Well done on food, Person. :)
Hey Lillie. How's it going? |
You don't have to tell them you're going for interviews though. I just used to say I had long appointments to go to.
Evening Lillie. |
You going for interviews for a new job aubergine?
It's rubbish but I'm clean and have ribena. |
That's true, but we're such a close bunch that I'd feel really awful telling a fib.
I'm not sure yet, Lillie. I've applied for a couple. Senior Pharmacy Assistant and Medicines Management Assistant. They'd both involve a move, but one place is close to my step-sister and the other place is close to extended family and some friends. :) I'm sorry that you're rubbish. :( *hug* Ribena is nice. :) |
Ooo that's good that you're feeling positive to apply for things if that makes any sense? They sound like important roles.
Thanks for the hugs :) I may go curl up in bed and look at kittens online. |
1 Attachment(s)
Yeah, that makes sense. I'm trying to decide whether to put my life on hold for over 18 months to start therapy in this area, or whether to just think "right, pull your socks up and move on. Time to get on with things." You know? I'm a bit irritable at the moment, and I think it's because I'm a bit bored. I'll have been at this job 6 years at the beginning of April and, though my colleagues are lovely, I genuinely think it's time to move on. Pastures new and all that.
Bed and kittens sound good. I'm going to have to make sure wherever I move to will allow well behaved, almost-one-year-old felines to stay. :) Alec the Cat says hi: |
Would you be able to have the therapy where ever you move to as well?
My CC said she'd put my case forward to any other MH team, but ultimately it would depend on them. I might not even have a team! But probably would, at least as things were adjusting. We'll see. I'm just applying, so no big decisions to be made just yet. :)
Yeah, just explore all the options! =)
I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow. :D Leek and potato soup and a sandwich at the village cafe. :) It's a good 30 minutes on my bike each way too, so that'll get me out. <3 What is everyone up to tomorrow? |
Alec the cat looks very much asleep! I cannot believe he is nearly 1. Madness!
You could be right. Irritabiliry and boredom at work is often a sign to move onwards. Your plans sound excellent. Maybe the current landlord could write a reference for Alec? I've found a 12 week old kitty that needs rehousing as the owners son is allergic. (Son is like 1 years old or something) |
He'll be one in February, so really not long! :)
That's a really good idea about the reference. He really is well behaved, and I'd need a reference from her anyway for whoever was my next landlord. I'm a good tenant, you know? Never paid late, not trashed the place etc. Thanks for being so encouraging, Lillie. :) Ooo that sounds positive. Have you contacted the person? |
Morning everyone. How are we all today?
Hi Beckie! How are you? Up to much today?
Quiet in here today!
Hi Eska and Beckie
It is quiet today |
They finally collected the bins
Mine kept being knocked over by the wind and I was sick of picking it up. Now its back in its spot away from the wind |
I have discovered where my missing parcel went to. It has gone to an address 2 villages away! Got a phone call from the person it went to as my phone number was on the parcel. Is going to drop it off today so I am waiting for the man to turn up. Otherwise it's a case of waiting for my mum to take me as I have no idea where the address is.
Beckie, I'm glad that's sorted.
Dawn, I wonder how they managed that! It's good that the person contacted you. |
Im glad you have located your parcel!
I got my Christmas tree today Going to wait until I have the decorations before putting it up |
My laptop died again. My Uncle took it into the shop and it's actually properly dead. So my Uncle bought me a new one. :) Said it's a Christmas present. He's so amazingly generous. |
That was so nice of your uncle!
Aw, that was lovely of him! What kind is it?
It's a Lenovo Ideapad. I was really, really worried because uni starts again in January, so I really need a laptop but didn't want to spend money on one because I will have to spend a LOT of money if/when I move house. He's such a good egg. <3
How are you, Beckie and Eska? I've signed me and my Dad up for the 54 mile London to Brighton bike ride. :D I'm so unfit, but love to cycle. :) |
Ok thanks
Just watching Harry Potter! On goblet of fire now That sounds cool aubergine! Hard work though! |
Sounds perfect, Aubergine! I'm glad that worry has been lifted for you. And the bike ride sounds awesome! Do you think it will be a good motivation to get out and about? Either way it seems really positive.
Beckie, good choice! |
Still waiting for the parcel. Hoping that it's a case of working until 5 pm and that he will drop it off today. Getting rather anxious now and the eBay seller didn't respond to my message.
Evening all.
Hey guys :-)
Yes, will be great motivation. Someone's already sponsored me £20, so I can't back out now! Haha. I'm excited and terrified all at the same time. I'm SO unfit. :P Thank you for the encouragement.
How are you guys? Helly Dawn, Person and Lillie. How's it going? |
Hello, hello.
Hey Lindsay! How are you?!
Hi Aubergine, I'm alright.
Are you using your new laptop at the moment? I do love a new laptop. :) |
Ooooo new laptop!
I've had a letter through for an mri appointment but I've had an mri and now I'm confused.
Yes, I am using my new laptop! It's exciting.
I'm looking at second hand bikes. I need a non-electric one to train with. Eep. I am rather excited. Hmm. Odd, Lillie. Could you phone them tomorrow and ask what's going on? |
What colour is the laptop aubergine? Bikes can be so expensive!
Yeah. Tis hard though as I tend to either forget or cba to call in my lunch break. |
It's silver. :) They can! I've seen a nice one for £75, but I need to ask a few questions first. :)
Hmm yeah, calling on your lunch break is annoying. I can never be bothered either. Haha. I have a cat next to me. Any kitten news, Lillie? |
No kitten news :'( found one I'd like to rehome but no message back from the lady and I still need to ask my landlord.
You've been there a year now, right? I really hope you can home a kitten soon. They are such a joy.
I ordered takeaway. Need to stop doing that if I'm going to cycle 54 miles in June. :wow: |
My sister put my Just Giving link on her Instagram and 4 of her friends are going to donate - one of them already has. :)
Awh that's amazing aubergine! What cause are you doing it for?
It's the 16th December that I've been here a year. |
British Heart Foundation. :)
My Warm Home Discount went on my meter today. I can actually use my heating now. :) Oh that's gone so quickly, Lillie. I've been here two and a half years. :) I'm so conflicted about the future. I want to progress and move on, but I've been referred to DBT, which could be helpful. It wouldn't start until well into the new year. What a dilemma! |
That's good you can now pop the heating on. And what a good cause. Why did you decide on that?
Hmm can you be put in the list to do dbt but then say no if life changes? |
My grandad died of a heart attack when he was 58. Plus, the bike ride is friendly, not a race, and it starts in London. <3
I can, yes. I think that's going to be the plan. Go on the list and see what happens. Part of me thinks I should stay and do the therapy before I move on, because I think, although I don'thave EUPD, some of the skills could be really useful. You up to much? |
Still haven't had my parcel. Left a voicemail message on the person whose supposedly got it number. Doubt that I will get it today so I guess that I will have to get my mum to drive me there.
Oh that's annoying, Dawn. :(
Yeah he said that he would deliver it today. Just hope that he hasn't delivered it to someone else. Trouble is that I had waited in all day and I could have gone for my weekly walk around the park at the bottom of the road.
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