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Scarletdreamer 18-04-2010 09:26 PM

Thanks for the cuddles, guys.

Just arguments between my husband and me. :(

I feel like ****. It feels like it's all my fault. :'(

I'll give more details in my r/v thread later... :crying:

MammaMia 18-04-2010 09:42 PM

*gives everyone lots of hugs*

Scarletdreamer 18-04-2010 10:41 PM

*cuddles Hels* How are you doing, love?

I really want to cry... :'(

SoMuchMore 18-04-2010 10:55 PM

*hugs jk* I hope that im only this down b/c im exhausted... idk tho.. How r u doing now?

*hugs nicole and mark*

*cuddles april* im sry that uve been having arguments with ur husband... If you want to talk at all feel free to PM me hun. Hope you are staying safe.. or as safe as u can be right now.

*hugs helen* how r u doing? u seemed pretty hyper earlier lol.

Im attempting to get things done now. hoping it'll distract me.. but its awfully slow going.

frenchhorn 18-04-2010 11:11 PM

* cuddles you all then collapses in a heap in a corner*
what a day, full of mixed emotions. this morning was ok, up nice and early to leave on coaches which were an hour late, then off to london, rehearsal in venue which went on for ages because of concert being so crap last night, then it was the concert, it was AMAZING such a buzz after, nailed my solos again and played them even better and loads of people including conductor and several staff from the course said how amazing and beautiful they were and that they sounded like a pro.
then off to train station with my parents, mum is trying hard with my transition, was going on about me being a grown up girl and then said oh sorry person, which is better than nothing, then train back to manchester, not so good, felt really ill, then got anxious and then felt really faint and dizzy and was burning up, but a kind guy took me to a cooler area and we just sat and chatted about music which was cool and now I'm back in halls, absolutly knackered from walking from the station with 4 big heavy rucksacks.
anyway I'm gonna shut up because i am going on about my boring lifewhich no body wants to hear about.

*goes off into a quiet corner to watch Dr Who*

Kahlia1981 18-04-2010 11:22 PM

*sneaks in, hugs all, and disappears back into the darkness*

MammaMia 18-04-2010 11:52 PM

*cuddles everybody* I hope we're all doing better soon.

I'm still happy but yet I feel so sad. Haha, how pathetic?

Kahlia1981 19-04-2010 12:03 AM

Hels: I'd probably say "conflicted" instead of "pathetic" ... but each to their own, right? :p *big hugs*

*hugs everyone*

MammaMia 19-04-2010 12:14 AM

True it is conflicting emotions.....

BAH >_> I'll hopefully feel better tomorrow? I hate this.

frenchhorn 19-04-2010 12:18 AM

*curls up in corner* feeling ill again

jonikd 19-04-2010 01:12 AM

*hugs all my lovely ward friends*

Oliver, you have the most non-boring life I know! Performing is something I wish I could do. Keep telling us all about your very impressive talent and knowledge on all things cultured.

April, Helen, Laura, Kahlia...my dear wee buddies. Look after yourselves, its tough going right now but we are all going to be wonderful successes real soon. *cuddles, and cuddles some more*

I'm OK, supposed to be at work but couldn't do it today. Went to my doctor and changed my meds round a bit. She checked out my wound from the weekend and she got all teary when she saw it. Wow, made me feel real stink, but she obviously cares and I've promised not to do it that bad again.

*makes a nice tuppa tea and sits quietly*

MammaMia 19-04-2010 01:51 AM

*cuddles everyone*

I really don't feel well, maybe I am coming down with something after all :(

jonikd 19-04-2010 10:11 AM

*checks in to see how Helen is feeling*

*leaves hugs*
*leaves rockmelon* nom nom nom

Kahlia1981 19-04-2010 10:38 AM

*huggles everyone*


jonikd 19-04-2010 10:48 AM

*cuddles Kahlia* what's up hun?
*waves at Oliver*

Doikers 19-04-2010 11:10 AM

*Hugs everyone* Good (Late) Morning , I've only just managed to get up , ugh , I feel so lazy , NO energy , NO Motivation , NO concentration.

