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Old 23-03-2014, 06:58 AM   #1
olliemoose's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: somewhere between the moon and the sun
I am currently:
Warrior of the Broken

Scars are the marks of a warrior. The marks of someone who was fighting so hard for their life & happiness, they turned to bloodshed as a result. We who bare these marks are not weak, but strong enough to let the angry crimson lines heal over & become proof of our strength. We should not mock these warriors of the broken, for we have all fought this battle; some being lucky enough to come out unscathed. Like a soldier's chest holds their accomplishments in battle, our skin is decorated with our own more permanent medals of honor. So, brothers and sisters in arms, do not be ashamed of your pale pink medals, love them. Let them serve as a reminder that in your darkest hour you conquered your biggest foe: yourself. My name is Ollie, and I am a warrior of the broken.

Last edited by olliemoose : 22-05-2014 at 09:03 PM.

"The man in the song tries to love the girl, but she's not really there, not all the way. She's running from something inside of her that he can't see. I think that there's something like that inside of me." - Laurel, Love Letters to the Dead

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