Thread: need help
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Old 09-04-2019, 11:48 PM   #4
Auror.'s Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: USA

What type of help and/or support are you looking for? Sometimes it's hard for resources and places, and even other people to help you when you aren't clear about what you are needing. I know when you're feeling awful it can feel like that shouldn't be on you to explain and it does suck. But the more you can be specific about what you are looking for and what would be helpful, often the better luck you will have with getting help. Also, places in general should not be turning you away without offering suggestions or referrals. Chase up every referral and suggestion, and document it. That way if you get run around, you can say that you have already tried things and ask them to offer something different.

How much longer are you abroad? Is your semester almost over that you could set some appointments up for as soon as you get home? Or is it worth looking into leaving early?

Please do not give me virtual hugs unless you are only using the hug function on threads. Thanks.

You can't always keep it separate.
This is happening, this is part of you.

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