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Old 07-02-2010, 02:32 AM   #6
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: UK
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Appeal, and check this out...

The benefits system are totally screwing up ESA, it is a new benefit to eventually replace Income Support completely. The rules are not applied fairly and as a result the appeals services are over run with tribunal cases.

PM me if you need any support, I am going through an appeal right now, for the reason I conveniently scored 12 points, then I asked for a reconsidered decision as part of the appeal process and had my points revised to 0! My GP is furious about it as they mis quoted her and selectively took points out of context.

Dont give up. The advice for people that cannot get ESA who dont appeal or dont win an appeal is to apply for Jobseekers, and as a part of applying you can discount all the jobs you are unable to do, and if that happens to leave the choices so very narrow they cant find anything, then so be it, and you stay on the benefit as long as you are 'searching for suitable employment'.

Dont give up, the whole system is in chaos, believe me your not alone,, and there is help out there. See the citizens advice beauro, they are sure to have lots of information because there are so many people in the same situation right now.


Try DLA also, you can be working and still claim DLA, as DLA is based on your needs whether or not they are currently met via health care/social care services.

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