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wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:07 AM

kitkat, the nhs have a poisons helpline, they would at least hopefully be able to give you some information the phone number is 0844 892 0111 - I can give that out can't I?

Kitkat :) 21-05-2010 12:07 AM

No I don't think they do... It's just gone past midnight here so my doctors will be closed.
I think I'll have to talk to the college nurse...
No worries, I'm Kathryn (:

Kitkat :) 21-05-2010 12:09 AM


kitkat, the nhs have a poisons helpline, they would at least hopefully be able to give you some information the phone number is 0844 892 0111 - I can give that out can't I?
Thanks for the number (: I can't call right now though, I haven't got enough credit on my phone and I can't use the house phone...

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:10 AM

*hugs Helen* you said earlier you had a good chat with your friend and that you also enjoyed meeting up with your friend when you went out. try and think of the good things, I know it's hard, but you can get through this *cuddles*

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:13 AM

I am actually pouring with tears.

Kat, it's not your fault sweetie. Please go speak to your college nurse, it's so urgent sweetie, or ring NHS Direct somehow (and yes Hannah you can give that number out :))

Julie, I'm crying about something that happened a long time ago & other stuff. It just hurts so much right now :'( I just want all this **** to stop.

Hannah, I went out with my Dad & his girlfriend. But yeah, I am thinking about that, just makes me miss someone even more. :'(

Just want my best friend to hold me tight & she can't, well not in person because we live too far away & can't virtually because she's fast asleep.

What a pathetic loser I am *continues to cry* Sorry :'( :'(

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:14 AM

well be careful then, it should so be a free number, but it isn't, do you have a skype account? you could phone them on that :( and make sure you get some help if you begin to feel worse okay?

taz35 21-05-2010 12:15 AM

*hugs Hannah* Not good. Not good at all. How has your day been?
*hugs Hels & gives her tissues* You're not pathetic at all hun <3 Feel like talking?
*hugs Kat* I agree with what Helen and Hannah have said... definitely get checked or tell someone.

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:17 AM

you're not a loser Helen *huggles* it's perfectly understandable and missing people is one of the hardest things to deal with

Kitkat :) 21-05-2010 12:17 AM

Haven't got a Skype account ):
Sorry I thought I made you cry, I don't like making people cry.
I'll get help... I'm tired and really achey and my belly hurts a bit...

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:18 AM

Hi Taz, what's up?

Am okay, slightly stressy about stuff and should probably go to bed but neh

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:18 AM

*takes tissues and blows nose* Thank you Taz :'(

Why does this have to hurt so much :'( Why does the past have to make me feel sooooooo **** :'( I just want my best friend to hold me tight. I know I've partly mentioned all this in my last post, sorry. I'll shut up.

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by wildly insane (Post 2308229)
you're not a loser Helen *huggles* it's perfectly understandable and missing people is one of the hardest things to deal with

Thanks Hannah *hugs*

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:19 AM

please do Kat *hugs*

Kitkat :) 21-05-2010 12:21 AM


Why does this have to hurt so much :'( Why does the past have to make me feel sooooooo **** :'( I just want my best friend to hold me tight. I know I've partly mentioned all this in my last post, sorry. I'll shut up.
Because it's the past, and that always hurts and makes us feel like rubbish ): but its the future that makes us optomistic because you never know which way it can go.
Don't be sorry, and you don't need to shut up, we all need to vent our emotions and place to go when we're upset, you don't have to be sorry (:

And thanks for helping me out everyone (:

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:22 AM

don't shut up Helen, unfortunately our past has dealt it's blow and we have to live with it. If somebody's hurt you then their not worth your struggles, if somebody you love is no longer around, they would not want to see you cry. However, I know that that doesn't really help, sorry :( your best friend would be with you, holding you tight if she could.

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:23 AM

I hate my past. I'd do anything to change it sometimes, yet if it hadn't happened, I honestly don't think I'd know my best friends or if I did, we wouldn't be as close as we are & probably would all be dead to be honest. I know that's extreme.