OOOh JK I've never heard of rockmelon before , * grabs a slice *

Doikers 19-04-2010 11:19 AM

*hugs Oliver* I'm glad that you nailed your solo yet again , you must be so talented :)
and it's good that your mum is trying to accept who you are :)
I'm sorry you are feeling ill though :(

MammaMia 19-04-2010 01:04 PM

*cuddles everyone*

Still not feeling too good, am really dizzy >.> Trying to get ready for my boyfriend to pick me up, but don't even know when he's coming. Be good to get stuff sorted today though...

Scarletdreamer 19-04-2010 02:09 PM

*cuddles everyone*

Am feeling a bit better this morning but must admit that part of that is due to me having some Reese's Cups. :-X Chocolate + peanut butter = WIN... lol. But anyway...

Had therapy... it was okay, I guess. She couldn't believe all of the stuff that I have to do in the next 2 weeks. I can't even fully believe it myself. :-/ Saying it out loud made it sound like even MORE... :'(

*cuddles all* Sorry no individual replies... hope we all feel better soon. :'(

CrazyHayley 19-04-2010 04:01 PM

*rubs head from where she knocked herself out with saucepan 13pages and 4days ago*.....hmmm.....

Please forgive me but my brain is not up to going through all of what has gone on in the past few days, so no individual replies. Sorry I've avoided here - I couldn't even cope with this as a form of socialising. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers though. My PMDD is starting to fade away and in just a few days I'll be able to enjoy my week of sanity and be able to be upbeat and supportive again...til next time. Its so draining, apparently I was the worst I've been yet and I thought I was coping quite well, I was completely oblivious to the fact that I was mega moody, a bitch and a hermit! Whoops.

Anyhoo, I'm tired and drained as had busy family day yesterday, so not sure how much I'll be on here and how much I'll be napping. But just wanted to let you know that I'm ok and around and giving you all lots of gentle hugs!

*group huggles fellow inmates!!!!!*

frenchhorn 19-04-2010 04:02 PM

ewww, chocolate and peanut butter sounds horrible!! although i did have jam and peanut butter sandwich when I was in America visiting my cousins and I liked it, but I was about 8.
*cuddles April* you will get through the next week, just take it one thing at a time and try not to panic.

back at uni today, keep having random periods where I feel really ill, was in a good mood but now got a decision to make, I know what I want to do, but its not that bloody simple, wish it was. severe chest and back pain and got to walk to supermarkt to get food and dont feel well, but I'll look weak and pathetic if I don't go.

Scarletdreamer 19-04-2010 04:37 PM

*cuddles Hayley & Oliver* I'm sorry that you two aren't feeling the best... Hayley, good to see you back around!! I've missed having a fellow WoW-player to chat with... who actually understands what I'm talking about. ;) Get the rest that you need and catch up when/if you can... don't worry about it if you can't. *more cuddles* It's funny, isn't it, how we don't notice how awful we are until someone points it out? (although I'm sure you weren't THAT bad...)

*more cuddles for Oliver too* I'm sorry that you feel ill... why would you look weak/pathetic if you didn't go to the grocery store? *is confused* Congrats though, on the wonderful performances - you sound absolutely brilliant!! :D And we love hearing about each other's accomplishments, so please don't feel badly about posting yours. :)

You don't have Reese's stuff over in the UK? *gasp* Or the ice cream that's vanilla with chocolate peanut butter cups? :-O I don't know if I could survive over there!! lol... just kidding. But really, chocolate & pb is amazing. And pb&j sandwiches aren't an "in" thing in the UK either? Geez, we Americans must seem awfully odd!! :P

Hels, JK, Kahlia, Crimson, Laura, Mark *cuddles lots and lots* How are you all doing?

Just got back from the booksale (remember, the one I was telling you about last week? where it's cheap and lovely?). I spent ~$30 on books, but I got two bags full instead of your "average" TWO BOOKS from a place like Barnes & Noble or Borders. So yeh... am happy. It is mostly light reading stuff, but I also got a book of essays by the author of The Bridges of Madison County (dunno if you've heard of him, but he's pretty well known to the scholarly types, at least by name). Anyway... I'm happy with my purchases and plan to go back (GASP!!!)... hopefully not spend quite as much though. :-/

