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PoisonedApple 22-06-2011 07:46 PM

*hugs Mark* I'm ok. How are you?

Doikers 22-06-2011 08:09 PM

Bit crap Crimson , But better for Skyping with Felicia :)

PoisonedApple 22-06-2011 08:13 PM

Hooray for Skyping! :D

Doikers 22-06-2011 10:01 PM

*Nights Time Squishes and Fruit Baskets ( Now Featuring Mango ) For al my Wardies*

frenchhorn 22-06-2011 11:08 PM

*grabs some mango from the fruit basket* thanks Mark

*hugs all*

*spots and waves to angel*

shattered1 22-06-2011 11:58 PM

*waves hi* to everyone
Hopefully everyone is doing okay...my thoughts go out to those that are not...sorry, my head is foggy from prescribed pain meds (just so no confusion) so having trouble focusing on posts...but caught a glimpse of **mangoes** in someones post??? are there any left??? can i please have one? I love mangoes. :)

i doing much better as far as memories brought up from counseling and handling that the idiot soon to be ex-husband called last night. But while I was doing nanny duties today flared up back problems so now not moving good. But hey, I'll live, physical pain so much easier to deal with. I been dealing with that 24/7 for long time now. Sorry I babbling. I'll shut up.

**looks for super glue for her mouth**

Cazki 22-06-2011 11:59 PM

:-( i feel lost and deppressed

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs Megz*

*Hugs Felicia*

*Hugs shattered1*

*Hugs Crimson*

cantchillax 23-06-2011 12:10 AM

*hugs everyone*
*goes to a corner*

Doikers 23-06-2011 09:25 AM

*Hugs Oliver*

*Hugs J.A.R.*

*Hugs Ian*

*Hugs Cantchillax*

Doikers 23-06-2011 11:35 AM

I feel ...... well thats the thing , I DON'T feel ...I brought this up with my P Doc a while ago and he said that that is what my meds are supposed to do. The Mental health team seem to only be able to offer me VERY depressed or Numb , never happy . Felicia makes me Happier but I'm still struggling .sorry , is anyone about? I have to go in an hour or so but could use some contact ......:/

Doikers 23-06-2011 12:30 PM

I have to go for my meeting now ..Back in a couple of hours :)

one_step_closer 23-06-2011 01:31 PM

Sorry I wasn't around, Mark. Hope your meeting goes ok.

Doikers 23-06-2011 02:51 PM

*Hugs Lindsay* That's okay hun , How are you ?

Doikers 23-06-2011 03:05 PM

I'm seriously struggling with the thought of drinking........it's only been 4 days it feels like weeks , Or should I injure? (Retorhical Question) I am becming dependant on Diazepam for sleep which is sod all good , Not taking it today I think ........Sorry .

misskitty112 23-06-2011 05:12 PM

*hugs Mark* I wish I could help.

Doikers 23-06-2011 06:37 PM

You do Felicia , More than anyone <3

PoisonedApple 23-06-2011 06:39 PM

*sneaks in and hugs everyone and leaves care packs*
Wish I could do more/say more this morning but I'm only alone in my office right now since A needed a bathroom break... :(
Hopefully soon I'll get finished with the part I need her help with and can get back to being able to be here more.
*extra hugs*

Doikers 23-06-2011 07:14 PM

*squishes Crimson*

Louise 23-06-2011 07:20 PM

hugs everyone

Doikers 23-06-2011 08:26 PM

*Hugs Louise*

Emo 23-06-2011 09:24 PM

hi * waves* hows everyone ?

Doikers 23-06-2011 09:53 PM

Yo angel !

aloneintheworld 24-06-2011 01:09 AM

What up everyone :) Feeling much more positive today than I have done over the last few weeks. How's everyone?

PoisonedApple 24-06-2011 01:12 AM

*sits and cries* we had good arguments. we organized our thoughts. we showed how much we wanted it by working very hard. what did we get? a NO. we got told to **** right off. it's not fair. i sent the info off to my union steward and hopefully she can help... i don't know if I can take the bullshit anymore but i know in this economy getting a new job will be difficult or impossible and my family relies on me.
i am not feeling safe right now.
can i has hugs?

Cazki 24-06-2011 01:18 AM

I'm feeling fed up :( my rant thread explains it, if you want to read it. Not that you would.

*Hugs Mark*

*Hugs Louise*

*Waves to angel*

*Hugs Crimson* I'm sorry your not feeling safe. *Sits with crimson*

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Felicia*

misskitty112 24-06-2011 01:23 AM

*hugs Crimson* I'm sorry everything's so horrible right now.
*Hugs Ian* I'm gonna go read your rant thread. I'm sorry you're fed up.

I'm... going to a friend's house tonight. and this will be a good thing. Surely, my mind won't go off on one when I'm with someone. Surely...

SoMuchMore 24-06-2011 04:26 AM

*hugs ian* I read your r/v thread. I'm sorry you are feeling so fed up with things. But you are a caring, amazing, strong person.

