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xxjuliexx 23-06-2010 02:12 PM

*sits sniffles*

Scarletdreamer 23-06-2010 02:48 PM

*cuddles julie* what's wrong, hon?

i'm so exhausted. just saw one of my friends from church, keep getting hit with how freaking skinny she is... :'( i'm scared for her and also triggered... which really sucks. i don't know what to do anymore.

i have therapy later today... my 2nd session with this therapist... dunno how well that's gonna go. :-/ am scared.

keep thinking i'm hearing voices where there are none. i mean, i can separate what's real from what isn't. i think it may be because i'm so tired? but i don't know... :-S

Scarletdreamer 23-06-2010 03:02 PM

just updated r/v again... wish it weren't so freaking quiet in here, need some company. :'( *turns on some lights and puts delta goodrem on...*



I'mJustMe 23-06-2010 03:11 PM

Hi guys.

*Hugs April, Mark and anyone else who wants a hug*

April- how are you feeling now? Are you any better? Would you like to tell us what made you feel the way you are right now?

Same with you Mark, do you know what made you feel so low? I hope you're both feeling better now, and anyone else who was hurting. I don't know what else to say.

Remember, you're not alone, we're all here for you, everyone on this site. Don't give up.


p.s what's brown and sticky?

A stick!

Sorry about the bad jokes, but I find the bad jokes are always the best, they're so insanly appaling that they're funny.

Doikers 23-06-2010 03:35 PM

*Hugs April*

*Hugs Julie*

*Hugs Lia*

I'mJustMe 23-06-2010 05:08 PM

*Hugs Marks back*

You know what I love about this thread? People really care, not that they don't on the other threads, but on here, people use your first name and do individual replies, which I haven't found anywhere else. I feel a part of something, even if I am younger than virtually all of you it doesn't really matter because we are all in the same boat and we all need someone.

How are you feeling now Mark?


Scarletdreamer 23-06-2010 05:32 PM

lia, i totally agree with you there. people here care... and i haven't found that in many other threads. there used to be another one here in vet's support that was more of a general chat thread, but it got lost because the people in it got sick of talking about problems so instead made a general chat "*minimal triggers*" thread in vet's general. blah. not really sure that i agree with them, but whatever. at least this thread is still around. :)

i don't know what's making me feel this way. i think being worried about my therapy appt because i'm scared she thinks i'm a joke. last appt there was a question on the sheet i had to fill out that i couldn't figure out - it was either asking me what caused me to come in to therapy or what caused the problems i had to list above, and i wrote, "not sure," because i wasn't. then just as i was going out the door, the therapist said, "oh, and you don't know why you're here?" and it took me a bit to figure out why she said that... so yeah, gonna have to correct that later. :-/

i am still hearing snatches of whispered voices. it's not thoughts, it's voices, and it's worse when it's utterly quiet. :( ughhh. i hate being this way. psychotic breaks really do suck, especially when i'm already taking 30mg abilify. :(

*hides in a hole* :'(

PoisonedApple 23-06-2010 05:34 PM

*huggles lia, april, mark, kahlia, jk, helen, oliver, jess, kat(et al), kathryn (et al), julie (et al , but waves to o), anyone else I missed (sorry... didn't mean to forget you if i did)*
How is everyone this morning?

PoisonedApple 23-06-2010 05:36 PM

I'm sure she doesn't think you're a joke April. Just be sure to let them know you weren't sure what the question was referring to and what the correction should be. *cuddles and hands a plushie*

Doikers 23-06-2010 05:56 PM

I'm okay thankyou Lia , A little numb , it just seems whenever I shut my eyes I start falling alsleep and the I get phases of not sleeping at all . I could cut tonight , just to "feel" , which is one of many reasons I do it
*Hugs Lia*

April Good luck with your therapist later, I'm sure she doesn't think you're a joke , not at all , Just be honest that you don't understand the question*Hugs*

*Hugs Crimson*

risenfromperdition 23-06-2010 06:10 PM

*cuddles everyone*

one_step_closer 23-06-2010 07:12 PM

It was my Dad's funeral today. Feeling a bit low and suicidal.

PoisonedApple 23-06-2010 07:15 PM

*cuddles Lindsay and sits with*

Doikers 23-06-2010 08:10 PM

*Hugs Lindsay*

SoMuchMore 23-06-2010 08:15 PM

*hugs april, mark, lia, heather, lindsay, crimson, oliver, and everyone I missed*

Hope everyone is okay. Try to stay safe.

Feeling grumpy today. Mostly b/c i woke up with a stye in my eye. I hate styes. I get them about once a year or so. Just makes me/makes me feel even more unattractive than i already am. *sigh* okay i'll stop before I start to rant about nothing.

nicole94 23-06-2010 08:49 PM


Doikers 23-06-2010 09:10 PM

*Hugs Nicole* How are you today?

jonikd 23-06-2010 09:18 PM

*cuddles all* Sorry I haven't been around guys, a mix of internet issues and MH issues.

Been thinking of you all, and missing our contact. Just wanted to say hi and send hugs and strength to all my friends here.

JK xx

nicole94 23-06-2010 09:18 PM

*hugs mark*
worse than yesterday. i cut :( and had an argument with a girl at group.

Doikers 23-06-2010 09:23 PM

Oh Nicole , please take care of your cut ( Sterile ,clean ) and try not to dwell on the argument you had with the girl at group , Just deep breaths , and let it pass *Hugs*

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