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Billy! 30-01-2011 08:15 PM

*Hugs Mark* Not really, just come over all urgey :( I really wanna SI.

Doikers 30-01-2011 08:19 PM

*Holds you hands* Whats triggered you hun ?

Billy! 30-01-2011 08:21 PM

*Hugs* I don't know, the hyperactive happy mood just dissapeared and left a very low urgey mood :(

SparkleKitten 30-01-2011 08:30 PM

*snuggles Charlie* you can beat it hun x

Billy! 30-01-2011 08:34 PM

*Hugs Sarah*
I don't think I want to............ :(

Doikers 30-01-2011 08:38 PM

*Squishe Charlie*

SparkleKitten 30-01-2011 08:40 PM

*cuddles* I'm here if you need me hun

Billy! 30-01-2011 08:41 PM

*Hugs you both*
Thanks guys..

SparkleKitten 30-01-2011 08:45 PM

No worries. I'll be gone from about 8pm till 8.30pm but its only half an hour and I'll be back on, and you can message me on Facebook if you need me and I'll get back to you asap.

Billy! 30-01-2011 08:48 PM

Thankyou hun :)
I really should get some dinner...

Cazki 31-01-2011 01:00 AM

Hey everyone :-) how is everyone?

*Hugs Sarah*

*Hugs Jill*

*Hugs Lia*

*Hugs Charlie*

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs Mark*

ljmeep 31-01-2011 08:19 AM

*slinks into ward to hide from hubby*

such a bad night! :(

Doikers 31-01-2011 10:57 AM

*Hugs Charlie*
*Hugs Ian*
*Hugs Kelly*
*Hugs Sarah*

Doikers 31-01-2011 11:20 AM

My Ear hurts , internal pressure and loud hissing! and I can't get a hold of my ENT nurse , no answer.....

one_step_closer 31-01-2011 01:37 PM

That sounds horrible, Mark. I have tinnitus so I kind of know what it's like.

Doikers 31-01-2011 01:51 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* I have tinitus too , But this hissing is really Loud! I have scarred eardrums dut to infections :(
How are you Lindsay?

one_step_closer 31-01-2011 01:54 PM

I'm really not good. Thinking of attempting suicide as soon as I find the energy. There is nothing that I, or anyone else, can do to help me any more.

Kahlia1981 31-01-2011 02:03 PM

*huggles all*

sitting here awaiting the next cyclone advice. :-( a big cyclone is threatening the coast. currently predicted to have landfall near my city wednesday/thursday and to be a category 4 or 5 system (very big and nasty). not looking forward to it. if i'm not online for a few days it'll be because we lost power etc..

will try to get back on before it hits if it is going to.

*huggles everyone then goes outside and brings puppy sinclair inside so he doesn't get wet or blown away*

Doikers 31-01-2011 02:06 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* Please hold on hun , you would be SO missed here :S

*Hugs Kahlia* I hope you keep your power , How are you?

Scarletdreamer 31-01-2011 04:00 PM

I'm back...
...always coming back. But never staying for very long because I just lack the self discipline now.

Things aren't good. I've been suicidal, but wouldn't ever act on the thoughts because I'm too much of a coward.

I'm on a gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free diet to deal with a possible systemic infection. FML. I'm so sick of thinking about food - what to make, how to make it, and how the hell to satisfy cravings for sweet when gluten-free desserts have sugar and sugar-free desserts have gluten...


Anyway. I need support, and I can give support, so I think I'll be back for a little while at least. I see that there are new wardies that I don't know... so... hoorah for me being MIA for months. >_>

*hides in a corner and cries*

Doikers 31-01-2011 04:23 PM

*HUGE HUGS April* Hey Little Sister :) How are you? , *Finds you in your corner and gives a tissue* That sounds a harsh diet!

one_step_closer 31-01-2011 04:34 PM

Oh God I can't do this. The only way I can see through is to be in a constant state of overdose.

Doikers 31-01-2011 04:44 PM

*Squishes Lindsay* I'm sorry you are struggling so much hun , could you talk to your crisis team?

one_step_closer 31-01-2011 04:51 PM

They either tell me to go online or read a book or say that there is nothing that they can do.

Doikers 31-01-2011 04:58 PM

Well thats sod all help! I'm sorry they are being so unhelpful. *Hugs Lindsay*

one_step_closer 31-01-2011 05:03 PM

How are you doing, Mark?

Doikers 31-01-2011 05:58 PM

I've got that feeling where my arms are all high pitched ( Don't know the word to describe it ) I need calming , I have been flat most of the day and my hips hurts a little and my right ear is really uncomfortable . Sorry , Mini rant .

