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~*forever_broken*~ 05-08-2008 10:50 PM

Yep, mine was something like $15.50, so not bad. Guess there was a hole and a screw in it (which I didn't see but the guy that patched it said he didn't notice it until he refiled it with air anyway so...). Lol yeah, I was pretty proud of myself... Should tell my therapist on Monday, that's always something I'm told is good *shrug*

Diamond, what's up luv?

And Jess, how are you doing sweetie?

*looks about for her bottle of Tylenol and a BIG glass of water* I think I'm dehydrated:pinch:... Not that me having my hands on any sort of medication today is good but so far I've been able to behave myself... And besides, I think I'm too tired to bother *shrug*

~*forever_broken*~ 05-08-2008 10:54 PM

Aww Jess, you are SO supportive sweetie *massive cuddles*. It's hard to support all the time and everyone, especially when you're not feeling well yourself. Personally I think it's wonderful when you do what you can. You really are amazing sweetie, please believe me *hugs*

Casper_Fading 05-08-2008 11:03 PM

OMG ALLY! There was a hole and a screw in mine too! :D

I feel bad though when people need help so badly and all i have is *hugs* especially when they're like "if all you're going to do is give hugs then pleast don't reply, i need advice not a cuddle' *rolls eyes* and then they don't get any replies bvecasue people are struggling and that's what so many of us have to offer. blah. okay i'm going to styop whining >.<

~*forever_broken*~ 05-08-2008 11:14 PM

Lol now that's a funny coincidende :-)

I know sweetie, I understand, I'm the same way. But eventually those people DO get advice and when they're feeling a bit better they realize that the *hugs* were all that some could do at the time becuar they were/are atruggeling too...

Casper_Fading 05-08-2008 11:16 PM

crazy coincidences do do do do... :P

it's hard you know? i hate people feeling like they're nto getting any help.

~*forever_broken*~ 05-08-2008 11:23 PM

*nods* I know sweetie... You want to be able to take care of everyone, I totally understand. But I'll tell you what I had to learn during this WONDERFULLY paralyzing major depressive episode that's been dragging on for over a year is that as much as I want to take care of everyone when I can barely care for myself I am of no good to them... Oh, supporting a few is possible some times... But it can't be everyone, all the time... You get stretched too thin and you get even worse yourself. And the guilt about not being able to help... Just makes it all worse as well. You've got to realize it's ok that you can't take care of everyone... Even though you really want to. It sucks. I mean, I can tell you this but tbh that doesn't make it any easier for me either... It sucks... And I'm rambling so I think I'll stop now *shakes head at self*

Casper_Fading 05-08-2008 11:27 PM

i'm replying most to just a few people and giving like... general replies to everyone else when i can. some threads i can't reply to at all as they just.. i dunno... are too hard to understand and make my head hurt >.<

~*forever_broken*~ 05-08-2008 11:36 PM

Sweetie, you're doing what you can and that's great, that's enough. And, being one of those you do reply to, you're doing an excelent job *cuddles lots and lots*

Casper_Fading 05-08-2008 11:37 PM

*cuddles you too* why aren't you in bed! hmmmmm

~*forever_broken*~ 05-08-2008 11:44 PM

Lol I am, I'm on my mobile :-)
It's almost 16:00 here, too late to take a nap, I wouldn't sleep tonight *shrug* but I'm laying here quietly, posting to you and reading a magazine

Casper_Fading 05-08-2008 11:52 PM

ahhh, that's alright then. I thought it was like... late... id idn't realise it was only afternoon :P

risenfromperdition 05-08-2008 11:58 PM

*snuggles with jess*

risenfromperdition 05-08-2008 11:58 PM

blah im bored but its 7 here so no way can i take a nap ><

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 12:02 AM

heather! *snuggles back* awww... it's 9 am here... you are all in the past!

risenfromperdition 06-08-2008 12:05 AM

lol hows youuu

~*forever_broken*~ 06-08-2008 12:07 AM

*joins the cuddle session before heading to the shower*
Ugh, it is SO hot and having to change that tire... I'm disgusting :pinch:

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 12:08 AM

*cuddles ally lots*

have a nice cool shower then :) you'll be okay!

risenfromperdition 06-08-2008 12:09 AM

its actually a bit cool here O.o
like 70s?

Casper_Fading 06-08-2008 12:09 AM

i'm alright heather! how are you doing? part from ebing tired!

risenfromperdition 06-08-2008 12:09 AM

so bored

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