We decided to do the refer-a-friend account thing on WoW... so we get a toon on the RAF account to level 60, then she can grant 30 levels (total) to whichever toons I pick on my normal account. :D Plus, I get an awesome "zhevra" (basically a unicorn/zebra cross) for my main toon, which is awesome. Hehe. My first RAF toon, a priest, is already level... umm... 23? I think, and we just started yesterday. Leveling up with my mage right now (who just dinged level 29). Woohoo. :D I'm loving it... although it basically means running through dungeons again and again and again. BUT - I'll stop waffling about WoW. Soz to those who don't play or understand or care about video games. :o

*cuddles all some more*

Kahlia1981 19-04-2010 04:48 PM

*huggles everybody*

So damn tired. It's 1:42 am and I can't sleep. Our downstairs neighbours are playing music and talking so load that I'm sitting here and I could probably transpose what they are saying .... My Dragon program could probably pick it up quite clearly. And with what they are talking about they really wouldn't like that.

Oliver: Your talking about your concerts makes me want to pick up my flute again. I loved travelling with all our Orchestras, performing in shows for a huge variety of groups and, of course, competing when I could. I really hate the fact that I may never play again due to one of the medications I was put on in the past. *sigh* Sorry, you don't need to hear my woes. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Sorry guys. I'm really not feeling all that well this morning/tonight/whatever you want to call it, and am not really up to individual replies. If you've ever heard that saying If you get to the end of your rope tie a big knot and hang on ... then I'm gripping that knot so tight that I'm getting blisters.

Sometimes all you can ask for is for the pain to stop and everything to just end...

Scarletdreamer 19-04-2010 04:50 PM

*hugs Kahlia* Keep on holding on... never heard that saying before but it works for me. :) You'll make it... we all will - but I do understand what you mean. Wish I could do something that could help you. :( *cuddles*

Just updated r/v thread with what happened over the past while... :-/

MammaMia 19-04-2010 05:53 PM

*cuddles everyone and then hides*

PoisonedApple 19-04-2010 06:36 PM

Sorry for no individual replies but my eyes are bothering me a bit this morning so I thought it best not to read through all 5 pages I since I was last on (hoping to stave off a migraine)...

Yesterday sucked... The library didn't send me a notice to renew my books like they usually do then sent me an overdue notice 5 days after they got over due so now I owe 1.25$ each for 3 books... I'm gonna talk to them about that this afternoon because if I had been sent my renewal notice (like every other time I've checked out a book in the last year) I would have renewed it online like I usually do. And I found out that J said something racist referring to the president while talking to my 7 yr old 1/2 Thai daughter yesterday... *points to self* NOT HAPPY *stops pointing* I explained to her after I found out and in private why not to say it and what it means and such and told her if anything like that is said again no matter what word is used or what race it's about to tell D (I work he doesn't) so we know - in case my sister in law isn't there next time- and told D about it. We don't let family talk like that around us (let alone our kids... G is oldest at 7.5) so we won't be having a friend do so either. D let M know if J does so around him he'll just haul off and slap her and that that will not be tolerated at our place and even though M and V were both there when it happened when he told M anything racist that comes out of her mouth is unacceptable M goes "why?what did she say?" and then acted like saying "don't tell anyone but I don't think a n****r should be president" was acceptable to say to a 7 yr old child... she really didn't see how that was a problem. I know people can get blinded by friendship and want so much for someone to be a good person they become ignorant of their wrong doings but that's a bit too much for me. If I catch her say it myself I'm gonna tell her the baby can stay until she has her own place and a way to take care of her but J is gone. I won't put an infant on the street but I have no problem putting it's mother there in certain circumstances.

Today went from super shitty to managable or even good. This morning I couldn't find my wallet (with my bus pass and my tokens in it, thus no way to get to work without it... so I thought I was going to have to call in and not show up.) but then I found it in my mother in laws car and she gave me a ride to work. And here at work a coworker that home schooled her little one for kindergarten this school year was giving away the old books.... my 3 yr old really wants to learn and do school work with her older sister but since she isn't old enough to be enrolled for kindergarten they won't let me enroll her or use G's extra allotment money for kindergarten books for the younger 2 *pouts and frowns at the fighting that caused* but since T was giving away her old ones I grabbed em and now my younger 2 can do school too (they're 3 and 5) so that's picked up my day a bit. My work is about caught up and it's the beginning of admin assistant week in the office so there were bagels brought in for us this morning. *yay* and after work I'm hitting the gym and then the library to drop off my "overdue" books and pick up one I had on hold... (food's in the crock pot so I don't need to be home for people to eat dinner). Today could be a good day after all.

