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Old 12-02-2010, 10:40 PM   #26

i think sometimes people don't class their own experience with bullying as abuse cause they don't want to be seen as "dramatic", which is due to society accepting bullying so much. It's not right, but i think society is more used to it. but it's still abuse, regardless of if legal consequences are different for children. i know what some people mean by bullying being hard to pin down. throughout school i was constantly left out, and had people saying things about my body, stuff like that. but it was always like passive aggressive so it was hard to say things were wrong. i think that's why i allowed the emotional abuse with my friend when i was a teenager cause i was used to people putting me down and then acting like it wasn't serious. plus she would sometimes be nice and sometimes say off the cuff mean things, not to mention threatening me but doing it in a way of like a hypothetical situation. but that doesn't mean it didn't cause fear, it just made it so i didn't realize anything was wrong until much later.

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