Thread: why bother?!
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Old 13-09-2020, 11:23 AM   #65
The Shadow of the Day
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Scotland

Who is it who makes you feel you're not doing enough? Does it so much mean you need to do the things they well you? Do you think you're doing much? It looks like you are trying your hardest and that should be awarded not punished. What is it about your life that you feel is worthless? Do you have any. ideas about how it feel ok and just ignore the negative people? I know people can be not so nice but there are kind people out there.

You don't have to do lots of things that people tell you to. Who not trying to think up ways to have more of your own control because it's you that is important.

I put it down on paper and then the ghost does not ache so much.

Don't try to calm the storm, calm yourself, the storm will pass.

You didn't come this far just to come this far.

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