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CrazyHayley 14-05-2010 10:42 AM

*toddles into the common room after 3days of wandering around ward avoiding people*

Hey wardies, so sorry I've been avoiding here.... no excuse, just me struggling with everything and avoiding everyone. BUT...(possible TMI!)...I came on my period this morning!! Which means that the PMDD is subsiding and it also means the last one over and done with as its injection time on monday! If I wasn't ill with a stinking cough and cold I think I may actually be happy....?!!!

*germ free group huggles all round to those who want them*

I am so sorry but there is too much for my medicated-more-than-usual brain to cope with to catch up with you all on the past three days. But you have been on my mind and I'll try and be a better fellow wardie from now on.

I spy a mark! *huggle* Morning! How's you this morning?!

EDIT: ah Mark, you posted whilst I was typing, so you answered my question. Lets hope you get phonecall back soon and they sort it all out quickly for you and that during that time the rain stops, so that when you're able to, you can then go for a walk. *sends out positive thoughts*

Doikers 14-05-2010 11:02 AM

Hey Hayley *Hugs* Well I got my phone call the Perscription is being written by the very boss of boss's of Pyschiatrists in my mental health team , So I'm gonna brave the rain and go there now to pick it up . He's not my Dr he's above my Dr , Then when I get back phone call number two , to my housing support worker to continue that saga with E-on *Sigh*

*Pops out*

Scarletdreamer 14-05-2010 11:02 AM

Good morning everyone...

Hayley, dunno if you read what Crimson posted but she said that those who play WoW on EU servers can possibly make characters on US servers, but not the other way 'round... so do you want to see if we could all four of us, Mark, Crimson, you, & me, get together on a US server? I have toons on Silvermoon, Grizzly Hills, and Area 52, and room for new toons on all of them. :) Also, I have high enough levels to run littler toons through dungeons on Grizzly Hills and Silvermoon. :D An 80 on Silvermoon and a 74 on GH. So those would be my two servers of choice, but of course, we could always start on a new server also. :) Just not RP/RPPVP/PVP because I suck at all of those things. ;) (Well, if that's okay with you all, that is... I don't want to be bossing around this whole operation!! :o sorry....) Anyway, am so glad that you're going to be getting that shot soon!! Maybe - hopefully - sanity will return. ;) And you'll be able to post more, yey... :) *cuddles*

*cuddles Hels* Did you get any sleep, love?

*cuddles Mark* So sorry that your diaz isn't in the pharmacy yet... but maybe it's just a bit late? Ewwww rain... I could give you a workout regimen you could do indoors with weights, that my personal trainer/close friend gave me, if you'd like that? :) I used to do it and really need to get back into the habit as it really burns off fat quickly but healthily. :) Anyway... *more cuddles*

*cuddles Kahlia, JK, Nicole, Nicole, Lindsay, Laura (who IS NOT a loser!!), Julie & co., Kat & co., Oliver, and anyone else I've forgotten (sorry!!)* ♥

I'm really tired, although I just got up. Well not really, got up at 5:30am and it's just past 6am now. But am still sleepy-eyed. I think I'll probably be getting on WoW in a bit... just started a baby druid yesterday named Freyasoul and I really want to get her to level 10 today... she's level 7 now so it should be doable. :) Wheeee... lol.

I'm still a little anxious but not as near as bad as last night... am still struggling with SI thoughts though, but also not quite as bad. :-/

I have an eye doctor's appt this afternoon... ugh... don't want to go. :(

*hides in a corner* :(

CrazyHayley 14-05-2010 11:02 AM

Ooh I spy and April *huggle!* I think I'm going to play on WoW for a bit, as long as I don't end up sneezing loads right when I need to be hitting keys to kill things - this happened yesterday and I died! doh! April can I pick your WoW brain please? What does ICC stand for, I've seen it come up in the chat box a few times and I've noooo idea! lol Oh I dinged level 30 last night! Really feel like I should be better than I am though....oh well. Have you had your hair cut yet?

CrazyHayley 14-05-2010 11:10 AM

ooh wasn't 11.02am a popular time to post, LOL!

April - I haven't the foggiest how I would work out getting onto a US server. I really am NOT technical minded, but perhaps a few PM's between us WoW addicts and we could try and sort something out and I think I'm on a PvE realm, seemed the best to start out on and I've no experience on anything else, so am happy to go with the flow. Good luck at your eye appointment later. I got my new contact lenses through yesterday so I'm enjoying clear vision again with my updated prescription!