*huggles everyone hiding around the ward*
So how's everyone else doing?

Doikers 19-04-2010 07:13 PM

*Hugs Crimson* I'm sorry that some people don't know how to speak appropriatly around kids ( or anyone for that matter ) :( .
I'm glad your day is picking up and good luck sorting out the missunderstanding /late notice with the library books.
*Hugs Helen*
*Hugs April*
*Hugs Kahlia* Keep hanging onto that rope , you can do it :)
*Hugs Oliver* I'm sorry you are in pain , perhaps you should make a Dr's Appointment . Did you make it to the shops ?
*Hugs Hayley* HOW did you managed to knock yourself out with a saucepan? I hope your heads ok :)
*Hugs Nicole*
*Hugs those I've missed (Sorry)*

I don't know how I feel today , not long ago I had a MAJOR Urge to S.I. and its still there somewhat , Last night I was so desperate to just be asleep / unconcious that I physically tried to punch myself out :( just gave me a headache . Ugh Idiot . I just read that back and it makes me sound INSANE :( I Could not get up early this morning , I think it's the Lithium making me apathetic , it also makes my hands shake sometimes but it really helps with my anxiety so I don't want off it , I can handle the shaking but the apathy is horrible . sorry *RANT*

Doikers 19-04-2010 07:16 PM

OH OH *Hugs JK Too* :)

CrazyHayley 19-04-2010 07:42 PM

LOL mark - I didn't really knock myself out with a saucepan! Just did it in the ward. BUT believe me, there have been many times when I have seriously asked Eoghan to do it for me. I don't think I've the strength to knock myself out, only to make it hurt, but I want to do it so that I'm unconcious and get some peace. I tell Eoghan he's a 'meanie' for not doing it and he laughs at me, bloody cheek! So then I go and sulk apparently....and snap....and cry....etc Would be soooo much easier if I could sleep through PMDD and not upset/offend/anger anyone or myself. Ho-hum.

Anyhoo....brain still frazzled, I'm thinking its probably too late for a second nap but too early for bedtime....want to play WoW but don't think I can concentrate....

*huggles all wherever they may be hiding in the ward!*

*goes out to smoking shelter*

frenchhorn 19-04-2010 08:05 PM

nope April we don't have Reeses stuff here, never heard of it before, yeah you Americans are slightly odd to us lol, but lovely people.
I would feel weak/pathetic if i didn't go to the supermarkt just because I should beable to do it, but I did manage to go in the end.
Mark- I know why I am in pain and nothing a doctor can do really, it just sucks.

*cuddles all*

sorry for lack of individual replies, but feeling really ill and have no energy or concentration.

jonikd 19-04-2010 08:16 PM

*hugs and kisses everyone good morning*

Heaps going on in the ward huh, its a real happening kinda place ;)

April, honey, good luck with your exams. Yes you do have heaps going on , so make sure you get some time for yourself ok?

How you feeling now Helen? Hope you're not hiding anymore x

Keep hanging on Kahlia, I really feel for you not sleeping, must be very upsetting to not be getting the rest you need *hugs gently*

Thanks for not forgetting me Mark! And rockmelon is my favourite thing in the planet, you guys probably just call it something different lol

*hugs Crimson & Hayley* welcome back ladies, we missed you

Take it easy today Oliver, sounds like you need some rest too.

*Leaves big cuddles for Laura and Nicole and any unsuspecting visitors to the ward*

PoisonedApple 19-04-2010 08:16 PM

Oliver~ not all of us eat strange things but there's some of us...
My sister in law likes ranch dressing on cheetos. my husband's cousin likes ranch on m&m candies. my mom likes to drink pickle brine. my sister eats onions raw (like you'd eat an apple really). i met a lady that microwaved her ice cream and put mustard in before eating it... J likes ketchup on sweet potatoes.
I wouldn't be able to eat any of those things. Ewwww... But personally I prefer jam on toast and peanut butter and honey sandwiches if it's bread involving pb or jam...

Out of curiosity (and you don't have to answer)... Why are you in pain and why is there nothing the doctor can do?

MammaMia 19-04-2010 08:18 PM

I'm still hiding JK. Still feeling really ill :( Going to attempt dinner soon, well it's cooking....