*hugs felicia* I hope your visit with your friend is okay and your mind stays still.

*hugs crimson* I hope you are feeling as okay as you can be. Im sorry things are so stressful right now.

*hugs everyone else* Sorry I didn't do a bunch of individuals. my head hasn't been in a fantastic place and for whatever reason I am having trouble concentrating.

*places treats out*

Doikers 24-06-2011 09:40 AM

*HUGS Crimson*

*Waves to girlofthepuits* Hi , I am Mark :)

*Hugs Ian*

*Hugs Felicia* <3

*Hugs Laura*

one_step_closer 24-06-2011 12:38 PM

*hugs everyone* I'm going hunting for things to make my house more homely, with my brother who thinks he is an interior designer!

Doikers 24-06-2011 01:39 PM

Cool Lindsay *Hugs*

one_step_closer 24-06-2011 05:53 PM

How has everyone's day been so far?

Doikers 24-06-2011 06:29 PM

On and Off Lindsay , How's your day going? *Hugs*

one_step_closer 24-06-2011 07:52 PM

It's been ok but i'm now feeling quite low and suicidal. I'm thinking of saving up my medication to OD.

Louise 24-06-2011 07:59 PM

hugs lindsay - i am so sorry that you feel like you want to od - what has changed do you why you were feeling ok, now not.

Doikers 24-06-2011 09:23 PM

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Louise*

taz35 24-06-2011 09:26 PM

*hugs everyone*

I've discovered that if I want to have any hope of doing individuals, I need to check back more than once a week ><

I'm just getting ready and heading off to work, but if anybody responds while I'm away, I'll check back in later tonight.

I hope everyone is staying safe and relatively sane.

*glomps Mark* because I see you! How's your day?

Doikers 24-06-2011 09:40 PM

*Squishes Taz* I've missed you :)

Doikers 24-06-2011 10:03 PM

*Night time Hugs all my Wardies*

frenchhorn 24-06-2011 11:10 PM

*hugs all*

sorry i cant do individuals I'm in a really bad place right now.
I took me over an hour to walk home (usually takes 15-20 mins) cos I kept turning round and walking to the supermarkt to buy pills, then I kept going down really dark, quiet roads cos I like the risk and also I have this weird thing where i go risky places cos I want someone to kill me so I dont have to hurt other people by killing myself, is that really weird of me?

now just sat at home shaking.

*hides in a corner* I may be in here the whole night if thats ok.

Emo 24-06-2011 11:18 PM

Oliver am sorry that you are feeling so bad at the moment , just want you to know that am listening and i care

I think i got my husbands cold feeling not so well at the moment .
hopefully it isn't the full blown thing .

Cazki 24-06-2011 11:22 PM

*Hugs Oliver* I'm so sorry that your in such a bad place :( *Sits with Oliver*

*Waves to angel*

*Hugs Laura*

*Hugs Louise*

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Taz*

frenchhorn 24-06-2011 11:39 PM

thanks Ian and Angel

taz35 25-06-2011 03:53 AM

*tackles Mark* I've missed you too :) Sleep well! <3

*hugs Oliver* Not at all. I've though the same thing many times... my friends always thought it was weird how I'd walk on the sides of the road instead of the sidewalk. Accidents leave people feeling less guilty, including yourself. I'm sorry you're feeling so low. Was there anything in particular that triggered you?

*hugs Angel* Oh that really sucks :( I hate colds! Just make sure you're washing your hands and drinking lots of water! :) Here's hoping you feel better soon!

*hugs Ian* I haven't talked to you in forever. How are you doing today?

Just finished work, which was pretty good. Was working with some of the better people, which made the shift much more fun and bearable. I'm just waiting for my girlfriend to get back so that we can Skype and then I'll be off to bed - waking up early tomorrow because Old Navy has their tank tops on for 2$ each :D

YodaBearInterrupted 25-06-2011 08:24 AM

*hugs all in here and leaves some cookies on the table*

I don't know anymore

Doikers 25-06-2011 09:52 AM

*Super Squishes Oliver*

*Waves to Angel*

*Hugs Ian*

*Hugs Taz* Yey for cheap tank tops!

*Hugs Matthew*

one_step_closer 25-06-2011 10:37 AM

*hugs everyone*

frenchhorn 25-06-2011 11:25 AM

*hugs Mark, Taz, Matthew, Lindsay*
How is everyone today?

I've got bad hayfever, so cant breathe, smell or hear and feel like crap :(

Doikers 25-06-2011 12:56 PM

*Hugs Lindsay*

*Hugs Oliver*

one_step_closer 25-06-2011 01:02 PM

My hayfever is quite bad today too, Oliver.

Doikers 25-06-2011 03:06 PM

I maybe having a bit of Hayfever or fighting off a cold , I can't tell...
I'm feeling anxious and do not like myself today :(

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