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Old 02-06-2019, 10:28 AM   #6
sherlock holmes
do you like my potato?
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Join Date: Mar 2004

Mainly I miss the sense of community and friendship. I could log on and there would be 20 others online at the same time that I knew well and we could chat for hours, spam threads (Esther's Queendom for example) and support each other. Then a few times over the summer we'd meet up in London or Essex and lark about. There was such a sense of belonging. We may all have been struggling but we helped each other too. Not like on Instagram now where most people with MH issues and ED like to post. It's a very toxic community, I see the sorts of things that happens, the awful anonymous messages left on tellonym etc. Such a shame.

Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back, everything is different…

you once called your brain a hard drive, well say hello to the virus.

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