Mark - when you read this I hope that you've dried off from the rain and good luck with the phonecall to your support worker, I hope that they've made progress with the saga! I'll prob be on WoW when you get back, so if you need distraction and help then feel free to whisper me when you log on and I can help.

Well my other fellow wardies who are hiding or sleeping or what not, I shall catch up with you later *more germ free huggles for those who want them*

*toddles off into corner with big box of tissues to become Roseleigh the gnome!*

frenchhorn 14-05-2010 11:46 AM

*hugs all wardmates who want hugs, waves at anyone else*

I'm in a good mood because I just went to the barbers for the first time and have at last got my haircut how I want it and its a proper mens haircut. I'm really hoping all of my quintet will remember to wear all black and someone bring a camera so we can do photos, everytime I say, someone always forgets, its a little annoying.
I may upload some photos of my new hair later, if your lucky!!
anyway I best be off for rehearsal number 1 of the day.

Kahlia1981 14-05-2010 11:50 AM

*offers hugs and waves as appropriate*

Having a really bad day today. Or maybe that should be night. Had to chase all around town to get a prescription filled. Seriously. Went to two different pharmacies and neither of them had it, but thankfully the second one rang around to find a pharmacy that did have it. Turned out the third pharmacy only had one box! So, they put it aside for me and we scooted right across town and got it. And it's not like it's even a rare drug or anything!

My mum had surgery today too. Apparently she's home and doing okay but is very sore, which you kind of expect after surgery. I only got the message like half an hour ago. I kind of would have liked that bit of information earlier, but they might not have been in a position to have given it any earlier.

Otherwise: mood is crap, I'm extremely suicidal, I'd love to SI but I want to make my 21 months which is only 11-ish days away and I am just so over everything that it isn't funny.

Sorry for not being able to respond to everyone. I'm just not up to being supportive right now. I am really so sorry. :crying: I really hope you can forgive me.

xxjuliexx 14-05-2010 12:18 PM

*crawls back under the concrete*

Doikers 14-05-2010 12:26 PM

Well , I've got my next months worth of Diaz , so am releived about that although I don't know what I'm going to do next month , go through all this again ? Hmmmmm

Oliver , I hope you can post a picture of your new haircut I bet you look cool :)

Kahlia , you don't need our forgiveness you've done nothing wrong *Hugs*

*Holds Aprils hand as she goes to her eye Dr *Hugs*

Hayley . Well done on getting to level 30! Thats huge , I pinged Level 8 by killing wolves and murlocs near the lake in the woods , Names of places escape me . I might need help on a quest I got killed on but I'll try for level 9 today :)
I bet you can't wait for your injection , I hope it works out and helps fix your PMDD .

Now for my phone call to my Houseing support worker .

Scarletdreamer 14-05-2010 12:36 PM

I spy a Mark!! :D

I am soo close to level 9 on my druid... she's only 2 "bubbles" away. But I took a break from leveling her so I could come online for a bit. :)

Hayley, I think that the options for a US server would be under "change realm" and then at the bottom of the list there should be options for US or Oceanic or Asian... I think. I know that I can get on Latin American and Oceanic servers that way. Oh, and ICC stands for Icecrown Citadel - raid and 3 dungeons/instances for REALLY well-geared level 80s. I've completed two of the dungeons and then died repeatedly on the last one, the last boss - the Lich King himself!! Quite scary, a DPS (damage per second) race. And we just didn't have the group for it. :( I ended up with a 40g repair bill... lol.

Mark and Kahlia, glad you got the meds you need. Kahlia, am sorry that you had to run around so long for them!! and Mark, sorry that you didn't get your diaz sooner... but at least you have it. :) And Kahlia, don't worry at all about not being able to reply/support people at the moment, you've done a stellar job in the past of helping us all out and I think we all understand how bad things can get... so please don't feel bad about that, if you can help it. (I hope I'm making sense... :-S)

*holds Mark's hand* I hate going to the eye doctor's... am never sure what they're going to do there, whether they'll dialate my eyes or use the pressure thingy on them, or or or... :( It's been nearly 2 years since I've gone though and for someone who usually wears contacts and has been getting worse vision for years, that's not good. :(

*cuddles everyone then hides in a box*

Oh *pokes head out from box* Oliver, I'd love to see pics!! :) And Hayley, I'll post another pic soon, there are some pics (quite) a few pages back of my new haircut, but I can post one Jarrod took yesterday on our walk/hike/thingy. :)

*hides again*

Doikers 14-05-2010 12:36 PM

*Lifts Concrete and Hugs Julie* You ok ?

