Thread: New To Vets?
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Old 28-12-2011, 10:45 PM   #45
chesterlily88's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Hello, I'm Amanda. I think I joined the forums when I was 21 or 22 and am 23 now so I haven't been around too long...

I honestly used to think that Veterans was for...well you know, actual war veterans. You now have permission to laugh at (er, with) me.

Uh...I have no significant other (nor have I really or will I in the future) so I guess I always feel too immature to be around people my own age. But I guess much younger people are in relationships I guess I feel too immature around other people in general.

Instead of getting married liked I'm apparently supposed to, I'm getting a bunch of degrees instead. I'm 25% of the way through 3 out of 4 degrees at the moment. Too bad having more than one degree is detrimental to people getting a job in America anymore (the government is trying to destroy my career field and you can't get other jobs if you're too overqualified) so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be left with nothing in the end except maybe a Dr. in front of my name.

I also have some silly idea of starting a band before I get too old...fortunately, most people's first impression of me is that I'm 19 instead of 23 look wise. I guess that's a good thing...That and having a band/studio recordings will apparently help me in landing a solid job if the whole band thing doesn't work out.

Gah! My future looks so bleak and lonely!

But...uh, sorry for my story becoming a rant and...hi.

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