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PaperHeart 16-07-2013 05:14 AM

Altered sense of Touch/feeling and Poor Coordination
This is quite alarming for me and really difficult for me to describe so just bare with me.

How it started:

I have been staying with my mom for the past week and 3 days, because I had plans to move in with her since things aren't going so well at my fathers house, he has personality disorders and suffers from hoarding, and it is out of control.

In the past, my mother used to be physically and mentally abusive towards me, and I knew that she might have not necessarily changed, so I wanted to make sure this was going to be the right choice for me. It was an unrelenting fear that I had to confirm, and good thing I did.

Last night, we had a big falling out, and I could see that she hadn't changed, so I informed her I had changed my mind about moving in with her, because I didn't feel things would work out. After the fight, is when the symptoms started, but it was close to bed time, so I went to bed.

We had another huge falling out this morning, where things were so intense, that it became a vicious screaming match, and a lot of things were said; I brought up a lot of things that I haven't for years and so did she. Long story short, she wanted me out, and I left.

I noticed when I got home, I was exhausted, but I also noticed, that my coordination was off, and I had to brace myself up against a wall. I shrugged it off as being tired. when I got into my room back at my house, I noticed my sense of touch was completely compromised.

Another important piece of information, could be that, I got out of the hospital not too long ago after being institutionalized, I had a bad reaction (serotonin syndrome) to Zoloft they gave me, and they wouldn't take me off of, because basically, they felt I was refusing medication, so I took the medication for the length of my stay at the hospital, and my doctor took me off of it after an emergency visit.

The problem:

It is almost the sensation you have when a part of your body falls asleep without the pins and needles. If you ever tried to touch something with a hand that has fallen asleep; you can hardly feel it, the sensation doesn't quite register.

I have this feeling all over my body and the surface of my skin. When I try to eat, my lips cant feel the food passing through the mouth, my mind isn't registering that my teeth are sinking into/chewing the food, and my tongue isn't coordinated at all, its just all over the place in there.

Typing is difficult because my coordination is a bit off and my hands cant feel the keys and the left side of my body seems to be worse then my right. I took a nap thinking this was all stress induced, I slept for about 4 hours and woke up the same.

I looked to the internet on this problem to no avail, and I'm becoming very scared about this. I've tried resting, stretches, and Advil but nothing has worked so far. Please shed any bit of insight you might have on this.

Thank you all


TimesLikeThese 16-07-2013 11:34 PM

Sounds quite complex and way beyond the remit of RYL. As above, I would recommend seeing your GP ASAP to have this checked out. Good luck and take care!

cloudedmind 17-07-2013 06:20 PM

Just wanted to chip in that I'm really sorry how things turned out after going to your mum's, although I'm glad you're able to recognize it isn't the place for you to be, which is good :)

As above, I hope you can go to your GP / dial 111 or whatever you feel is easiest to do, as it sounds quite distressing and bizarre. I hope you're feeling a little better now, too :)

PaperHeart 17-07-2013 09:32 PM

Thanks all, I live in the US. So I called my doctor and was told to go to the hospital. So I'm on my way. I know it was a complex issue, I was just hoping to find out if anyone had a similar experience, or maybe any suggestions as I have anxiety and can't do much logical thinking when I'm panicking. Thank you for all of your support and suggestions.


TimesLikeThese 17-07-2013 10:43 PM

I hope it all goes well at the hospital! Take care xxx

rachb228 18-07-2013 12:18 AM

I actually have this same issue! It's usually followed after something that is immensely stressful. It comes and goes for me, and I have a huge phobia of doctors so I just bare with it. I had the same issues, my legs and hands felt like they had the pins in needles feeling and were kind of numb. Same with my face, I can't feel anything on my lips and when I touch my face with my hands it feels like someone else is doing it. It always freaks me out because I have a habit of biting my bottom lip and I can barley feel it. I don't know why this happens to me, yours sounds way more severe though. When I go through this it will last anywhere from a day to almost a week and then just go away! Very strange and also causes a lot of panic feelings for me.

[LittleMonster] 18-07-2013 02:45 AM

Let us know :)

PaperHeart 19-07-2013 02:23 AM

Ok all, I'm back form the hospital.

Apparently, what I had was called Anxiety/Stress induced neuropathy.

I have MDD and Anxiety, but I also have a laundry list of other conditions that they had to eliminate from being the problem.

At the end, all my results were good, and they felt that I should be in a behavioral health facility for observation, medication, and to talk to a psychiatrist about my situation and to get advisement on my medication and get adjustments.

Thanks for all your support and help.



nowhereman 19-07-2013 04:46 AM

Im glad you got seen and the results were good. I hope you can help with this if it ever happens again (which I hope it won't). Thanks for keeping us updated.

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