Thread: waaaaaah ;(
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Old 14-03-2012, 03:18 AM   #12
Left RYL
Join Date: Dec 2009

Originally Posted by The Oxymoron View Post
that's what I'm saying colbert, my dad is going to. uuh well I haven't diagnosed myself with it, ahaha but I probably have it.

I've had a lot of experience with counselors, psychiatrists, and psychologists in my life, but back then I was different. I'm not that desperate actually I'm quite busy. my dad and I have a good relationship, the same can't be said for him and my brother. my brother is kind of an asshole.
I mean, I AM desperate, but I don't LIKE being desperate.
I'm going to run out of fucking patience eventually, I can tell you that much. that's the point where I would pick up the phone and call a dr.'s office myself, I just think that for now I'll let my dad take care of it since he said he would.

um ... bleh.
You can't be diagnosed until you are over 18 with a personality disorder.

And what exactly do you want us to do or say? You know that you need to get their help sooner rather than later but refuse to call yourself? We can't make you do anything, but we can't really say anything to you if you won't take our advice seriously. All we will and have said is call them yourself.


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