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frenchhorn 19-07-2011 01:16 AM

I'm becoming really obsessed with death again, my suicide plan is all in place, it has been for a few months now and the date is getting closer. I feel a sort of calmness that it is coming, I keep listening to sad music and looking up funeral stuff which keeps me calm, I can't wait for this pain of life to be over.

Hurricane 19-07-2011 03:30 AM

*hugs poisonedapple and enjoys the tea* Thanks lovely.

one_step_closer, Not really sure why I feel the panic. I got through the day without any major incidences though, so I'm considering it a success.

Also, you all can call me either hurricane or Heidi. Either way is fine.

aklx 19-07-2011 05:02 AM

I love how people just ignore other peoples posts.... :/

Oliver, you need to reach out for real help. Death is not the only option

Mark, I don't think you're sick.

Hope all are okay.

risenfromperdition 19-07-2011 06:16 AM

proud of you mark <3

risenfromperdition 19-07-2011 06:17 AM

*cuddles oliver* love you <3 take care

Doikers 19-07-2011 09:31 AM

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs Heidi*

*Hugs Mrs Pan*

*Hugs Heather*

Doikers 19-07-2011 04:30 PM

I miss Felicia . we are constantly texting , but I miss her voice , I'm almost in tears ..... 10 more days and we'll be together Friday-Monday , it's just not enough time , I want to spend 99 bajillian years with her.


How is everyone?

PoisonedApple 19-07-2011 04:53 PM

*walks in groggily*
*hugs Heidi* you can call me Crimson.
*hugs Lindsay* Did you call the crisis team?
*hugs Oliver* Have you talked to your doc or anyone?
*hugs Mark, Mrs Pan, Heather*
*goes out to the garden to nap in the sun*

Doikers 19-07-2011 04:58 PM

*Hugs Crimson*

Laura2.0 19-07-2011 05:44 PM

*hugs all*
sorry I'm not doing individuals again. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine and I've got a goal.
My goal is that I don't harm this week.
We are going to watch Harry Potter tonight :D

How are you all?

Hurricane 19-07-2011 05:46 PM

*hugs everyone*

Today is a better day. I don't feel quite as stressed out, though I have a few hours at both jobs so we'll see if that holds. Today is day number 99 of no SI. I feel really tired but I seem to be unable to sleep. At some point I think I want some Chinese food.

How are you all doing today?

Doikers 19-07-2011 05:59 PM

*Hugs Laura* Thats a great goal Hun:)

*Hugs Heidi* 99 days!!!!!!!!!! Go you!!! . Yum , chinese!

Hurricane 19-07-2011 06:03 PM

*Hugs Doikers* Thanks. Tomorrow is a BIG day for me. Hitting 100 seems like it's taken forever... mostly it feels really good!

PoisonedApple 19-07-2011 06:08 PM

*hugs Mark*
*hugs Laura* You can do it!
*hugs Heidi* Awesome job!

Doikers 19-07-2011 07:33 PM

Is anyone about......?

risenfromperdition 19-07-2011 07:50 PM

*cuddles mark* im sorry =[ but just think- 10 days is just a little over a week =] ie im wicked jealous =p <3 hope you guys have an AMAZING time. oh and i miiiight get to meet you too in jan or w/e lol

Doikers 19-07-2011 07:54 PM

*Hugs Heather* That would be so cool!

I am feeling Lonely right now , I'm texting Felicia , But still feel lonely , I could use company should anyone be about.

one_step_closer 19-07-2011 08:02 PM

I'm here, Mark. Sorry if i'm late.

Doikers 19-07-2011 08:03 PM

Hey Lindsay *Hugs* How are you hun?

Louise 19-07-2011 08:05 PM

i am here as well

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