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Old 15-06-2013, 03:52 PM   #8
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Unfortunately teams do make conditions on therapy, often when they feel worried for your physical health and consider it unethical to work on the mental side without treating and monitoring the physical aspects.

I disliked the way things worked in my ed team, [although they never offered me therapy so there was no bargaining tool there] I just got the dietician, but that's what I wanted. The first time in EDS however I got the psychotherapist for 6 sessions and I was told that meant gaining weight, otherwise they'd discharge early, I empathise that this approach is unhelpful for a lot of people.

If you don't like the way they run their team, could you look into private therapy? I can see how uncomfortable it is to have them sitting in on your therapy sessions [I would find this distracting and offputting].

Could you ask that you see them separately just so you get the individual time with your therapist.

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