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Old 17-11-2016, 09:19 PM   #13
Join Date: Aug 2006
I am currently:

This isn't good this isn't good.
It isn't good.
CMHT - I couldn't be completely honest with them but I told them I couldn't sleep - so I have a prescription for sleeping pills which I have previously OD'd on. I'm scared.
I've been mini OD'ing on different meds for the last 6 days....
And....I'm pretty sure I'm an alcoholic. What is usually described as a functioning alcoholic.
I don't drink I the day but...I'm already drunk and I don't drink before 6pm.

And I shit myself this morning due to laxatives.

I am dying.
I know that.
I'm not eating and I'm not drinking much. I took the dressings off my arms 3/4? Days ago? but I'm meant to be back to the burns unit tomorrow and I have burned even more over it.

How I am going to explain it I don't know.

And I don't feel well enough to drive.

These heart palpitations though...

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