Billy! 31-01-2011 06:00 PM

*Hugs everyone* I'm not really up to individuals right now, you would not beleive the day i've had, but please all of you try and stay safe. I love you all very much and life wouldn't be the same without you <3

Doikers 31-01-2011 06:06 PM

*Hugs Charlie* Whats happened hun?

Disturbia 31-01-2011 06:10 PM

Am a danger to myself ....husband is gone for a few hours ...gone to get my mum and bring her back here ....need to cut and cut ....it's that or something a lot worse ....

Billy! 31-01-2011 06:14 PM

*Hugs Mark*
Well about 10pm yesterday I heard this banging and screaming outside, So me and my mum looked out and my neighbour was having a moment and throwing eggs at our car, so we called the police, they came out, she screamed at them and told them to **** off. They said they couldn't do anything else, but the policeman cleaned the car, this was like midnight by the time they left, so then my mum was really shaken and angry, and a bit scared too, so I stayed up with her till like 3am. Then this afternoon when we got home there were eggs, jam, and what we think was mushed up carrots all over our doors and windows, my mum called the police again, this was at 3.08pm my mum called the police and they came straight away, they have only just left. But they arrested her, they had the police helicopter out and everything!

Doikers 31-01-2011 06:19 PM

They Arrested your neighbout Charlie? , Thats not good what she did , How's your Mum feeling now? Are you Shaken up too? I would be.*Hugs*

*Hugs Disturbia* Please try and be safe hun

Billy! 31-01-2011 06:21 PM

Yeah, eventually they arrested her, My mums ok I think, at least she feels safer cause we know shes been arrested, I think my mum is still nervous and angry though.
I'm alright, I suppose the fact that I'm not botherd what happens to me anymore helps..

Doikers 31-01-2011 06:25 PM

*Hugs Charlie* I'm bothered what happens to you

Billy! 31-01-2011 06:32 PM

*Hugs Mark* Thanks hun, that means a lot.
To be honest I am starting to feel a bit shaky now, at the time though I was just concentrating on calming my mum down and finding my brother and sister because she sometimes waits outside their school -.-

Billy! 31-01-2011 06:51 PM

*Grabs a pillow and blanket and goes to curl up in the corner for a nap*

Doikers 31-01-2011 07:17 PM

*Huggles Charlie and tucks her in*

Billy! 31-01-2011 07:21 PM

*Yawns and Hugs Mark back*
I had 20 mins sleep last night.....

Doikers 31-01-2011 07:35 PM

Well I hope you get a lot more sleep tonight Charlie :)

Billy! 31-01-2011 07:41 PM

Thanks :) I do too!
I'm hungry aswell, I don't know what to eat.

one_step_closer 31-01-2011 07:55 PM

I didn't sleep much last night either, Charlie. Have you decided what to eat yet?

I've just phoned Breathing Space who asked me to think things over and call them back in an hour. I have thought and thought and thought about things. I'm tired of thinking, I just want to kill myself.

Billy! 31-01-2011 07:58 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* Please try and stay safe hun, It will get better eventually, you won't always feel like this.
And no I haven't, I know what I want, but I can't have it -.-

Disturbia 31-01-2011 08:04 PM

I cut ... but it isn't enough ... maybe killing myself will be ....

Doikers 31-01-2011 08:20 PM

*Hugs Charlie*

*Hugs Lindsay* Please wait and call them back . Who are breathing Spaces?

*Hugs Distrurbia* Please don't hun . Take care .

Billy! 31-01-2011 08:24 PM

*Hugs Mark* I am starting to worry about something now.......I don't know whether or not i'm being stupid though..I mean theres not much chance....
I'm rambling. Sorry

Doikers 31-01-2011 08:41 PM

Whats up Charlie hun ?

*Spots and Hugs Crimson*

Billy! 31-01-2011 08:43 PM

*Hugs Mark*
Well, I'm scared I might be pregnant :(

Doikers 31-01-2011 08:53 PM

Well could you take a test Charlie hun? or get the pill , or is it too late for that?

PoisonedApple 31-01-2011 08:54 PM

*hugs Mark back*
*hugs Charlie* Could you get a test?

FlyingNy 31-01-2011 08:55 PM

*Hugs Lindsey* I'm sorry I don't have much helpful to say, but do you have a counsellor or someone IRL who you can talk to? If not, would you think about getting one? It sounds like you could really use the support.

*Hugs Charlie* Why do you think you might be pregnant sweetie?

*HUgs Disturbia* Please do what you can to stay safe, sorry if that's useless, but I just want you to now I care.

*Hugs Mark*

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