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Before you enter Chat.
If you are new to Chat, it may be an idea to get yourself familiar with the 'RYL Rules' (which apply not only to chat, but also forums, private messages and journals) and 'Chat Members Introduce Themselves' so you are a little more familiar with the people, the ways in which you are looked after and the ways we make sure you get what you need from chat; be it support, discussion or to have fun. (:

From the login page (which can be found by simply pressing ‘chat’ in the top toolbar), click the 'Enter Chat' link in order to enter the first chat room. The first thing that you will notice is the two main dividers, the left one been the main conversation with a box at the bottom for you to type into. To the right is the smaller of the two; this one is responsible for displaying who else is in the conversation with you.

The first thing you may notice is that some of the people’s colours and fonts are different. As confusing as this may seem, it is quite simple to remember really.

-Your name will appear in Blue
-Green nicknames indicate Chat Moderators.
-A nickname displayed with grey italics means that the user is away from the chat.
-A grey nickname with a line through it means that you have blocked the user.

Using Chat.
As explained before, the far right shows the current listings of who is currently in chat and there are several options that become available to by right clicking another user’s name and you will be shown the following options:

A Whisper is a message between you and the other user; it will appear in the main conversation in a small yellow box, but only you and the other person can see the messages. To reply to a whisper, click on the other members' username in the yellow box and the format will appear in your text box to reply privately to that message.

Private Chat opens up a new conversation window and the tabs to which will appear between where you write and where your message appears. It is a useful feature and makes a one-to-one conversation with someone completely private (though the rules still apply!)

View Profile will open up a new window in your browser, showing you that person’s profile. Rather self explanitory (:

The Block User button does exactly what it says it does. You will not be able to see their messages and you can repeat the option to unblock them.

As a side note; you can see the ‘I am Available’/’I am Away’ button to the bottom right of that image. Click this button to display a message that lets others know you are available; and again to let them know that you are away from your computer, or that you do not want to chat.

Chat Options.

The above image shows the various options that you have to the top-right of the main chat conversation window. Starting from left to right:

The Door Button opens the Rooms dialog, which allows you to switch rooms by then clicking on the room you wish to go into.

Gear button is the settings. The options displayed will allow you to:
-Allows you to set options for the following items:
-Chat area avatars, fonts, colors and emoticons.
-Options for showing people leaving, private messages and using large fonts.
-Showing avatars.
-Sorting participants in the right pane by alphabetical order or by status.
-Alert sounds for people joining, public messages and private messages.
Tip: To read the chat text more easily, clear the Show Custom Fonts and Colors check box. You can also select the Use Large Fonts check box.

Question mark button displays the help dialog, with basic information.

Red button is how you exit chat.

Text Formatting.

To the bottom left of chat, where you insert your text, you will see a group of buttons (shown above). The first group of three buttons Bolds, Italics, or Underlines the selected text or that which is about to be written.

Then are the following options:

-The Colour Button adds your own personal choice of colour to your message text.

-Emoticons button. Click the button and choose a face that is sad, happy, embarrassed and more. Emoticons are useful for conveying how you feel without typing any words. When you select a face on the Emoticons palette, a code appears in your message text. When you click the Send button to send the message text, the code is replaced with the emoticon that you selected.

-Clear Chat Area button Removes all previous text from the chat area. If you click this button, you cannot save the current conversation using the Save Chat button.

-Save Chat Conversation allows you to save the current conversation, to your computer as a text file (.txt ) or web page (.html). This is useful if you want to read the conversation later or refer to information in the conversation. For example, if a rule has been broken or there is some advice you were offered and would like to read it again later.

Other notes.
You can create custom actions by using the /me {action} command, or by starting anything you type with a colon : character.

For example, typing "yourusername: hugs" becomes "yourusername hugs"

To navigate through the tabs quickly, you can press the following keys on your keyboard:
Alt+Left arrow
Alt+Right arrow

You can also display different tabs by pressing Alt+0, Alt+1, and so forth.

Common issues that may arise with Chat.
'Authentication Failed' can be a common issue with some members. The most likely cause being specialized symbols within your username, such as * or ~ or alternative accents. Sadly, this will mean for you to enter chat you need to change your name. In order to do so you would have had to be a member for around three months with minimal posting. Then, go to control panel, and on the options at the left of the page you have the option to click request new username. This may take anything from 30 minutes to a week but on average it will take a day or two. Please note, changing your new username to contain other personalised symbols will result in similar issues.

Alternatively there maybe a blank screen that appears at the bottom; a resolution to this is probably downloading the most up-to-date flash player plug-in.

The absence of an avatar may also occur, if this is so then it maybe due to the fact you have not uploaded one to your profile. If you have done that, but it is still not appearing it is because avatars can take a while to be moved through to Chat and patience is all that can help (:

Frequent disconnections may be apparent, and although chat is now more stable than it has ever been before, some small issues may occur. To resolve this, simply press F5 (this is unlikely, but it may vary with different browsers) to refresh your page and be logged back into Chat.

Other issues (browser dependant) may occur, if they do, then please feel free to ask the community by creating a thread in the appropriate board.

We hope you have a nice time in chat, you are always welcome and the Chat Moderators are always there if there is any rule breaking, simply save the conversation and forward it to them with a brief explanation. You can also e-mail any problems, feedback or questions/concerns about chat to chatmods@recoveryourlife.com.

Reporting Incidents.
Unfortunately, rules are sometimes broken in chat by some members, and when you notice this it is important to report it. Rule breaking is anything that goes against these Rules, and include insulting other members, posting triggering information, and tipsharing.

It is firstly important to try and contact a chat moderator who is currently online asking them to come into chat. Chat moderators appear on the forum in green.

However there are times when a moderator is not available... this is where we need your help, by saving a chat log. Chat logs of bad behaviour can be obtained by pressing the button indicated by the arrow:

This log will be everything in main chat and your whispers (not private messages in tabs) from the moment you log in. If you log out, the chat log is unfortunately lost.

- A save box will appear allowing you to save the chat log somewhere in your documents (Recommended renaming the document to something you will recognise).
- You will be able to open the log with your internet browser.
- A simple copy and paste of the section of chat that you are reporting can be pasted either in a PM to a chat moderator or into an email to chatmods@recoveryourlife.com where the next available chat mod can pick up the email and deal with it accordingly.

Sea Pink Aroma
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