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chinahorse 04-11-2018 05:34 PM

Don't nap tis dangerous! I am more tired than I was before.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 05:35 PM

You never know with naps!!

chinahorse 04-11-2018 05:45 PM

I feel even less like making soup than I did before!

What's everyone up to? There's nothing on the tele that's for sure.

Buttons. 04-11-2018 05:50 PM

What soup are you thinking of making Lillie? Hope you manage to make it despite not feeling like it.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 05:51 PM

Oh no!

Im watching prison break.
Doctor who is on later!
And still waiting for this electrician :/

Buttons. 04-11-2018 06:10 PM

Sws who give me my meds just dropped the bombshell that I've run out of my PRN diazepam. Not happy. When a med is running out they're supposed to tell us two weeks before, not on the day -_- Was hoping that would help me sleep a little tonight.

Sorry your electrician mucked you around Beckie, hope you enjoy Dr Who.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 06:13 PM

Thats not good buttons
Can you get some more tomorrow?


Buttons. 04-11-2018 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cacoethes (Post 4194712)
Thats not good buttons
Can you get some more tomorrow?

I hope so ! Need to go pharmacy tomorrow anyway.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 06:25 PM

Fingers crossed!

Aubergine 04-11-2018 06:33 PM

Oh dear, Buttons! :(

Boo to the electrician, Beckie!

I couldn't nap and it was making me anxious, so I decided to dye my hair instead. :)

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 06:34 PM

Ooo what colour?

Buttons. 04-11-2018 06:36 PM

Thanks Aubergine. Ooh what colour are you dying it?

Aubergine 04-11-2018 06:39 PM

Same as last time! It's called 'Deep Rose.' It doesn't end up turning out anything like the colour on the box, but I really like the colour that it does go. :)

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 06:40 PM

Cool :)

Aubergine 04-11-2018 06:42 PM


I bought a travel mug today because at church they're encouraging us to take out own reusable cups for tea and coffee. Environment and all that. It's really brightly coloured and says 'Live Out Loud' on it and I really love it!

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 06:49 PM

Sounds awesome!

Think its safe to say, electrician is not turning up today. Grrrr!

Aubergine 04-11-2018 06:51 PM

Oh Beckie. :( That's so annoying! What needs fixing?

chinahorse 04-11-2018 06:52 PM

That mug sounds amazing aubergine! Hows the hair dying going?

Grrr Beckie- was it the landlord who contracted them or you?

I'm cooking soup. Well I'm boiling pumpkin. Its going about as well as you could hope for considering I've never made soup before.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 06:54 PM

Its just the extractor fan in the bathroom I think
The landlord contracted them

Good luck with the soup Lillie!

Aubergine 04-11-2018 06:55 PM

It's going OK, I think. Will wash off at about 6pm. I'm glad my hair is only bob length though. I wouldn't have the patience for long hair!

Ooo well done for getting the soup started. Such good, winter food!

Indigo. 04-11-2018 06:58 PM

I didn't take a nap, but was close to it.

Sorry the electrician has been so unreliable Beckie.

Deep rose sounds like a cool colour Aubergine. My hair has been blue for ages now, and it's not really fading.

Hope the soup turns out alright, Lillie! I make soup all the time; I normally bake squash and then pop it in the blender with some hot water and spices and ta da!

It sucks they didn't let you know in advance that you were running out of your meds, Buttons :/ I hope you can get some more tomorrow.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 07:06 PM

My hair was purple but it's faded to blue now

nonperson 04-11-2018 07:17 PM

Are you sure the electrician was booked to come out on a Sunday?

I don't know what to do for dinner...

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 07:19 PM

Yep! He text me

Aubergine 04-11-2018 07:19 PM

My hair is now pinky red! I did an AWFUL job of covering up the roots though, so I may have to go over it again, and just do those bits. It looks OK as it is though, I think. :)

Blue hair sounds cool, Lucy! Great that it's not fading, too.