PoisonedApple 19-04-2010 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by jonikd (Post 2250354)
And rockmelon is my favourite thing in the planet, you guys probably just call it something different lol

*hugs Crimson & Hayley* welcome back ladies, we missed you

We call it Cantaloupe. and thanks for the wb :) I missed not stopping in this weekend but I helped my daughter finish off her math work (almost 100 pages in 8 hrs) then worked on her reading book... she's trying to catch up and get ahead but no one helps her while I'm working apparently.

Kahlia1981 19-04-2010 08:23 PM

*hugs everyone*

Me and my housemate have decided that we are going to take my friend out for Thai deep-fried ice-cream. Nom nom. Not right now obviously...

It's now 5:20 and I still haven't slept. Apart from the almost constant noise from downstairs there have also been some really suspicious noises - people screaming "I'm going to kill you" etc. I did have to raise my eyebrows at one point though ... Our neighbour left to go to his care-taking job in his old van and the neighbours who have been making a racket all night yelled out at him to "shut the f**k up".

Sorry for the lack of individual replies. The lack of sleep and the horrid noise from downstairs are making it hard for me to concentrate. :(

*offers everyone a hug and leaves behind a fruit platter*

CrazyHayley 19-04-2010 08:40 PM

*looks confuzzled* deep fried ice-cream?!!!! How's that work?! Clog your arteries instantly?!!!

*munches on fruit platter*

so so tired....

frenchhorn 19-04-2010 08:42 PM

*hugs crimson* yeah there are some people over here who eat strange things, my sister eats ketchup sandwiches and yeah I know someone who eats raw onion
I'm in pain because of my binder I wear, and especially having not been wearing it for a week and wearing it again, but I won't stop wearing it and there isn't anything a doctor can do, except say don't wear it, which I'm not doing.

*morning hugs JK* yeah I am having a rest for this evening, just had my tea and just going to relax and watch some stuff tonight. hope you have a good day.

*hugs Kahlia* I really hope you get some sleep soon

*hugs Helen* I hope you feel better soon, some food may help.

*hugs Hayley, April, Mark, Laura and Nicole*

Strawberry.Bananas 19-04-2010 09:01 PM


i need to escape. i need hug.

i'm sorry.

CrazyHayley 19-04-2010 09:02 PM

*huggles Oliver* well surely you can get some pain relief medication for when wearing your binder? Or how about some of those over the counter pain relief rub in things if your not allowed to be prescribed meds?

Thats about as useful as I think I'm going to get tonight. I'm going to take my meds early now and get ready for bed, then it'll only be an hour or so before I usually go to bed which isn't too bad.

Hopefully I'll be more like my old sane self soon and a more useful supportive inmate. *group huggle!*

*takes meds, cleans teeth, washes hands and face, puts on pj's, grabs her ted and toddles off down a corridor to find a different spot to snuggle down in tonight*

PoisonedApple 19-04-2010 09:04 PM

*feels slow this morning* i totally should have thought of that being the reason....
thought of another strange one though... my mother in law eats dark chocolate and bleu cheese together.
*huggles everyone and runs off to be more frustrated with my job*

MammaMia 19-04-2010 09:06 PM

Well I ate, don't feel any better lol :(

Doikers 19-04-2010 09:08 PM

*Hugs Vicki* No need to be sorry , whats up?
*Hugs Helen* I'm sorry you don't feel any better but it's good you ate , what did you have ?

MammaMia 19-04-2010 10:59 PM

*cuddles everyone lots*

I'm so tired. Wish I could go sleep now but it won't happen. Godammit. I'm so ill aswell, I just feel so crap. Plus have a huge headache & sore throat. On top of feeling sick. JOOOOOY!!

Mark, I ate toad in hole <3

Scarletdreamer 19-04-2010 11:24 PM

What is toad in hole??? (besides... a toad... in a hole... :P) *cuddles Hels* I do hope that you feel better soon, sounds like you're really not feeling good at the moment... wish I could do summat to help. Maybe have some herbal tea with lemon & honey, for that sore throat? Ginger tea is good for upset stomachs as well, as long as you're able to keep things down. *more cuddles*

*cuddles Vicki* What's up, love??