You're welcome sweetheart :) What we're here for. *offers hugs*

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:24 AM

Thanks Hannah. Yeah you're right it has dealt its blows & I have to live with it :'( But it still hurts & I'm still trying to deal with it I guess? I know she would, I know she really really would :'(


Originally Posted by wildly insane (Post 2308241)
don't shut up Helen, unfortunately our past has dealt it's blow and we have to live with it. If somebody's hurt you then their not worth your struggles, if somebody you love is no longer around, they would not want to see you cry. However, I know that that doesn't really help, sorry :( your best friend would be with you, holding you tight if she could.

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:26 AM

I think that's a good way to look at it, you have them and they have you and you are all better people because of having and knowing each other :)

Kitkat :) 21-05-2010 12:26 AM

Not extreme at all, my past made me who I am today, and through it all, I wouldn't change that for anyone... So in a way I'm glad it all happened.
No one close would want to see you cry, I don't and we've only just started talking... I just hate it when people cry.

Thanks (: *hugs*

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:28 AM

that last post was with reference to your other post not your last one, sorry should have quoted, I know it hurts hun *hugs*

wildly insane 21-05-2010 12:32 AM

I'm sorry guys I'm shattered and have to sleep otherwise I will not be good to deal with tomorrow.

Take care of yourselves

leaves hugs for everybody

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by wildly insane (Post 2308256)
I think that's a good way to look at it, you have them and they have you and you are all better people because of having and knowing each other :)


Originally Posted by wildly insane (Post 2308263)
that last post was with reference to your other post not your last one, sorry should have quoted, I know it hurts hun *hugs*

I understand now. *hugs tight* I quite agree with what you said :) Night night darling xxx


Originally Posted by Kitkat :) (Post 2308258)
Not extreme at all, my past made me who I am today, and through it all, I wouldn't change that for anyone... So in a way I'm glad it all happened.
No one close would want to see you cry, I don't and we've only just started talking... I just hate it when people cry.

Thanks (: *hugs*

You're right I guess. I know people wouldn't want to see me cry :( I hate seeing people cry too, particularly when it's my best friends. Hurts me too. *hugs lots*

I think I've stopped crying, sure it'll start off again in a second lol :'( Why is it crying never satisfies me enough, unless it is for hours & hours :'( God I'm picky. >.>

*curls up*

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 12:39 AM

**** life. **** it, I say.


*puts on professional face and is fine* :)

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:42 AM

Beginning to get oh so sick of hearing that people are fine when they're clearly not. Sorry this is not aimed at anyone in particular.

We're here for you April *offers cuddles*

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 12:46 AM

One of my online friends is having another of my online friends visit for the summer. I am so ****ing jealous. I have known these people since 2005 and have never gotten to meet them but love them so much. And now they're going to have the time of their lives. While I'm here. Doing an internship and applying to residential treatment. WHAT A ****ING LOSER I AM.


MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:47 AM

Maybe you could organise it yourself honey? Sometimes if you want something doing, it's best to do it yourself instead of waiting for others to do it, else it never happens. Sad really. Also you are NOT a ****ing loser sweetheart :(

Kahlia1981 21-05-2010 12:49 AM

Saying that we are "fine" when we're obviously not is a normal reaction. We all say we are fine when we aren't. It's the "keeping up appearances". And it's normal to get sick of it. Even when we know that we do it ourselves. Maybe we just need to cut ourselves and each other a little slack and make a pledge to be honest in the here-and-now. You know, in this safe place we say how we really are? I don't know, just a thought. I'm not trying to criticise anyone - really I'm not. But it's hard to support when someone can't or won't tell you how they really are doing. Any suggestions or ideas anyone?