How's the soup, Lillie?

I need to moooooove.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 07:23 PM

It can be quite difficult to dye your own hair!

chinahorse 04-11-2018 07:27 PM


now I have to clean up though :-(

hair is hard to do yourself thats why I get mine done for me

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 07:29 PM

Glad your soup is good!!
Cleaning up is the worst part of cooking

I dye my own hair and it ususally turns out ok

nonperson 04-11-2018 07:43 PM

What pumpkin soup recipe did you go for in the end, Lillie?

chinahorse 04-11-2018 08:12 PM

I can dye one solid colour- I can not do foils on myself you see.

Everything is clean and the strange plug static is sorted out.

NP I made it up. Boiled the pumpkin, fried onions, smoked paprika and chilli in bbutter. Made stock and added that to the drained pumpkin with a dash of worcestershire sauce and cooked for 5 mins before blitzing it up.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 08:22 PM

That sounds soooo good Lillie!

nonperson 04-11-2018 08:34 PM

That does sound amazing actually.

chinahorse 04-11-2018 08:52 PM

I used a bit too much butter but considering I've never made soup before let alone the recipe its still nice.

nonperson 04-11-2018 09:03 PM

No such thing as too much butter. =)

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 09:07 PM

I'd call that a success!

I have run out of apples and that makes me sad.
Also, why am I tired?
I've done nothing all day!

chinahorse 04-11-2018 09:09 PM

*throws beckie one of my apples*

Sometimes doing nothing can make you more tired.

I'm coooooold. Hot water bottle time.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 09:14 PM

Thank you!

It is getting chilly.
Not had to have the heating on today though!

chinahorse 04-11-2018 09:21 PM

Ive had mine on and off today. Trying to cut down how much I have it on.

I now have my hot water bottle *purrs* I am also in my dressing gown over my clothes lol.

chinahorse 04-11-2018 09:27 PM

Gah Im tired and am literally just waiting for it to be an acceptable time to go to bed.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 09:27 PM

Sounds cosy!!

Electrician just text saying sorry for not turning up and there was a family emergency.
Fair enough but a bit of warning would have been nice!

There are no acceptable times!
I have retreated to bed

chinahorse 04-11-2018 09:29 PM

Yeah fair but he could have sent a text.

I will wake up too early and then be knackered for work tomorrow. I do it every Sunday.

Cacoethes 04-11-2018 09:35 PM

Yep. So annoying!

Oh no thats not good :(

chinahorse 04-11-2018 09:46 PM

Not gunna last much longer, am soooo sleepy!

Aubergine 04-11-2018 10:09 PM

Hope you're tucked up in bed now, Lillie!

chinahorse 04-11-2018 10:13 PM

I am thanks aubergine. Got stuff for work ready super slowly to make me stay awake a bit longer.

Hope Alec has stopped hogging the sofa!

Aubergine 04-11-2018 10:28 PM

Well done. :)

Hehe. He has. I got home and in his disgust that I'd gone out and left him, he'd knocked over a pint glass that had water in it. >.< Now he has propery woken up and is playing with his spinny ball thing. :)

Indigo. 05-11-2018 10:04 AM

Morning all! How's everyone?

I did the thing last night where I took a nap for an hour and woke up at 7 am instead :/

Lillie, the soup sounds fantastic, I would like to try your recipe! I live pumpkin but have never had pumpkin soup.

nonperson 05-11-2018 10:09 AM

Morning Indigo.

I'm just having some breakfast while watching Pokemon =P and then going to get on with some cleaning/tidying. =/

Do you feel better after your epic nap?

Aubergine 05-11-2018 10:37 AM

Hey. :)

You can do it, Person! Think of how lovely your house will be once youve done it. :)

I'm meeting a friend for coffee in a bit. We might have breakfast too! ;)

nonperson 05-11-2018 11:07 AM

Ooh going out for breakfast is always so much better than having it at home.

Hope you have a nice time, Aubergine. =)

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