My housing support worker can't meet me until next Wednesday when I'm due to meet him anyway.... E-on have given me 7 days to pay , next wednesday is 6 days * Anxious * Good job I have Diaz .
My Diaz was sorted today so I'll look upon it as one good thing done rather than stuff not done * tries to be positive *

Scarletdreamer 14-05-2010 01:26 PM

We posted at the same time, Mark. :P

Had a sort-of breakfast... don't really want to eat any more than I did. :(

Feel crappy. Tired. And I'm worried about my internship, whether it's been finalized and whether I've done all that I need to do (I don't think I have). ARGH!!!

:crying: Pathetic, simply pathetic............ :'(

MammaMia 14-05-2010 01:35 PM

I spy a Nicole & April!!

*cuddles everyone tight*

Well I actually managed to fall asleep after 6am after all that. Woke up around half 8 because my Mum came storming into my room with a phone call. Told her to go away and get them to call me back later. She wouldn't & gave me the phone, so I cut it off. Meh.

Rang doctors (from what they said, it was them anyway) and told me I am anaemic & have to get the flipping iron deficiency pills myself. OR if I can't, to get an appointment to get a prescription. Really don't understand. So just going to be lazy **** & get an appointment and make her explain :'( I can't afford anything right now. I need to magic a huge amount of money for next Thursday as it is. **** the fact I will probably continue to be dizzy & collapse until I get on those pills, I don't even care. I am so rock bottom that I just want to get off. Yet I'm trying to keep myself here & alive. I made my best friends promise me and I have try too.

I'm SOOOOOOOOOO over everything :'( I suck at being an adult :'( :'( :'(

*curls in a very hidden place and cries*

mouse in darkness 14-05-2010 01:39 PM

Got dragged out by housemates and visited another hostel the bummer about it is that they don't take people my age even though they are virtually empty. Really bummed out though.

Been feeding this cute ginger and white moggy that has had its tail docked. Poor kitten (more like fat cat) we spoil him and he gives us lots of affection. It is nice to be loved even if it is a stray cat.

*hugs to everyone who wants needs them* Hope you all had a good day. Glad Doikers and Kahlia got your meds.

Mamamia- We posted at the same time LOL. Am sorry you are unwell. I hope you can get the iron tablets. You do not suck .You don't suck at being an adult, you are an amazing supportive unique individual, unfortunatly some things hit the fan and others don't.

MammaMia 14-05-2010 01:52 PM

Thanks Nicole, what you said means a lot. Wish I could believe it about myself hehe :(

I spy a JK & April :D *jumps on*

Doikers 14-05-2010 01:56 PM

Helen , I'm sorry you have to take Iron Tablets and that you got so little sleep and that you are haveing such a **** time of it lately *Hugs*

April , You are NOT pathetic , I don't beleive it for a second *Hugs*

*Hugs Mouse-in-darkness*

I'm eating FAR TO MUCH , It's the stress , if I don't wanna cut I have to eat , I'm not good at healthy coping mechanism's hmmmm......

mouse in darkness 14-05-2010 02:12 PM

Mamamia- I wouldn't say it if it were not true. *Hugs you gently*

*Hugs Doikers*

Gotta get offline. Bugger. Next worker starts soon and will crack if I am on the computer am already half an hour over the alloted times. oops

*Hugs to everyone who wants/needs them and waves to those who don't*

MammaMia 14-05-2010 02:16 PM

*hugs Mark & Nicole*

Louise 14-05-2010 02:16 PM

*leaves hugs*

MammaMia 14-05-2010 02:23 PM

\*hugs Louise*

Doikers 14-05-2010 04:23 PM

*Gos around collecting his hugs*
*Leaves extra hugs out*

Doikers 14-05-2010 04:40 PM

I spots Louise and Crimson , How are you guys hanging on?

PoisonedApple 14-05-2010 04:57 PM

I read all 4 pages since last night but not much of it stuck with me... sorry guys.

april- i have a few toons on a few realms but the only realm i can recall off the top of my mind is runetotem... i'll let you know if i have any on a server ur on later on today.
and does that indoor workout of yours involve having much room to move? i'm trying to find something i can do in a small space due to the housing/space issue. *crosses fingers jumping about "i can wait till i can get a regular gym membership, then it won't matter about room in the house"*

mark- so far so good. gotta run down stairs to cover the front desk... i'll be back...

PoisonedApple 14-05-2010 06:04 PM

*pokes head in*
hmmm no one around anymore huh?

frenchhorn 14-05-2010 06:18 PM

Hi Crimson how are you?