MammaMia 21-05-2010 12:51 AM

I quite agree with you Kahlia, I think we are all guilty of doing this, particularly at the moment & it can get frustrating. I think we should all pledge to stop saying it, or at least in this thread :(

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 12:54 AM

i'm sorry... :(

i can't organize it. we don't have the money. i live in pennsylvania, she lives in indiana, and he and his family live in texas. they're probably paying for her flight tickets or whatever. i can't organize it. the u.s. is much too big. and we're too poor. especially when jarrod forgets to collect his unemployment. >:(

sorry. i'm bitching about things i shouldn't be bitching about. it shouldn't matter. none of this should matter.

i just updated r/v if anyone cares to read.

sorry. :(

MammaMia 21-05-2010 01:06 AM

If it's upsetting you or affecting you emotionally then you have every right to moan or whatever. It's still important to you..

Scarletdreamer 21-05-2010 01:35 AM

thanks hels... :(

*hides in a deep, deep hole* :'(

MammaMia 21-05-2010 01:43 AM

*cuddles tight*

I spy Kahlia too

taz35 21-05-2010 02:23 AM

On following Kahlia's note (and Helen's agreeance)... I don't know how I feel. I'm not okay. I'm not fine.

The following content has been hidden - Reason : Ranty & somewhat triggering SI/OD
I skipped out on a chance to go to the movies and hang out with one of my best friends because of my mood. I'm getting angry over the little things. I've had the house to myself for the past 3 hours and can't seem to escape my own mind. And I realized that my mom took away my blades, probably during the day while I was at work... couldn't find them when I needed them. The joys of having a car though, I can drive over to the hardware store tomorrow morning and get new ones. Leaving for camp tomorrow with my family, a whole 3 days with them. Yippee. I just want to curl up under my blankets and drift away to nothingness. It's taken all my willpower to not OD tonight and have them come home and find me dead. I don't know how to tell this to my counselor or my doctor without them thinking I'm crazy.

*hugs Kat, Hannah, Hels, Kahlia & April*
*leaves spare hugs on the table for anyone else who needs them*

MammaMia 21-05-2010 02:44 AM

*cuddles Taz lots & lots*

taz35 21-05-2010 04:31 AM

*hugs Hels* Thanks :(

risenfromperdition 21-05-2010 05:18 AM

*curls up*
i patheticcc

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 07:59 AM

*sits* any one here

wildly insane 21-05-2010 08:20 AM

*hugs Julie* how are you?
*hugs Heather* i think that's right? you're not pathetic at all, what's up?
*hugs Taz* sorry your feeling so **** right now *cuddles gently* well done on not ODing. I couldn't work out if yippee was sarcastic and you didn't want to go camping with your family or whether you were actually looking forward to it - sorry, I'm tending on the former but not 100%
*hugs Kahlia* I'll sign the pledge. So how are you?
*hugs April* I'm sorry hun, that sounds really tough. is there anyway you can save a little each month and make a decision to make the trip/invite them to stay next year (or when you have enough) and then you have that to look forward to as well? I know money may have other priorities, it's just a thought.

Soooo...I'm running uber late and I haven't made my lunch yet :P am in quite an anxious and panicky mood today, but I'll get through it.

Take care guys and leaving a bucket of hugs on the table for you to pick any of your choosing, there's plenty for everyone, that and some pancakes with blueberries (hope you like blueberries) and maple syrup mmmm... calorie free of course

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 08:30 AM

*Cuddles everyone*
Such a lot has happened since I slept - Sorry I haven't been around for you guys. It's horrible that you beautiful people are feeling so shitty.

I'm feeling a bit stressed myself and it's way too hot outside. I feel disgusting.

anyone can pm me if they feel like talking xx

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 08:41 AM

*curls up*

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 08:45 AM

*offer julie hugs*
Are you okay honey? xx

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 08:49 AM

*nods* i fine
how r u

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 08:50 AM

Hot and flustered and stressed and tired.
Really want to cut as well ... not good.

What are you up to sweetie?

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 08:57 AM

i be back soon

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 09:04 AM

i'm back..

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 09:05 AM

Welcome back!

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 09:05 AM

i'm just mucking around on the net

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 09:11 AM

*sits and worries*

Pnuemonia[Blue] 21-05-2010 09:33 AM

What are you worried about honey?

xxjuliexx 21-05-2010 09:42 AM

i just checked my phone bill...
it's gong to be $70
like holy ****

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