aww adorable!!

I know right!


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4215001)
Yay, Albus! Belly rubs are the source of his magical power so you have to keep them up.

Noted, I'm sure Albus will remind me :P


Originally Posted by Eska (Post 4215002)
Aw Albus! He looks so happy.

He better be the amount it cost to go and get him :P


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4215003)
He actually looks like an Albus, good name choice!

Why thankyou *bows*


Originally Posted by not_so_insig (Post 4215021)
Congrats on new dog Buttons!

Thankyou :)

zombiehunter 28-03-2019 07:37 PM

*presses buttons*

Stellata 28-03-2019 08:04 PM

Glad the heaters are done Eska.

So are the lights here. They're so bright. I'll be getting my vitamin d in the corridor in future!!

Buttons that is a very cute dog. How old is he?

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 08:27 PM

I just had the most delicious apple
Thought you all needed to know that

Stellata 28-03-2019 08:27 PM

What kind of apple?

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 08:29 PM

Royal gala
Nice and sweet!

Stellata 28-03-2019 08:40 PM

Yum yum!

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 09:07 PM

Now I'm worried that no subsequent apple will be able to live up to the deliciousness of that one

Stellata 28-03-2019 09:10 PM

Apple Anxiety Disorder? :P

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 09:12 PM

Hahaha! Definitely :p

zombiehunter 28-03-2019 09:31 PM

does drinking cider count as having an apple??

not that I drink cider

or eat apples :-p

Stellata 28-03-2019 09:32 PM

I'm not sure it counts as one of your 5 a day or not?!

zombiehunter 28-03-2019 09:35 PM

my 5 a day is beer bacon heavy metal chips and violent computer games not necessarily in that order :-D

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 09:36 PM

That sounds healthy!

Buttons. 28-03-2019 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Stellata (Post 4215027)
Buttons that is a very cute dog. How old is he?

Well in theory 6 but I'm getting him to my vet on Saturday and I think she'll agree he is more like 2. 6 just seems to be some rescue dogs' default setting-where an 'I don't know' would suffice.


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4215028)
I just had the most delicious apple
Thought you all needed to know that

Apples are lush, damn you now I want an apple-I wonder if any local takeaways will do a delivery of one apple? :P

Also Katie you are a genius I have to admit Apple anxiety disorder should be in the next DSM!

Zombie, I now have two dogs to defend me if you push my buttons :P

Stellata 28-03-2019 09:45 PM

Ok, see what the vet says...

Definitely... I want to write the next DSM! or ICD.

Stellata 28-03-2019 09:51 PM

Now I want an apple too!
Which is weird because I currently have Premenstrual chocolate craving disorder!

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 10:14 PM

Buttons I dare you to ring the local Chinese and ask them to get you an apple! :p

I have more apples but I'm worried they won't be as nice
Definitely have apple anxiety disorder!

Cacoethes 28-03-2019 11:36 PM

In bed, trying to sleep, inexplicably have the cha cha slide in my head

Buttons. 29-03-2019 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Stellata (Post 4215042)
Which is weird because I currently have Premenstrual chocolate craving disorder!

That has to go in the new DSM/ICD as well!


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4215043)
Buttons I dare you to ring the local Chinese and ask them to get you an apple! :p

Are you TRYING to get me banned from my local Chinese?


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4215046)
In bed, trying to sleep, inexplicably have the cha cha slide in my head

Oh don't tempt me to post a video oh please don't tempt me...

Buttons. 29-03-2019 01:53 AM

...and now the sodding cha cha slide is in my head. Damn you Beckie!

Stellata 29-03-2019 10:00 AM

Morning everyone!

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 12:51 PM


Morning Katie!

I had such a bad nights sleep.
Although did have a rather wonderful dream that I was going out with Thor

Eska 29-03-2019 02:10 PM

Hi Katie!

Beckie, that sounds epic. How are you doing today?

Cacoethes 29-03-2019 02:30 PM

I'm a bit meh but I'll live!

How are you?

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