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Old 15-11-2008, 12:01 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: UK

If the area gets any more raised around the wound then you need to get looked at or if it becomes more painful at all. It may be a good idea to get an out of hours GP to look at it today actually as you may have an absess under where which is a build up of infection in a sealed area. These can be quite hard and can often show up under area's of stitches due to trapping in of infection. If it is just around the wound it could also be a reaction to the material they have used to stitch up the wound and that in itself needs to be looked into as it may mean they need to take them out and restitch it with somewhing else. The spreading of the wound and swelling of your arm may be signs of infection though could also be due to swelling in the area of the stitches affecting other processes

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