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MammaMia 30-08-2010 09:35 PM

Goodnight Mark.

Nicole, I'm trying to be honey. *cuddles you tightly*

taz35 30-08-2010 09:36 PM

*hugs Crimson* Heart attacks suck hun :( Sorry to hear. Hopefully you get to talk to her soon.

*hugs Nicole* Anything in particular causing you to feel that way?

*hugs Mark* Definitely mention it to your nurse, she can give you pretty informative stuff and recommend seeing your doctor or not... Sleep well <3

*cuddles April* Wish I could make you feel less shitty :(

*spots Reaper and Heather* How are you?

*hugs Hels* Keep staying safe :)

risenfromperdition 30-08-2010 09:37 PM

*squishes everyone and wishes could do more*
i get to see [and maybe meet] jennifer knapp tonight [christian singer who still has a huge following even though she came out o_O] :) but... cant find any outfit that doesnt make me look huuuuuuuuge =[

nicole94 30-08-2010 09:38 PM

*hugs helen* aaw, you're safe though right? and im...ok i suppose, just not sure whats happening to me, i seem to be getting worse again and it scares me but noone seems to notice :(

risenfromperdition 30-08-2010 09:41 PM

*hugs nicole if want* <333

risenfromperdition 30-08-2010 09:42 PM

i spies laura and taz =]

SoMuchMore 30-08-2010 09:42 PM

hi *sneaks back in*

sorry i havent been around. ive been reading and thinking of all of you though.

i just.. i dunno, im sorry. usless ward mate.

MammaMia 30-08-2010 09:48 PM

*hugs Laura* You're not a useless ward mate Laura. None of us are. I wish none of us would say it....we're not useless.

*hugs Nicole* I'm sorry you're struggling so much. I'm safe I guess.

*hugs Taz* I'll try :)

misskitty112 30-08-2010 09:49 PM

Laura, you're not useless at all *hugs*

risenfromperdition 30-08-2010 09:52 PM

you're not useless laura <333

taz35 30-08-2010 10:30 PM

*spies Jill & Oliver* How are you two doing?

*hugs Heather* You're not huge hun <3 Hope you have fun though and found something to wear :)

*hugs Laura* Definitely not useless <3

*hugs Hels & Felicia*

shadowedsoul 30-08-2010 10:31 PM

Sneaks back in and dives under some blankets.

taz35 30-08-2010 10:38 PM

*Slowly lifts up blanket and peeks in at Jill* You doing okay?

I need new music for my iPod. Anybody have suggestions? And I've gone from feeling totally low and zoned out to rather giddy... I'm just sitting here looking for stuff to do. I feel like I have a ton of energy all of a sudden. I could get used to this...

FlyingNy 30-08-2010 10:40 PM

Puff the Magic Dragon by the Seekers. It's a great song :) Remins me of my childhood. The happy parts.

You OK Jill?

Can anyone see me?

FlyingNy 30-08-2010 10:45 PM

I'm sorry about last night.

MammaMia 30-08-2010 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by taz35 (Post 2468197)
*hugs Hels* You're not huge hun <3 Hope you have fun though and found something to wear :)

Think this was meant for Heather????


Originally Posted by IceQueenHasAHeart (Post 2468219)
I'm sorry about last night.

It's okay sweetie *cuddles*

shadowedsoul 30-08-2010 11:03 PM

Huggles all, taz and lia, not doing great world war 3 about to kick off in my rl, all because of one person actions, and because one again sh can't ingage her brain before she speaks. Adfadf hahahahaha. Being thinking about this alot, if i hurt myself and it got to the point were it was really bad, wounder if i would panic or just be calm and peaceful. Sorry really messed up thought. Sorry.=(

Scarletdreamer 30-08-2010 11:25 PM

I've got so much going on in my brain that I just want to die. I really do. And I'm totally off my Abilify and I don't want to fill the script because it is just for 10mg and wasn't doing diddly-squat for my moods/psychoses. I can turn one of my psychoses off and on (the "white noise") - anyone have any idea what that may mean? it's rather odd. Like if I want to hear it, I can hear it... but if I don't, I can switch it off. It's really peculiar.

And I feel quite shitty especially since I just wrote in my journal all about my family and how they just don't get me and never will. My therapist and I talked a lot about them/me today and it was quite... well, enlightening and weird. I don't know. I really do need to update my r/v but haven't gotten around to that yet...

Oh and Laura, you are far from useless <3
Heather, not fat!!!! :)
Taz, what kind of music do you like?
Lia, what was going on last night? :-/ Worried about you, hon.

Sorry such random and stupid responses but ohey, they'll work for now...

MammaMia 30-08-2010 11:31 PM

*cuddles April tightly*

Scarletdreamer 30-08-2010 11:33 PM

*cuddles Hels back* How are you, hon??

*glomps Oliver* How are you?? did you go to the pride party thingamajigger? (sorry, can't remember the exact name of it :o)

So.****ing.over.this. :crying:

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