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YourDeadFriend 02-08-2012 11:19 AM

I need some help
I haven't been on in a while, well i guess that's because i was getting better but recently things have just gone wrong for me, basically i can't vent my emotions, they're just building up, i tried a lot of things to try to get rid of them, ranging from punching a punching bag to professional help and then i resorted to something i knew that worked, i cut, only to find out that didn't work, so now i am stuck being myself with continuously building emotions.

I can't tell my friends that i cut nor how i am feeling, because they would just reject me for being such a weakling, i can't tell my parents because the anti-depressants that i take daily are supposed to work and then i would be sent to a psych ward again for being a threat to myself.

Cryptic. 02-08-2012 12:22 PM

I'd ask and discuss this with a professional, ask what can be done to help you with this, certain therapies and techniques can help you with learning how to express yourself emotionally healthily and to learn how to vent healthily, rather than building it up and keeping it all inside, and then it suddenly exploding.

And if you're finding your medication isn't working, maybe ask to change it, but really, this kind of thing is about learning some skills to help you with your emotions more, I'm afraid medication doesn't really have a quick fix for these things.


PassedExpectations 02-08-2012 06:23 PM

are you able to name your emotions? i found that part of my hold up in expressing emotions was that i didn't have a name for them. it might sound kinda silly, but i would find a big list of emotions online and go through and try and find one that really described how i was feeling. just having a good name for it somehow helped me recognize and acknowledge it, and then deal with it

YourDeadFriend 02-08-2012 10:34 PM

I have discussed with my Psychologist and therapist about techniques, which none have worked, i've been on various medications, currently i am on Lovan, and i have been on it for 4 months, nothing just seems to get my emotions out.

The emotions i am feeling are, Anger, Hatred, Sadness, Grief, Confusion, Guilt, Frustration, Envy, Doubt, Worry, Hopelessness, Helplessness, Fear, Anxiety, Hurt and Despair

PassedExpectations 02-08-2012 11:34 PM

hmmm... i would be feeling confused too.

maybe you could try to counteract some of those. like for Helplessness, you could do something to prove to yourself that you can take care of yourself and effect what happens to you. or for Worry, you could write down some of the things that you are worried about, and then find some things that you could do to cope if each one happened, or find one thing that you can do to prevent the thing from happening

YourDeadFriend 03-08-2012 11:16 AM

But the thing is, every one of those emotions i cannot counteract, it's something that i cannot help with, it's my girlfriend i worry about, and i can't do anything to help, therefore i feel helpless and the thing is i've realized that i cannot prepare for what may happen and how i could cope, so many things happen, my girlfriend got raped, my best friend died, another is in emergency care in hospital, i just can't cope with all of this happening, regardless if i can get my emotions out then it all builds back up in a instant

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