Thread: Future career
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Old 21-08-2018, 11:59 AM   #2
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Hello, buddy.

I understand that exams can be really stressful and tiring, especially when you don't feel passionate about what you do. I'm sorry it's difficult for you, but I hope you understand that we all make mistakes and every day is a new day and an opportunity to start a new page of your life. So if you feel like you aren't satisfied with your current situation, you can always start making steps to change it. Every little step counts!

I can relate to not feeling interested in the course your studying. I've been in a similar situation and I've chose to drop out and do what I like instead (even though I'm a bit on the opposite side, because I dropped out of college when I studied languages to work with computers). Your situation, of course, might be very different from mine, but if you feel like you know what you want to do instead of what you're currently studying for, then I would always suggest to think of a plan of switching to doing what you love. This is your life and if there's an opportunity to make it substantially better by doing what you're passionate about, then by all means go for it! On the other hand, if dropping out right now doesn't feel like a good option, because you are not comfortable with this idea, or because it will negatively affect your life, then even if you do get an education in this field it doesn't mean that you're forced to actually get a job you studied for and work in this field for life. If you feel like you need to finish your studies to secure your future, to keep a good relationship with your family or for any other reason, you can do so - and at the same time look into your interests and just switch to doing what you like after you finish college. While I don't think that continuing your studies just because you want to please your family or your girlfriend is necessary because in the end it's your own life, I do understand your concern about supporting yourself financially. It all depends on how realistic it is to drop out of college and make money by doing what you love instead. If it's possible - then I think you should take your chance and go for it, but if it doesn't seem like an option at the moment then maybe you should postpone this decision until it seems more realistic, or think of a plan on how to integrate your personal interests into your life without jeopardizing your financial security.

But ultimately what to do can only be your own decision. I wonder what are those personal interest you'd rather focus on, instead of studying computers?

Last edited by Juella : 21-08-2018 at 12:00 PM. Reason: typos
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