PoisonedApple 14-05-2010 06:27 PM

I'm doing ok. Holding up. Trying to get a lot of work done (so I can leave early) but that's not going as well as hoped since I'm not focusing and retaining as well as I should. *shrugs* Other than that I'm doing pretty good. D decided to take us both (and only the 2 of us for once) out to a movie -Ironman 2- and we might stop by Crush before that (Crush is like a cafe but with wine and appetizers instead of coffee and cakes... he promised we'd go when we could afford it when it opened last fall). And hopefully I can get gym shoes and a membership soon. The gym seems to help me quite a bit. I dunno if it's that I can work off the stress or because it gets me out of the house or if its just the endorphins but whatever it is seems to work to get me half way stable on the days I feel like crap.

How are you doing today? And you'll post pics of the new haircut right?

Scarletdreamer 14-05-2010 06:28 PM

I spy Crimson!! :) *cuddles* The workout thing only involves enough room for you to raise your arms over your head, lie down (for crunches), and, well, that's about it. As long as you have enough room to stand free of "stuff" like furniture and all you can do the workout, although a little more room than that is obviously prime. You need 2, 3, and 5lb (x2, one for each arm) weights for the regimen - you can buy them at Walmart for pretty decent prices, can't remember now exactly what but I am pretty sure that they were inexpensive. :) And yeh, please do check about where your toons are... I wouldn't mind starting on a new realm but the nice thing about my already having high-level toons on a server is that there wouldn't be any problem with gold for all of us. :)

Hayley *more cuddles* I wanted to tell you congrats on reaching level 30!! That's awesome. :D Have you been leveling with quests or dungeons, or both? Also, what toon did you start with Mark? I know he has a human warrior (Mark, never could figure out warriors, lol, have a level 9 Tauren one on Winterhoof realm but never play on him, heh, so kudos to you for being able to figure one out just starting!!).

*cuddles Hels* You are an amazing person, love. Please try and believe that, 'kay? because we all in here think so & wouldn't say so if we didn't truly believe it. Right guys? :)

*cuddles Louise* How you doing, hon?

*cuddles Nicole/MID (as we have 2 Nicoles in here I thought I'd clarify)* I'm glad you had some time to post & get support on here, even though you were over your allotted time bit on the computer... :)

*cuddles Mark* How're you doing this afternoon/evening? :)

*cuddles everyone else* Sorry for not listing all of the names... am thinking of all of you but I don't want to leave you out so I won't try and list everyone!!

I have to leave for my eye doctor's appt shortly... ugh am nervous!! :( Hate being nervous/anxious and not having an outlet for it... I might play some WoW but I am at level 10 quests now on my druid and I don't want to die... okay okay, so that's kind of selfish/stupid, lol, but still. :( And I don't want to die on any of my other toons, and I feel like I don't know how to play a rogue so what's the point in trying to play mine (level 23)?............ gah am so ****ing pathetic at life. Even WoW. :'( I haven't done dailies in forever, with my 80 on Silvermoon, and I really need to do that again because I'm going for the mount achievement - if you have 50 mounts you get an albino drake, and I'm sooo close - have like 43 or something, and am working on getting more - reputation grinding basically. Am close, but still...

EPIC FAIL. Not just with WoW. I just feel like one... and am one. :crying:

frenchhorn 14-05-2010 06:31 PM

glad your doing ok, hope you get your work finished so you can go home early. hope you have fun at the cinema.

I'm doing ok, yes I shall take a few photos in a min when I've changed into my DJ then load them if time before concert, or if not after concert.

*hugs all*

Doikers 14-05-2010 06:31 PM

I'm about :) Hey Oliver and Crimson , That "Cafe" sound neat , Have fun!!!

*Spots an April and Pounces*

Scarletdreamer 14-05-2010 06:35 PM

*pounces back* Lol... :) How are you, Mark?

I spy a Hels!! *jumps on since she was jumped on earlier* :P How are you, love?

My foot's asleep... :-/ heh...

Doikers 14-05-2010 06:35 PM


and am working on getting more - reputation grinding basically.
HEHE I KNOW what grinding is , Hayley taught me the meaning

April Now listen here Missy! You are not a fail , you are a wonderful person and don't you forget it ! *Stamps foot to emphacise point*

Scarletdreamer 14-05-2010 06:38 PM

Hehe yey for Hayley!! :D Learning about WoW can be challenging, always good to have a friend to help you figure it out. I know that I wouldn't have gotten it figured out had it not been for Jarrod. Now I feel I know my way around the Alliance side pretty well. :) And Horde scares me... lol. I don't know why...

