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Old 22-06-2008, 08:31 AM   #10
Snow White.
I am a fairy.
Join Date: May 2004
I am currently:

What if that doesn't affect me?
This content may be triggering.

A lot of people criticise the idea that we shouldn't end our lives to save others suffering. That it would be selfish to ask them to have us suffer through our pain. But why would people who love and care you want you to live with this depression?

Because - you will live after this depression. You won't live after suicide.

Even when things get hard and people will urge you on, even for their sake, they're not trying to spare themselves from their pain, but they are trying to help you through.

The reality is, you mean something to someone. You may not believe me. I'm not going to force you to. There have been times where I have felt like I have met nothing to nobody. Have you actually asked anyone? Do you have any reliable evidence as to why nobody would care if you were dead?

Our minds - when clouded by depression - can be so focussed on the idea that we are alone we forget there are people who care about us. So if you think you're alone, and your death won't affect anyone - I ask you to ask someone who knows you about that. See what they say.

I met a girl once whose name was Emma. We only ever talked over a cigarette in the courtyard every-so-often and she was the kindest most lovely girl. To this day I can remember everything about her, her long hair, her cheeky smile, and her long, beautiful skirts. After years of abuse, Emma took her life. She would never have been able to have predicted how completely shattered I was to hear of her death. Likewise, if I died I wouldn't think of her. But now, I can see outside that box.

Suicide touches everyone you have come in contact with. If you can't pull through for yourself, please, pull through this for those around you. And if not that, then for the sheer fact that there is something better out there, and you are worth it.

Last edited by Snow White. : 26-07-2008 at 08:21 AM.
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