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Kathryn_Anna 15-04-2016 10:18 PM

I'm sorry Mark. Sounds like a long day! Hope you can get some rest so you feel more refreshed in the morning. <3

The one day all week I need hubby home on time and he will be hours more I'm sure. I'm completely drained from today.

Doikers 15-04-2016 10:58 PM

Hope your Fella rocks up soon!

Tomororow is a 3 year olds birthday , I wanna go home.

Drewbles 16-04-2016 02:30 PM

this was 2 pages ago, I'm sorry. I took an internet break. Sometimes keeping up everywhere is too stressful.

Because Kathryn asked a while back: I got accepted to residence and I put my tuition deposit down and got my student card. Just have to keep going to work so I can pay for my first few months at residence in a big lump sum. Going to work feels really hard but staying where I am now is unthinkable. It's starting to feel real and I'm getting cautiously excited.

*offers everyone handmade blankets* hope things are ok for everyone.

Kathryn_Anna 16-04-2016 09:20 PM

Drew, congratulations on residence! I know work may seem hard right now but just take it a little bit at a time and think of your end goal. You can do this!

Thank you for the blanket. It's beautiful :)

Today is going pretty well. Not at all how I planned though. That's both good and bad.

Drewbles 16-04-2016 10:21 PM

Thank-you :) I think it'll be really good for me.

I'm glad at least some parts of your day are going well!

Doikers 17-04-2016 10:53 AM

I don't really understand what a residence is but I am happy you got what you needed ,Drew !

Kathryn_Anna 17-04-2016 01:21 PM

I'm fighting a sinus infection. Not fun. Sad that it's Sunday because if we can't get my son where he needs to be today then I'm worried how this week will go.

So for now... *offers warm drinks and pastries*

*sits down to color some more*

Margo 18-04-2016 12:02 AM

I don't want to be here again.i don't want the fear. I don't want the hate. I don't want the hopelessness. Yet here it comes.....again

Doikers 18-04-2016 09:30 AM

*Offers Safe Hugs to Kathryn and Margo*

Kathryn_Anna 18-04-2016 12:34 PM

*offers Margo safe hugs*

I'm feeling really anxious today. I'm hoping it goes away soon.

Kathryn_Anna 18-04-2016 07:07 PM

So totally frustrated. I really want to give up at this point.

Eir 18-04-2016 07:15 PM

Mark - I feel for you. Your nan, the nephew. All of it.
Kathryn- sick sucks. Anxious worse.
Drew- wonderful news.
Yoda- *safe hugs*
Matthew - * offers squidges and chocolate*

Me, I'm just gonna crawl under something, Matthew got me back here so I is safe. Ish. I cannot stop thinking I ruin everything.

Doikers 18-04-2016 07:40 PM

*Sits with My Magical Tea Machine to make anyone any Tea they'd like*

Kathryn_Anna 19-04-2016 12:30 AM

*sits with Mark* it OK if I sit here? I'm not much of a tea person but since it's a magical tea machine in willing to try a cup :)

Doikers 19-04-2016 10:04 AM

Of Course it's Okay , Kathryn :) How are you doing?

Kathryn_Anna 19-04-2016 05:07 PM

I'm feeling done. I don't know how to describe it. I slept for quite a bit last night but woke up looking like I hadn't slept at all. I've got a million things to do and don't feel up for doing any of it.

Doikers 19-04-2016 06:19 PM

I'm Sorry you feel Rubbish , Kathryn , I'll be be knocking about for an hour or 3 if you want to chat . Magic Tea?

Kathryn_Anna 19-04-2016 08:10 PM

Thanks Mark. I'd love some magic tea! I'm so tired of being a parent. Screaming kids all day today. Therapies all day. Scheduling appointments but the dates available don't work because I have another kid with an important appointment that same day around the same time.

I'm beginning to feel done with sh all together and more OK with just giving up completely.

Eir 19-04-2016 08:25 PM

May I try some too? I think I can deal with magic tea.
Its 5 something in the morning and I've not slept. Again. Am about to attempt. But YAY for meds tomorrow. Mostly. Shall try better to not run out with so many days left to pay day. Cannot do without this long.
Fresh home-made bread for anyone who wants it.

CaiteeBug 20-04-2016 04:07 PM

gross, I've got a doctor's appt at 1 today. I'm hoping my blood sugars and A1c numbers went down and I also hope I lost a little weight.

YodaBearInterrupted 20-04-2016 05:16 PM

*hugs all in here and puts out more cookies*

Got put on new meds and they are pretty strong... am at work, yet I want to do no work since I feel tired and don't feel like doing anything at all

*sits in the corner again*

Kathryn_Anna 20-04-2016 07:25 PM

How did your appointment go Caitlyn?

Thanks for the hugs and cookies Matt. Sorry you are feeling so tired. Hopefully as time goes on you'll get adjusted to the meds and won't feel as bad.

It has been just go, go, go today. I'm exhausted. And now I'm feeling a bit paranoid so that's heightening my anxiety. Ugh. Not good.

Kathryn_Anna 21-04-2016 11:53 AM

How is everyone doing today?

Doikers 21-04-2016 01:15 PM

Fairly Unwell , this bug is taking it's toll :(

How are you Kathryn? And everyone Else?