Okay okay... maybe I'm not an EPIC fail... :-S *bites lip* but you would think so if you met me IRL. :'(

Scarletdreamer 14-05-2010 06:43 PM


*hides for awhile* :(

Doikers 14-05-2010 06:43 PM


Okay okay... maybe I'm not an EPIC fail... :-S *bites lip* but you would think so if you met me IRL.
If I could afford it I'd Fly out there and meet you IRL and then STILL Think you're great , but , can't afford it :( grrr so you;ll have to beleive my virtual word for it !

PoisonedApple 14-05-2010 06:45 PM


I'm about :) Hey Oliver and Crimson , That "Cafe" sound neat , Have fun!!!
Yeah I hope its as awesome inside as it looks from the outside. I'm kind of a picky wine drinker though so hopefully I can find something delicious.


April Now listen here Missy! You are not a fail , you are a wonderful person and don't you forget it ! *Stamps foot to emphacise point*
^^THIS^^ *accompanies with crossing of arms*

I feel so hyper but still a touch tired... so confusing. maybe a coffee'd even it out.

PoisonedApple 14-05-2010 06:46 PM

*sits and waits patiently for pics of Oliver*

frenchhorn 14-05-2010 06:55 PM

your going to have to wait a while for the photos guys sorry i've not got time to do them before I've got to go off for concert.

*leaves apile of cuddles and fruit in middle of ward and wonders off to his concert*

Doikers 14-05-2010 07:05 PM

*Grabs a cuddles and a apple and wonders off to play WoW*
I MUST keep distracted , Urges again :(

xxjuliexx 14-05-2010 07:07 PM

morning i gtg to work soon i start 7am

PoisonedApple 14-05-2010 07:21 PM

Good morning Julie!
*puts waiting on hold and grabs a cuddle and some grapes*

SoMuchMore 14-05-2010 08:13 PM

*hugs everyone tightly*

Is it bad that I'm going out at 4pm? lol. O well... Time to blow off steam.

Hope that everyone is alright. I will catch up on individual replies later. <3

katnovia 14-05-2010 08:44 PM

Hi guys. I'm back, That was tiring, but kind of good. *rubs eyes and finds an appropriate corner to curl up in, but not before dropping off bundles of sticks of rock on the table*

Doikers 14-05-2010 08:47 PM

Welcome back Kat :) !! Ohhh rock , Minty! Snaffles one for later on , Did you have a nice time? , I'm sorry I forgot Exactly where you went :S My stuff going on sorry:(

taz35 14-05-2010 08:58 PM

I read through the 6 pages I've missed, but my mind has jumbled everything together :( I hope everyone's doing alright <3
*tackles & hugs every single person in the ward*

Took me 2 hours to fall asleep last night, and then just tossed and turned the whole time. It was awful :( I hate when it becomes night time, that's when my mind starts screwing up on me.

*crawls under a blanket & tries to sleep*

MammaMia 14-05-2010 09:05 PM

*cuddles everyone and then hides*

I feel sooooo alone. *rocks and cries*

Steel Maiden 14-05-2010 09:20 PM

I haven't been here for a while. Hello all.

taz35 14-05-2010 09:22 PM

*hugs & sits with MammaMia* Why so lonesome?
*hugs Steel Maiden* Hi :) I'm Taz. How're you doing?

Doikers 14-05-2010 09:25 PM

*Hugs Taz * I'm sorry you can't sleep , here * Hands over some Comomille tea*

*Hugs Helen* Feeling Alone sucks , I wish you didn't feel that way * Offers hand to hold so as you to feel unalone *

I jsut feel SO WATCHED , There was a caravan out front for 2 weeks and I think they were listening to me , but they must know I figured it out as it went yesterday .
I hate feeling so watched , am I imagining it ? I'm not important enough to be watched but I just FEEL it , maybe I'm getting crazy , Sorry if thats the wrong word , all this started a while back when I started to get stressed a lot and that letter demanding payment from E-on has brought it back to the surface .

Sorry if that doesn't belong here , I'm lost and scared , My Mobile phone stopped working , Can THEY do that?


Doikers 14-05-2010 09:27 PM

Hello Steel Maiden :) How are you?

taz35 14-05-2010 09:27 PM

*hugs Mark and accepts tea* Thanks :)

"Can they do that", was that referring to shutting off your phone? Or the van sitting around watching you? =/ That would make me feel really paranoid too. At least it's gone now, right? *squishes Mark*

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