Thread: not sleeping
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Old 06-06-2007, 06:21 AM   #14
dysphoria's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Melbourne, AUS


Have you tried drugs? I mean legal drugs? And prescribed ones?

There are several that i can list.

First there are ones available OTC ((over the counter)) like diphenhydramine/benadryl or promethazine/phenergan...both of these are anti-histamines and are sedating. DO NOT take more than the recommended dose, as O.D'ing on anticholinergics is an awful, terrible O.D.

Then you have prescription drugs. Like sedating antidepressants. You have the ((old)) tricyclic antidepressants, and newer ones, like mirtazapine. I personally would say mirtazapine is a better choice than the old tricyclics ((less side effects)).

Then you have benzodiazepines or benzo's. Now these can cause profound physical dependence and can be addictive if you have a penchant for downers. And usually you will have to have a long, trusting relationship with your doc before he/she will script them, esp. if your young and don't look completley normal and clean cut. If you ARE scripted a benzo, for example temazepam....its best to either use it everyday for a few weeks then quit, or use it every now and then ((like using it 3-4 times a week, but NEVER 4 days in a row)) you could use it on sunday night, tuesday night, and friday night.

Now when it comes to benzo's, they all do basically the same thing. I have used benzo's that are ment for anxiety as sleeping agents ((like alprazolam/xanax)) and i have used ones that are ment for putting you to sleep ((like nitrazepam/mogadon)) for anxiety relief. It all depends on how they effect you. If you WERE to use a benzo "every now and then" then you MUST make sure its a SHORT-ACTING benzo ((e.g. midazolam, triazolam, temazepam, alprazolam)), not a long acting one like diazepam/valium or clonazepam/klonopin.

Then you have the sedating antipsychotics. The ones most likely to be prescribed are trifluoperazine/stelazine and quetiapine/seroquel...or some other "atypical-antipsychotic" like olanzapine.

Then there are "unconventional" drugs, like marijuana and GHB. In the USA, UK, and AUS these drugs are illegal ((although i think in some states in the USA you can be prescribed marijuana, or at least THC in pill form))....but you may live in a "non-western" country where these drugs are legal. I have found marijuana to be an excellent hypnotic ((sleep inducing agent)) and whats great about it is, it kills nightmares ((you simply DON'T DREAM AT ALL!!!)). The same can be said of GHB. It knocks you out, you may have to re-dose in the middle of the night cos of its short action and dopamine re-bound, but its an excellent hypnotic. However, it can cause dependence, and some GHB dependence can be severe, so i would recommend only using it "every now and then" like with benzo's. Weed is MUCH less addictive than benzo's, so you could use it every night an hour or so before bed....but i only recommend these drugs in countries where they are legal and its ok to use them ((some European countries, some asian countries, Mexico, India...and others))....

Personally...i have used all of the above drugs ((except for the tricyclic antidepressants)) sometimes all at once. I find them useful in getting a good nights sleep. I take mirtazapine, quetiapine, trifluoperazine, and sometimes promethazine if i feel i need it. Unfortunatley, these drugs DON'T kill nightmares. But they are very helpful in getting some sleep. I dunno if you've tried any of them or not...or tried a combination of the above ((which is what i recommend if you have bad insomnia))....

OK I didn't mean to ramble on so much...sorry if its a bit much to read. I was just including all the drugs i know of that can help you sleep, and ones that i have used and found helpful. I hope you can get sleep soon, as lack of sleep really makes EVERYTHING worse....

Good bye to everyone on RYL, for various reasons im leaving this site and i will never return. This may make some of you happy, and others sad. Im not leaving because of the members... Good bye and have a nice life

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