Darn you Lorraine you are making me want houmous now *shakes fist*
That’s good you got your delivery Dawn. I’ve been told I’m getting a delivery tomorrow. It’s my new passport since I’m going to Amsterdam next year. Although it will be good for ID. There’s a man in Tesco that refuses to sell me wine even though I’m 35.
Hehehe *waves houmous at dawn*
Rebecca you can also dip vegetables into houmous. It’s gorgeous to dip carrots in. I’m definitely having that for dinner tonight.
I used my passport until I got my driving licence. I know how you feel I still get Ided even though I am 36. I got people to guess my birth year on a Facebook group and the nearest I got to my year was 1990 from one person. Most people said mid 1990s. |
I got IDed buying the lottery a year ago. I suppose we should take it as a compliment. My problem is I’m short and have silly pink hair that makes me look younger.
Houmous is great with pitta bread too!
I never get IDd now :( |
Last time I tried to buy a lottery ticket I got Ided too! I had to send my friend to buy it. They didn't question her because she is in her 50s. I have decided that when I get grey I am not going to dye it because it may stop people thinking I am young!
It’s gorgeous with pitta bread.
My friend never gets asked for ID and she gets annoyed when I get asked. She’s a lot taller than me though. It gets a bit annoying after a while, although it’s a complement. What’s everyone doing tonight? I’m going to relax. Might do a bit of sewing. |
I'm just counting down the hours until pizza!
Think chels is going to call soon to help sort out a plan for assignments too. |
Yay pizza!!! That’s good you have Chels to support you. How are you feeling about the assignments? It’s good to have something like that to focus on and I’m sure you will do well.
Yep she is very good!
I'll be ok with the assignments once I get started. I just have major insecurities about my own work which makes it hard to submit assignments but I'll havr to work through that pretty soon! |
Your right about being ok once you get started. You’ll soon get into it. I think confidence plays an important part. Hopefully your confidence will grow as you progress on the course. Remember to enjoy it too. It must be rather interesting.
Thanks Lorraine :)
Yes it is interesting! Especially sociology and biological science! |
You’re lucky. I’d love to be a student again. Although I was stressed at times and struggling with my mental health, I enjoyed my student days. I love learning.
I love learning too Lorraine. See we are similar!
Learning is definately good!
I like to keep my brain active And the social side is quite good too |
We are indeed similar.
Maybe I should take another night class. That’s manageable enough. I always thought I’d do my masters, but I’m not well enough (nor do I have the money), but a night class might be good. |
That sounds like a good idea Lorraine!
My degree is in fine art, but I ended up doing night classes in creative writing. That was interesting. I’d like to do more of that so I can combine writing with art.
Did everyone find it windy last night? I’m so glad it’s calmed down. I was tempted to go for a nap, but I think I’ll sew instead. |
That sounds cool!
You should look into that I didn't notice the wind. It was quite windy when I left the house this morning though. |
I think I will.
It was really windy here throughout the night, although it didn’t seem as bad as what people were saying it was going to be. Nice and calm now. |
I was expecting much worse.
Its always the north that seems to get the brunt of these things though! |
Tell me about it!
Oh I’ve just remembered I have diet irn bru. I think I’ll have some. |
Oooo yum!
I saw it in a shop recently and nearly bought some! I don't know why I didn't tbh! |
I love it.
Are you looking forward to your pizza? Not long now. |
I am indeed!!
I love pizza night! |
I found it dead windy yesterday. I couldn't watch tv because of the wind. I couldn't even read teletext page because it kept on flickering too much. Fortunately I have caught up on the soaps now.
I’ve finally got my sewing out. Stitching another drawstring bag. It’s quite relaxing. Although I’ll probaby have a rest soon.
I've just had my pizza
Nom! |
Excellent! Looooooove pizza!
Pizza is life!!
It certainly is.
What’s everyone up to this evening? |
Watching holby.
Will probably go to bed after this. So tired! |
I’m still sewing, but going to put it away and watch Netflix in bed soon.
I'm off to bed
Night night all! |
Goodnight. Sleep well.
Morning all :)
I'm waiting for carer so I can go back to bed! Hope they hurry up! |
Bless, hope they turn up soon <3
I am having epic Italien lunch out for birthday-I want time to go faster too! |
Is your birthday today Katy? Have a nice lunch:
It was yesterday :) Sure I will do :)
How are you Lorraine? |
Happy belated birthday. Did you have a nice birthday?
I’m ok thanks. Tired. Going to have a lazy day and do some sewing. |
Yes, mum made shepherds pie and my parents grandma and I had that and opened some pressies then she took me to have my hair done :)
Excellent. I’m glad you had a nice birthday.
Good afternoon all. I just sneezed so much I got a nose bleed. Bad times Dx
Hope everyone is doing good! |
Hey guys.
Just woken up! What's everyone up to? |
Hello Beckie. I'm still with this cold Dx keep getting nose bleeds because I'm sneezing so much.
How are you? |
Hope you get better soon Rebecca.
What’s everyone up to? I’m just resting. Going to do some sewing and housework later. |
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