Eir 21-04-2016 02:54 PM

24+ hrs of meds has done wonders. My skins no longer crawling with the need to hurt myself. Only figured out what that itch was just now cos it's gone.
Unfortunately, have zero motivation to do my uni assignment. Started it. But so difficult to focus on it. Given up for the night.
Matt I know the feeling. Mine do it everytime my dose is adjusted or i go a week without. Titrating my meds up as we speak cos I cant afford to be bombed whilst I adjust to my normal dosage.
Mark, have you tried honey and lemon and ginger tea? If your flu-ey, it may help you feel a bit better.
Kathryn, I hope things slow up a bit so you can feel less exhausted.

Kathryn_Anna 21-04-2016 07:24 PM

I'm very thankful I have a calendar. All these medical appointments for my kids is making it hard to schedule anything else. I've had to decline dates again because of conflicts with other appointments. I'm so busy there is little time for me. *sigh* I really need to start scheduling stuff in like showers and taking care of me.

CaiteeBug 21-04-2016 08:16 PM

I am heartbroken. The legendary musician Prince has passed way

Kathryn_Anna 22-04-2016 01:34 AM

It's a very sad day indeed Caitlyn. :(

Eir 22-04-2016 04:10 PM

Well done for your organisation skills. Scheduling you time sounds like a great idea

Drewbles 22-04-2016 09:26 PM

*leaves blankets and pillows for everyone*
I've been on a waitlist for a doctor's appointment for almost 2 months and it's finally this coming Thursday and I'm so anxious about it :(

It feels like every time I go to the doctor about mental health somehow the message doesn't get across. I went to the hospital once for it and came away with a diagnosis I know isn't right.

I just feel like I'm too bad at talking to ever explain to anyone in a way they could understand. I keep worrying I'll leave there really stressed out without getting what I need :( I can't wait around forever for help.

Sorry for disappearing and returning to rant.. Hope all is ok with everyone

Doikers 23-04-2016 10:47 AM

Best of luck Drewbles! I know the feeling of not being able to make the right works under stress *Offers safe Hugs*

Eir 23-04-2016 05:31 PM

Drew, have you ever though of getting your mental health down on paper? Your concerns, your history with mental health, that sort of stuff. I did this after going through several doctors and getting sick of telling the same story, as well as several frustrating attempts to open up to them but being unable to express verbally major problems due to paranoia.
I generally express myself better in writing. Some of the things I *can't* talk about I can put in writing, and others make more sense on paper because I tend to lose track of conversations and get muddled. My written vocabulary is better and concepts are slightly easier to convey and much easier to keep track of.
And there's always the possibility that if you have prepared what you want to say and what you want to ask on paper, the anxiety you have about the appointment might lessen because you'll have a reference so you don't forget to say things due to the anxiety of seeing the doctor. If that make sense.
Good luck with the appointment anyway.
* puts starburst and marshmallows on the table*
I'll just sit quietly over here. Still struggling with lack of motivation and now concentration for this stupid and now overdue assignment.

Kathryn_Anna 24-04-2016 09:18 PM

Drew, writing things down always helps me. I still ramble when I write but not nearly as much. Good luck with the appointment.

I hope motivation and concentration find you Eir! Good luck with the assignment.

I was doing well for a few days. This afternoon though I just seem to be going down hill and I don't know why. I just want to crawl into a hole and hide.

Eir 25-04-2016 05:22 AM

I ended up botching the submission. And it's a long weekend so I can't contact the subject coordinator. Ah well.

Doikers 25-04-2016 10:02 AM


Kathryn_Anna 25-04-2016 12:49 PM

*crawls further into her hole*

Doikers 26-04-2016 09:52 AM

Hey Guys , How are you all today?

Kathryn_Anna 26-04-2016 11:54 AM

My daughter has therapy most of the day so I'm being forced to function. I really don't want to parent today though. I don't want to do much of anything really.

How are you?

Doikers 26-04-2016 02:08 PM

Just got Home :)
*Offers Safe Huggles*

Kathryn_Anna 26-04-2016 03:34 PM

Thanks for the hugs. *offers safe hugs back*

I'm feeling really done for today. :/

Doikers 27-04-2016 11:05 AM

How are we all today? **Leaves a Jar of Hugs*

Kathryn_Anna 27-04-2016 12:49 PM

Struggling. I have a few friends going through rough times and watched a show that was unexpectedly triggering last night. My back is spasming out again. Just not a great start to the day.

How are you Mark?

Doikers 27-04-2016 04:20 PM

I hate being unexpectedly Triggered :(

I honestly don't know how I am . . . .

Kathryn_Anna 27-04-2016 04:49 PM

*offers safe hugs*

I'm done. I give up. No more life, please.

Kathryn_Anna 27-04-2016 08:39 PM

Really struggling right now. Feeling a bit like what's the point in trying any more?

*places some goodies on the table*

*crawls back in to my hole*

Doikers 28-04-2016 11:30 AM

*Climbs into the hole with Kathryn ( Whoa , I had to word that carefully ) and Sits with*

Kathryn_Anna 28-04-2016 11:55 AM

Hey Mark. How are you today?

Doikers 28-04-2016 01:54 PM

Much the same . . . .IDK if that's good or bad or neither. How are you Kathryn?

Kathryn_Anna 28-04-2016 02:03 PM

Well you aren't worse so that's good, right?

I'm feeling a bit antisocial at the moment. And overwhelmed. And just overall struggling. Really don't want to be here right now. Meh.

Kathryn_Anna 28-04-2016 07:56 PM

I feel asleep. Ugh. Now I feel worse than before. Could be I haven't eaten much all day. I ache and can barely function.

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