*cuddles Kahlia* Those noises from downstairs would make me a bit on edge as well... have you gotten any sleep in the past 2 days?? :( Having such bad insomnia really sucks, I remember having that, although I did get about 3 hours of sleep/night.

*cuddles Crimson* Wow, can't believe the comments that some people will make - to children, at that!! :-/ Not good. I'm glad that today went better though :D that's good at least. Sounds like the bagels at work were delicious... I'm in love with bagels... they are the best thing ever for breakfast. :) Had a cream cheese & tomato sandwich for lunch (best. combination. everrrr. :P)

*cuddles Hayley* Hope you feel better soon, love. :)

*cuddles Mark* I'm sorry you're not doing great... sucks to have those urges, huh? (I guess it's kind of beyond "sucking" ... it's HORRIFIC is what it is... I hate them so much) How was your day? did you do anything fun/exciting/interesting? And rants are just fine, no worries. (Oh, and you didn't sound insane... *cuddles more*)

*cuddles Oliver* I hope that you're in less pain shortly... :( That is awful... especially since doctors can't help. How are you doing otherwise? still feeling ill? (I spy you!! :D)

*cuddles Nicole, JK, Laura, and anyone else she's forgotten* :o

So tonight was the reception for Academic Honors... I am not the outstanding senior nominee for my department, which figures... I don't have a high enough GPA for it. Makes me feel like a failure even though I was invited to go to the reception anyway and receive an award (monetary and also a paper thing, forget what they're called... brain freeze, heh). I don't know. I just wish that I could do as well as my sister did... :( But I guess even getting this far through college - almost to graduation!! - is an accomplishment in and of itself, what with how severe my mental illnesses are. :-/ What do you guys think?? :-/

*hides in shame*

PoisonedApple 19-04-2010 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Scarletdreamer (Post 2250827)
*cuddles Crimson* Wow, can't believe the comments that some people will make - to children, at that!! :-/ Not good. I'm glad that today went better though :D that's good at least. Sounds like the bagels at work were delicious... I'm in love with bagels... they are the best thing ever for breakfast. :) Had a cream cheese & tomato sandwich for lunch (best. combination. everrrr. :P)

Yeah I know... I'm still pissed about it to a degree... I should never have had to explain that to stuff to G. We've kept her away from it for all 7.5 years till just the other day.
On todays side of things... Bagels are yummy. I had plain (the onion go quick) with onion chive cream cheese. I had brough my own bagel from home not knowing we'd have bagels so now I have one for tomorrow too lol
My gram used to have salmon, tomato and cr cheese on her bagels... not half bad...

And you have no reason to hide in shame... hold your head up proud. you may not be the top person but you did well and they told you so!

Scarletdreamer 19-04-2010 11:34 PM

Mmmm the cream cheese sounds heavenly... :) You're making me hungry, lol... haven't had much supper yet. :-/

*hides again* :(

SoMuchMore 19-04-2010 11:37 PM

haha this food conversation is making me laugh. I love Reese's/peanut butter cups.. of course.. im from the US so i guess i would lol. Ppl eat weird stuff everywhere though, its alright. Oh! and fried ice cream is awesome!!! (but yes.. not exactly good for u lol)

*cuddles everyone* I'll do individual replies later.. Right now i have to get ready for another interview for another story. I cant wait until i'm done with all these reporting classes. Only one left to take! GAH IM SO NERVOUS!

frenchhorn 20-04-2010 12:08 AM

*cuddles April* you should be very proud of yourself and toad in the hole is an english dish, of sausages in a batter mixture which when cooked is like yorkshire puddings.

*hugs Laura* good luck with your interview

*hugs Helen* well done for eating something, but I'm sorry it hasn't made you feel any better

*hugs JK, Mark, Hayley, Kahlia,Nicole and anyone else he has forgotten-sorry*

I'm still feeling pretty ill, plus my eye keeps twitching and hurting everytime I try to read something or concentrate on something, hence why this is taking me so long to type.
had some good things happened today, got my uni email changed to Oliver and also the register my horn teacher has says Oliver, which is good, especially when I thought they couldn't change any registers. I'm also hoping my psychiatrist appointment comes through soon.

PoisonedApple 20-04-2010 12:15 AM

Congrats! *hugs Oliver* So happy for you!

frenchhorn 20-04-2010 12:21 AM

thanks Crimson *hugs*

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