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Cacoethes 01-03-2019 09:00 PM

Hi lillie
How are you?

not_so_insig 01-03-2019 09:16 PM

Hello all.

I have finally got a food recycling bin. One was delivered on my doorstep this morning. They gave me a bag. I have put my number on it. My mum gave me some extra food recycling bags. So the council cant complain about my lack of recycling.

chinahorse 02-03-2019 01:35 AM

Kitty snores are the cutest!

nonperson 02-03-2019 09:51 AM

Morning all.

I had super kitty snuggles in bed this morning. No snoring though, just lots of cuteness.

Buttons. 02-03-2019 09:55 AM

Morning Np. Glad you had your kitten cuddles.

I’m happy coz going to see a friend in Manchester today :) nervous about the gran plus wheelchair but I’ve done it before therefore I can do it again :)

nonperson 02-03-2019 10:01 AM

Hello lovely Buttons.

Oh that sounds like a nice plan for the day. =) I'm sure you'll be fine. That's always the best way to look at a potentially difficult situation - done it before, can do it again!

DavyZGirL 02-03-2019 10:39 AM

Morning everyone, hope you all have a great day.

nonperson 02-03-2019 10:41 AM

Hey Davy. Hope you have a great day too. Got any plans?

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 03:48 PM

Hello, morning has become afternoon.

How is everyones day going?

chinahorse 02-03-2019 03:54 PM

Better now Ive finished work and am at home.

How's yours?

DavyZGirL 02-03-2019 03:59 PM

No plans, its not very nice weather here the rain is on.

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 04:17 PM

Home is good :) what might you get up to?

My day is going ok so far.

It's very windy and rainy here too. Part of Storm Freya I think?

chinahorse 02-03-2019 04:45 PM

I've cleaned the bathroom and washed up and put laundry kn and showered. Now I plan to clean more/ chill out in stages.

It's windy here too. Not wet though atm

nonperson 02-03-2019 06:08 PM

Just grey here, quite warm and sunny earlier. Nice for dog walking.

I'm bodging together a baby shower gift but the thing I ordered got battered in the post so I need a replacement box by tomorrow. >.<

Buttons. 02-03-2019 07:16 PM

Sounds productive Lillie, you are owed a rest!

I had a fab time in Manchester with my friend, home now, opened my wearable wizardry box (so no spoilers for Np :p) and burst out laughing when this was the first thing I found

My new line is going to be ‘I’m not insane and I have the hat to prove it’ :p

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 07:21 PM

Haha! Amazing hat!

chinahorse 02-03-2019 07:28 PM

Haha that's amazing hat!

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 07:31 PM

We should all get one and be the totally sane gang.

nonperson 02-03-2019 07:35 PM

That's an amazing hat! What else was in there? My next box is due end of March. =)

nonperson 02-03-2019 07:35 PM

Also, how many times can we all say amazing. =P

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 07:36 PM

steak and chips for dinner tonight :-D

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 07:37 PM

Steak and chips are amazing. :laugh:

But why are you not having ****ing dinner tonight? Is this a new polite Zombie?

Buttons. 02-03-2019 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by one_step_closer (Post 4211592)
We should all get one and be the totally sane gang.

That would be awesome!


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4211595)
Also, how many times can we all say amazing. =P

Never enough for the awesomeness of this hat.

That sounds nommy zombie. I had a big lunch with friend so will probably just have a cuppa soup and maybe something snacky in a bit. Cuppa soup is Life.

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 07:43 PM

I haven't had cuppa soup for a long time so maybe it's changed but...I don't remember it being that great. *runs away*

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 07:44 PM

oh **** I ****ing forgot to mention it was ****ing dinner

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 07:44 PM

Are you feeling ok? I'm slightly concerned.

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 07:46 PM

all good here thanks :-D

how the **** are you??

one_step_closer 02-03-2019 07:47 PM

That's ****ing excellent to hear!

I'm alright. :-)

chinahorse 02-03-2019 07:52 PM

Cup a soup is a bit nothing :/

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 07:54 PM

come up to mine for steak and chips :-D

Buttons. 02-03-2019 07:56 PM

All those who dis cuppa soup (especially golden vegetable flavour) are insane.

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 07:58 PM

*presses buttons*

Buttons. 02-03-2019 08:03 PM

*throws cuppa soup at zombie*

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 08:09 PM

*dodges cuppa soup*

you could've at least flung some noodles at me :-p

Buttons. 02-03-2019 08:35 PM

Ooh pic please?

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 08:37 PM

i second what buttons said

chinahorse 02-03-2019 08:38 PM

Sounds cool Jinxie.

Cacoethes 02-03-2019 08:41 PM

Hey guys!

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 09:01 PM


Cacoethes 02-03-2019 09:02 PM


nonperson 02-03-2019 09:05 PM

I had a chicken noodle cup a soup earlier. <3

Ainsley Harriott does a nice thai chicken one too.

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 09:07 PM

Hi NP :-D

nonperson 02-03-2019 09:08 PM

'ello, ZH.

Cacoethes 02-03-2019 09:11 PM

We do not speak that name np

chinahorse 02-03-2019 09:13 PM


Cacoethes 02-03-2019 09:16 PM

Hey lillie!

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 09:19 PM

hello oriental equine

nonperson 02-03-2019 09:23 PM

Because Beckie has some sort of irrational fear of... Ainsley- He Who Must Not Be Named.

I couldn't help myself before, sorry. But it is a nice cup a soup he makes.

Cacoethes 02-03-2019 09:38 PM

Yep I am legit really scared of him!

zombiehunter 02-03-2019 09:40 PM

what did he do to you coco??

do you want me to **** him up for you??

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